Publications[1] L. L. Kovács, A. Zelei, L. Bencsik, J. Turi, G. Stépán: Motion Control of an Under-Actuated Service Robot Using Natural Coordinates. In proc. ROMANSY 18 – Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, (RoManSy 2010, July 5, 2010 — July 8, 2010, Udine, Italy) pp. 331–338. [2] A. Zelei, L. L. Kovács, L. Bencsik, G. Stépán: Computed Torque Control of Under-actuated Dynamical Systems Modeled by Natural Coordinates. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering. Gépészet 2010, 25-26.May 2010, Budapest, Hungary. [3] László L. Kovács, Ambrus Zelei, László Bencsik and Gábor Stépán: Conceptual Design and Dynamics Modeling Aspects of ACROBOTER. In proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics Modeling and Interaction Control in Virtual and Real Environments, 7-11 June, 2010, Budapest, Hungary, (IUTAM Book Series by Springer, in press) [4] Ambrus Zelei, László L. Kovacs, László Bencsik, Gábor Stépán: Impedance Control of a Ceiling Based Service Robot - Simulation and Experiment. 27th Danubia-Adria, Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, September 22-25, 2010, Wroclaw, Poland (Extended abstract) [5] László Bencsik, László L. Kovacs: Alulaktuált robotok kiszámított nyomaték szabályozása szervo kényszerek alkalmazásával. XI. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia, August 29-31, 2011, Miskolc, Hungary, (ISBN 978-963-661-975-6). [6] Máté Móra, László Bencsik, Gábor Stépán, Ambrus Zelei: Ventilátorral szabályozott, alulaktuált inga kísérleti analízise. XI. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia, August 29-31, 2011, Miskolc, Hungary (Extended abstract). [7] László L. Kovács, József Kövecses, Ambrus Zelei, László Bencsik and Gábor Stépán: SERVO-CONSTRAINT BASED COMPUTED TORQUE CONTROL OF UNDERACTUATED MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 8th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, August 28-August 31, 2011, Washington, USA, [8] Ambrus Zelei, László Bencsik, Gábor Stépán: An Underactuated Modular Robot for Testing Control Algorithms. 56th IWK International Scientific Colloquium, 12-16 September, 2011, Ilmenau, Germany. [9] László Bencsik, László Kovács: Stability Case Study of an Underactuated Service Robot. DSTA-2011, 5-8 December, 2011, Lodz, Poland. ARTICLE |