
Year Degree School/University
2003 PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Summa cum laude (1226-PhD)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Supervisor: Dr. Gábor Stépán
Professor of Mechanics, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1998 MSc in Physics
with honour, (PT B 0000174, 241/98),
Secondary school teaching qualification
Janus Pannonius University (University of Pécs),
Faculty of Sciences,
Pécs, Hungary
1998 BSc in Mathematics
excellent, (PT A 012456, 242/98)
Janus Pannonius University (University of Pécs),
Faculty of Sciences,
Pécs, Hungary
1992 Graduation certificate
Vajda János High School,
Keszthely, Hungary

Positions and Places of Work

Year Position Institution
2022- senior research fellow ELKH-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines
2009- associate professor Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Applied Mechanics
2007-2022 senior research fellow, vice-head in 2021-2022 MTA-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles
2004-2007 research fellow MTA-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles
2001-2004 assistant research fellow MTA-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles
1998-2001 PhD student Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Department of Applied Mechanics

Memberships in Committees and Societies

Year Society/Committee
2023- János Bolyai Mathematical Society, Hungary
2021- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA
2020- Scientific Committee, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2020- Committee of Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2011-2014 and 2021-2024 Scientific Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2017- Board of trustees of the Foundation for Mechanical Engineering Education
2003- Member of the public body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Division: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
2000-2003 International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration

Awards and Scholarships

Year Award
2024 Muttnyanszky Award
2018 Dean's Award
2016 Rector's Award
2012 Dean's Award based on education quality survey
2011 Dean's Award
2008-2011 János Bolyai Research Scholarship
2007- Young Researcher's Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2004-2007 János Bolyai Research Scholarship
2000 and 2001 Gruber-Fűzy Scholarship for PhD studies
1998 Winner of the "Lecture Performance Competition" at Janus Pannonius University
1998 1st place, Students' Scientific Conference, Physics session, Janus Pannonius University
1995 and 1997 Distinguished Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic

Scientific Conference Organization Activities

Year Activity
2021 Minisymposium organizer at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS21) 23-27 May, 2021
2017 Secretary of LOC, 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC2017), 25-30 June, 2017. (Approx. 500 participants)
2013 Executive chairman of LOC, Finno-Ugric International Conference of Mechanics with Special Symposia, 11-15 August, 2013.
2009 Secretary of LOC, Finno-Ugric International Conference of Mechanics (FUDOM09), 23-29 August, 2009.
2005 Secretary of LOC, Finno-Ugric International Conference of Mechanics with ESI Group Symposium, 29 May-4 June, 2005.

Professional Visits Abroad

Date Venue Project/Activity
2022 University of Oxford, UK External examiner, PhD viva of Luca Marino
2014, one week Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Cooperation between the Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2009, one week Boston and Tucson, USA EU-US Atlantis Project, representative of BME at the Annual Project Directors Conference, negotiations about an University of Arizona - BME double degree program
2008 Brussels, Belgium EU-US Atlantis Project, representative of BME at the Annual Project Directors Conference
2002, one month University of Potsdam and MaxPlanck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems (Dresden), Germany COST action and title: P4, Nonlinear Dynamics in Mechanical Processing
1999, three months Michigan State University, USA Visiting scholar, Modeling of Large Amplitude Motion of Vessels, Host: Prof. Steven W. Shaw
1998, one week Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece Greek-Hungarian Joint Fund for Technology, Nonlinear Dynamics of Wheel Suspension Systems

BSc Courses

Statics/Mechanics I

  • 2002-2010: Lecturer in Hungarian (outsourced mechanical engineering training in Zalaegerszeg)
  • 2006: Lecturer, in English
  • 2021: Lecturer, in Hungarian
  • 2024: Statics textbook, published by Akadémiai Kiadó.
    Contents of the book (pdf)

Dynamics/Mechanics III

Space Dynamics: Multibody Dynamics and Nonlinear Dynamics

  • 2022-: Lecturer in Hungarian (Course offered to Space Engineering students)


  • 2022-: Lecturer, in Hungarian

Dynamics of Machines

  • 2009-2019: Lecturer in English

Advanced Applied Mechanics

  • 2002: Lecturer in English

Frictional systems

  • Asymmetric and chaotic solutions of frictional oscillators
  • Phase-space analysis of static and dynamic models
  • Digital control of frictional systems

Digital control of mechanical systems

  • Effects of sampling, delay and quantization
  • Micro-chaos: small-scale chaotic vibrations
  • Phase-space analysis

Evaluation of mechanical contact

  • Measurement of contact resistance
  • Contact pattern and force distribution estimation using neural network
  • This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 862308). My role: work package leader.

Evaluation of modal damping in assembled structures

  • Goal: quantification of the influence of contact on modal damping, based on FEM
  • This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 862308). My role: work package leader.

Experimental detection of shock waves by exploiting an electromechanical effect

  • Interplay of mechanical, thermal, electric and magnetic effects
  • Solid state physical modeling
  • My role: work package leader.

Development and application of Cell Mapping methods

  • Clustered Simple Cell Mapping: adaptive extension of the examined phase-space region in any dimension
  • Tracking basin boundaries of chaotic systems
  • Code and documentation:
  • This research was supported by the Hungarian National Science Foundation under Grant No. NKFI-128422.

Identification of mechanical systems

  • Gaussian Processes and Latent Force Models
  • Stochastic Differential Equations

Spatial kinematics and dynamics of rolling

  • Generalization of the concept of pole changing velocity to spatial motions
  • This research was supported by the Hungarian National Science Foundation under Grant No. NKFI-128422.

Intellectual Property

Wohlfart, R., Magyar, B., Stepan, G., Csernák, G., Tóth, A., Jurák, M., Hénap, G.: Mérési elrendezés egymással érintkező és egymásra erőt kifejtő, elektromosan vezető szilárd testek kontaktállapotának jellemzésére (in Hungarian, Measurement set-up for the contact state characterization of contacting, electrically conducting solid bodies that apply force on each other), Utility model application submitted to the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, No. U1900027 (2019)

Reviewer of the Following Journals:

  • Nonlinear Dynamics (Top reviewer in 2020)
  • Mechanism and Machine Theory
  • Physica D
  • Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
  • International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
  • Journal of Sound and Vibration
  • Journal of Vibration and Control
  • ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
  • Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
  • Control Engineering Practice
  • Periodica Polytechnica
  • Precision Engineering
  • Meccanica
  • Mathematics
  • Entropy
  • Applied Sciences
  • Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications
  • Acta Astronautica
  • The Journal of Engineering Research

Principal investigator

Duration Title Grant Funding
2018-2023 Dynamical modelling and stabilization of single track vehicles Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office, grant No. NKFI K 128422 44 949 kHUF
2011-2016 Piecewise smooth mathematical models in mechanical engineering practice Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, grant No. OTKA K 83890 8 175 kHUF
2005-2008 Examination of transient chaotic motions with applications in mechanical engineering Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, grant No. OTKA F 49242 3 021 kHUF


Duration Title Grant Role
2020-2025 Simulation and Emulation Framework for Vibration Attenuation of Milling Machines Based on Optimized Edge Geometry and Mechanical Contacts
Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office, grant No. NKFI KKP 133846
PI: Dr. Gábor Stépán
Work package leader
2020-2021 ProExcer: Projectile exciter for noiseless environment
European Research Council (ERC)
Proof of Concept Grant
PI: Dr. Gábor Stépán
2014-2019 Stability Islands: Performance Revolution in Machining
European Research Council (ERC)
Advanced Grant
PI: Dr. Gábor Stépán
Work package leader
2011-2015 Modelling and dynamical investigation of high precision cutting of hard surfaces Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, grant No. OTKA K 84177
PI: Dr. Márton Takács
2003-2007 Stability and nonlinear vibrations of coupled discrete and continuous dynamical systems
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, grant No. OTKA K 43368
PI: Dr. Gábor Stépán

Proposal Writing

Year Activity
2021 Proposal writing, ELKH-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines. Funded: 2022-2027
2016 Proposal writing, MTA-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles. Funded: 2017-2022
2011 Proposal writing, MTA-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles. Funded: 2012-2017
2008 Participation in proposal writing and project management, EU/US ATLANTIS Programme, Advanced International Studies in Mechanics of Micro- & Nanosystems (2008/1767). Funded: 2008-2012.
2006 Proposal writing, MTA-BME Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles. Funded: 2007-2012

  • Woodworking
  • Sailboat maintenance, epoxyworks, canvas repairs, sewing
  • Certificate for Yachtmasters of Pleasure Craft on Sea - Yachtmaster Coastal (12 nm)
  • GMDSS operator - Long Range Certificate