
Basic information

Data sheet


Important dates (Semester 2023/24/2)

Homework assignements

Homework assignements can be downloaded at this link: https://www.mm.bme.hu/hfgen/en .
You can check your results at the link: https://www.mm.bme.hu/hwchk/en.
Homework must be submitted through the Moodle system.
Homework assignments will receive a pass/fail mark. Difficult to read homeworks, unclear homeworks, or homeworks not presenting results in the assignment page will be automatically considered as failed.

Semester conditions

Conditions for obtaining the signature (required to be allowed to the exam):

Makeup opportunities:

Exam and final mark:


To pass the exam, your lecture notes are probably the best source for studying. No additional material is required. However, for those interested in looking at the subject from a different perspective, we suggest a list of textbooks. Please notice that each book might use a different nomenclature.

(updated on 13 Sept. 2022)