LAB 5: Fluid-structure interaction

! by AM, 2018.04.18.
! Defining the parameters
! inner radius of the fluid region

Creating the model

/PREP7/PREP7 Enters the model creation preprocessor.

! Element type and material
ETET, ITYPE, Ename, KOP1, KOP2, KOP3, KOP4, KOP5, KOP6, INOPR Defines a local element type from the element library.,1,PLANE182! solid plane element for the ring
ETET, ITYPE, Ename, KOP1, KOP2, KOP3, KOP4, KOP5, KOP6, INOPR Defines a local element type from the element library.,2,FLUID29! plane element for the fluid
ETET, ITYPE, Ename, KOP1, KOP2, KOP3, KOP4, KOP5, KOP6, INOPR Defines a local element type from the element library.,3,FLUID129! 1D element for the external boundary of the fluid
RR, NSET, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 Defines the element real constants.,3,r3r3 = 0.5209 ! outer radius of the fluid region,0,0! radius of curvature of the boundary element
MP,EX,1,EE = 206.8e9 ! elastic modulus of the ring (steel)! material properties of the ring (model 1)
MP,PRXY,1,nunu = 0.3 ! Poisson ration of the ring
MP,DENS,1,rhorho = 7929 ! density of the ring
MP,DENS,2,rhowrhow = 1030 ! density of the water! material properties of the water (model 2)
MP,SONC,2,cc = 1460 ! sonic velocity in the water
! Geometry
CYL4CYL4, XCENTER, YCENTER, RAD1, THETA1, RAD2, THETA2, DEPTH Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume anywhere on the working plane.,0,0,r1r1 = 0.254 ! inner radius of the ring,0,r2r2 = 0.26035 ! outer radius of the ring,90! ring (quarter)
CYL4CYL4, XCENTER, YCENTER, RAD1, THETA1, RAD2, THETA2, DEPTH Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume anywhere on the working plane.,0,0,r2r2 = 0.26035 ! outer radius of the ring,0,r3r3 = 0.5209 ! outer radius of the fluid region,90! water (quarter)
ARSYMARSYM, Ncomp, NA1, NA2, NINC, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE Generates areas from an area pattern by symmetry reflection.,X,ALL! reflection for the full model
ARSYMARSYM, Ncomp, NA1, NA2, NINC, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE Generates areas from an area pattern by symmetry reflection.,Y,ALL
AGLUEAGLUE, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NA7, NA8, NA9 Generates new areas by "gluing" areas.,ALL! glueing all areas (merging lines)
! Meshing
LSELLSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP Selects a subset of lines.,S,radius,,r1r1 = 0.254 ! inner radius of the ring! selecting the inner arcs
ASLL! selecting the areas of the ring
AATT,1,,1! settin the material model and the element type
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.
LSELLSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP Selects a subset of lines.,S,radius,,r3r3 = 0.5209 ! outer radius of the fluid region! selecting the outer arcs
ASLL! selecting the areas of the water
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.
LSELLSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP Selects a subset of lines.,S,radius,,r1r1 = 0.254 ! inner radius of the ring,r3r3 = 0.5209 ! outer radius of the fluid region! selectin all arcs
LESIZELESIZE, NL1, SIZE, ANGSIZ, NDIV, SPACE, KFORC, LAYER1, LAYER2, KYNDIV Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines.,ALL,,,16! element number (16 per line)
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.
LSELLSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP Selects a subset of lines.,S,length,,r3r3 = 0.5209 ! outer radius of the fluid region-r2! selecting the axial lines of the water
LESIZELESIZE, NL1, SIZE, ANGSIZ, NDIV, SPACE, KFORC, LAYER1, LAYER2, KYNDIV Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines.,ALL,,,5! element number (5 per line)
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.
LSELLSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP Selects a subset of lines.,S,lenght,,r2r2 = 0.26035 ! outer radius of the ring-r1! selecting the axial lines of the ring
LESIZELESIZE, NL1, SIZE, ANGSIZ, NDIV, SPACE, KFORC, LAYER1, LAYER2, KYNDIV Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines.,ALL,,,1! element number (1 per line)
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.
AMESHAMESH, NA1, NA2, NINC Generates nodes and area elements within areas.,ALL! meshing the areas
LSELLSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP Selects a subset of lines.,S,radius,,r3r3 = 0.5209 ! outer radius of the fluid region! selecting the outer arcs
NSLLNSLL, Type, NKEY Selects those nodes associated with the selected lines.,S,1! selecting nodes at the outer interface
TYPETYPE, ITYPE Sets the element type attribute pointer.,3! picking element type 3 (fluid boundary)
MATMAT, MAT Sets the element material attribute pointer.,2! picking material model 2 (water)
REALREAL, NSET Sets the element real constant set attribute pointer.,3! picking real constant set 3 (fluid boundary)
ESURFESURF, XNODE, Tlab, Shape Generates elements overlaid on the free faces of selected nodes.! generating the boundary elements between selected nodes
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.
! The mesh at this point:

FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.

Loads and solution

/SOLU/SOLU Enters the solution processor.
ANTYPEANTYPE, Antype, Status, LDSTEP, SUBSTEP, Action Specifies the analysis type and restart status.,HARMIC! analysis type: harmonic analysis
HROPTHROPT, Method, MAXMODE, MINMODE, MCout, Damp Specifies harmonic analysis options.,FULL! full solver for unsymmetric matrices
EQSLVEQSLV, Lab, TOLER, MULT, --, KeepFile Specifies the type of equation solver.,SPARSE! sparse matrix solver
LSELLSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP Selects a subset of lines.,S,radius,,r2r2 = 0.26035 ! outer radius of the ring! selecting the interface lines
NSLLNSLL, Type, NKEY Selects those nodes associated with the selected lines.,S,1! selecting the attached nodes
ESLN,S! selecting the attached elements
ESELESEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KABS Selects a subset of elements.,R,type,,2! selecting the fluid elements only
SFSF, Nlist, Lab, VALUE, VALUE2 Specifies surface loads on nodes.,ALL,FSI,1! setting fluid-solid interaction
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.
KSELKSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KABS Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points.,S,loc,x,r1r1 = 0.254 ! inner radius of the ring! selecting the keypoint on the inner radius,

! right side
NSLKNSLK, Type Selects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints.,S! selecting the attached node
FF, NODE, Lab, VALUE, VALUE2, NEND, NINC Specifies force loads at nodes.,ALL,FX,1000! force constraint on the node
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.
KSELKSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KABS Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points.,S,loc,x,-r1r1 = 0.254 ! inner radius of the ring! selecting the kexpoint on the inner radius,
! left side
NSLKNSLK, Type Selects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints.,S
FF, NODE, Lab, VALUE, VALUE2, NEND, NINC Specifies force loads at nodes.,ALL,FX,-1000
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.
HARFRQHARFRQ, FREQB, FREQE, --, LogOpt, FREQARR, Toler Defines the frequency range in a harmonic analysis.,10,120! freqency range: 10 to 120 Hz
NSUBSTNSUBST, NSBSTP, NSBMX, NSBMN, Carry Specifies the number of substeps to be taken this load step.,100! number of substeps: 100
KBCKBC, KEY Specifies ramped or stepped loading within a load step.,1! load stepping: stepped (in increments)
SOLVESOLVE, Action Starts a solution.! solution
FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.

Visualising the results

/POST26/POST26 Enters the time-history results postprocessor.! entering the time-history postprocessing module
FILE,,'rst'! loading the result file
KSELKSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KABS Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points.,S,loc,x,r1r1 = 0.254 ! inner radius of the ring! selecting the right inner node at the X axis
NSLKNSLK, Type Selects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints.,S
*GET*GET, Par, Entity, ENTNUM, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an array parameter.,numm,NODE,,NUM,MAX! saving the node number in the variable "numm"
NSOLNSOL, NVAR, NODE, Item, Comp, Name, SECTOR Specifies nodal data to be stored from the results file.,2,numm,U,X! displacement in the different frequiencies (variable 2)
XVARXVAR, N Specifies the X variable to be displayed.,1! set x coordinate of the graph (frequency)
PLVARPLVAR, NVAR1, NVAR2, NVAR3, NVAR4, NVAR5, NVAR6, NVAR7, NVAR8, NVAR9, NVAR10 Displays up to ten variables in the form of a graph.,2! draw the resonance curve on graph

! Resonance curve:

/POST1/POST1 Enters the database results postprocessor.! entering the general postprocessing module
SETSET, Lstep, Sbstep, Fact, KIMG, TIME, ANGLE, NSET, ORDER Defines the data set to be read from the results file.,,,,,90! loading the load step of 90 Hz
PLDISPPLDISP, KUND Displays the displaced structure.,2! drawing the deformed shape
! Deformed shape:

PLNSOLPLNSOL, Item, Comp, KUND, Fact, FileID Displays results as continuous contours.,U,SUM! plotting displacement sum
! Contour plot:

!ANCNTR,10,0.1 ! animating the vibration
! Animation: