Kezdeti beállítások

! Fehér háttér
/RGB/RGB, Kywrd, PRED, PGRN, PBLU, N1, N2, NINC, NCNTR Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours.,INDEX,100,100,100,0
/RGB/RGB, Kywrd, PRED, PGRN, PBLU, N1, N2, NINC, NCNTR Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours.,INDEX,0,0,0,15
! Izometrikus nézet
/VIEW/VIEW, WN, XV, YV, ZV Defines the viewing direction for the display.,1,1,1,1
/ANG/ANGLE, WN, THETA, Axis, KINCR Rotates the display about an axis.,1
/ESHAPE/ESHAPE, SCALE, KEY Displays elements with shapes determined from the real constants or section definition.,1.0
! Dimenziók: [N],[Nmm],[N/mm^2=MPa],[N/mm]
/PREP7/PREP7 Enters the model creation preprocessor.


! Kulcspontok létrehozása
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,1,-65,0,0
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,2,65,0,0
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,3,0,7,0
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,4,0,7,250
/PNUM/PNUM, Label, KEY Controls entity numbering/coloring on plots.,KP,1
LARCLARC, P1, P2, PC, RAD Defines a circular arc.,1,2,3
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,3,4
! Felület kihúzása
ADRAGADRAG, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NLP1, NLP2, NLP3, NLP4, NLP5, NLP6 Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path.,1,,,,,,2
! Levágáshoz tartozó kulcspontok létrehozása
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,7,30,0,0
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,8,65,0,30
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,9,-30,0,0
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,10,-65,0,30
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,11,0,20,0
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,7,8
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,9,10
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,3,11
! Vonal számozás bekapcsolása
/PNUM/PNUM, Label, KEY Controls entity numbering/coloring on plots.,LINE,1
GPLOTGPLOT Controls general plotting.
! Metsző feluletek létrehozása
ADRAGADRAG, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NLP1, NLP2, NLP3, NLP4, NLP5, NLP6 Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path.,6,,,,,,8
ADRAGADRAG, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NLP1, NLP2, NLP3, NLP4, NLP5, NLP6 Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path.,7,,,,,,8
! Metszés
/PNUM/PNUM, Label, KEY Controls entity numbering/coloring on plots.,KP,0
/PNUM/PNUM, Label, KEY Controls entity numbering/coloring on plots.,AREA,1
ASBAASBA, NA1, NA2, SEPO, KEEP1, KEEP2 Subtracts areas from areas.,1,2
ASBAASBA, NA1, NA2, SEPO, KEEP1, KEEP2 Subtracts areas from areas.,5,3
! Felesleges felületek törlése
ADELEADELE, NA1, NA2, NINC, KSWP Deletes unmeshed areas.,1,4,3
GPLOTGPLOT Controls general plotting.! Aktuális képernyőkép
! Mechanikai tulajdonságok megadása
! Rugalmassagi modulus, Poisson tényező, sűrűség, vastagság
MPTEMPMPTEMP, SLOC, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 Defines a temperature table for material properties.,1,0
MPDATAMPDATA, Lab, MAT, SLOC, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.,EX,1,,69E3
MPDATAMPDATA, Lab, MAT, SLOC, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.,PRXY,1,,0.33
MPTEMPMPTEMP, SLOC, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 Defines a temperature table for material properties.,1,0
MPDATAMPDATA, Lab, MAT, SLOC, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.,DENS,1,,2700E-12
! Elemtípus definiálása
ETET, ITYPE, Ename, KOP1, KOP2, KOP3, KOP4, KOP5, KOP6, INOPR Defines a local element type from the element library.,1,SHELL181
!* Rétegfelépítés definiálása
SECTSECTYPE, SECID, Type, Subtype, Name, REFINEKEY Associates section type information with a section ID number.,1,SHELL,,
SECDATASECDATA, VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4, VAL5, VAL6, VAL7, VAL8, VAL9, VAL10, VAL11, VAL12 Describes the geometry of a section.,1.4,1,0.0,3
SECOFFSETSECOFFSET, Location, OFFSET1, OFFSET2, CG-Y, CG-Z, SH-Y, SH-Z Defines the section offset for cross sections.,MID


! Végeselemes háló átlagos mérete
AESIZEAESIZE, ANUM, SIZE, Specifies the element size to be meshed onto areas.,ALL,10
AMESHAMESH, NA1, NA2, NINC Generates nodes and area elements within areas.,ALL

Peremfeltételek megadása

! Geometriai kényszer megadása
DLDL, LINE, AREA, Lab, Value1, Value2 Defines DOF constraints on lines.,10,,ALL,0
FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.

Modális analízis elvégzése

/SOL/SOLU Enters the solution processor.
ANTYPEANTYPE, Antype, Status, LDSTEP, SUBSTEP, Action Specifies the analysis type and restart status.,2

! Első 15 sajátfrekvencia meghatározása
MODOPTMODOPT, Method, NMODE, FREQB, FREQE, Cpxmod, Nrmkey, ModType, BlockSize, --, --, Scalekey Specifies modal analysis options.,LANB,15
EQSLVEQSLV, Lab, TOLER, MULT, --, KeepFile Specifies the type of equation solver.,SPAR
! Sajátérték sajátvektor probléma megoldása
SOLVESOLVE, Action Starts a solution.
FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.


/POST1/POST1 Enters the database results postprocessor.
SETSET, Lstep, Sbstep, Fact, KIMG, TIME, ANGLE, NSET, ORDER Defines the data set to be read from the results file.,FIRST
PLNSOLPLNSOL, Item, Comp, KUND, Fact, FileID Displays results as continuous contours.,U,SUM,2,1.0! Kattints ide a lengésképek megtekintéséhez