VEMA 12. HÉT: Szakító próbatest vizsgálata

Kezdeti beállítások

/RGB/RGB, Kywrd, PRED, PGRN, PBLU, N1, N2, NINC, NCNTR Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours.,INDEX,100,100,100,0
/RGB/RGB, Kywrd, PRED, PGRN, PBLU, N1, N2, NINC, NCNTR Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours.,INDEX,0,0,0,15

! Dimenziók: [N],[Nmm],[N/mm^2=MPa],[N/mm]
/PREP7/PREP7 Enters the model creation preprocessor.
! Elemtípus kiválasztása
ETET, ITYPE, Ename, KOP1, KOP2, KOP3, KOP4, KOP5, KOP6, INOPR Defines a local element type from the element library.,1,PLANE182
KEYOPTKEYOPT, ITYPE, KNUM, VALUE Sets element key options.,1,3,3
! Elem vastagsága
RR, NSET, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 Defines the element real constants.,1,TT = 5
! Anyagi viselkedés
! Linearáisan rugalmas szakasz
MPTEMPMPTEMP, SLOC, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 Defines a temperature table for material properties.,1,0
MPDATAMPDATA, Lab, MAT, SLOC, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.,EX,1,,EYEY = 210e3
MPDATAMPDATA, Lab, MAT, SLOC, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.,PRXY,1,,NUNU = 0.33
! Izotrop keményedő szakasz
TBTB, Lab, MAT, NTEMP, NPTS, TBOPT, EOSOPT, FuncName Activates a data table for material properties or special element input.,BISO,1,1,2
! Kinematikailag keményedő szakasz
! TB, BKIN,1,,1
TBTEMPTBTEMP, TEMP, KMOD Defines a temperature for a material data table.,0
TBDATATBDATA, STLOC, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 Defines data for the material data table.,,SIGYSIGY = 250,ETET = 10e3


! Kulcspontok felvétele
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,1,0,0
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,2,B0B0 = 5/2,0
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,3,0,L0L0 = 25/2
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,4,B0B0 = 5/2,L0L0 = 25/2
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,5,0,L0L0 = 25/2 + R*SIN(PHI)
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,6,B1B1 = 10/2,L0L0 = 25/2 + R*SIN(PHI)
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,7,0,L1L1 = 75/2
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,8,B1B1 = 10/2,L1L1 = 75/2
KK, NPT, X, Y, Z Defines a keypoint.,9,B1B1 = 10/2,L0L0 = 25/2
! Vonalak definiálása
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,1,2
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,1,3
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,2,4
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,3,4
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,3,5
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,5,6
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,5,7
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,6,8
LL, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2 Defines a line between two keypoints.,7,8
LARCLARC, P1, P2, PC, RAD Defines a circular arc.,4,6,9,RR = 30
! Felületek létrehzoása
ALAL, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10 Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines.,1,2,3,4
ALAL, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10 Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines.,4,5,6,10
ALAL, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10 Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines.,6,7,8,9


AESIZEAESIZE, ANUM, SIZE, Specifies the element size to be meshed onto areas.,ALL,B0B0 = 5/2/5
AMESHAMESH, NA1, NA2, NINC Generates nodes and area elements within areas.,ALL

Kinematikai kényszerek definiálása

DLDL, LINE, AREA, Lab, Value1, Value2 Defines DOF constraints on lines.,1,,UY,0
DLDL, LINE, AREA, Lab, Value1, Value2 Defines DOF constraints on lines.,2,,UX,0
DLDL, LINE, AREA, Lab, Value1, Value2 Defines DOF constraints on lines.,5,,UX,0
DLDL, LINE, AREA, Lab, Value1, Value2 Defines DOF constraints on lines.,7,,UX,0

! Merev megfogás modellezése
DLDL, LINE, AREA, Lab, Value1, Value2 Defines DOF constraints on lines.,9,,UX,0
LSELLSEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KSWP Selects a subset of lines.,S,LINE,,9
NSLLNSLL, Type, NKEY Selects those nodes associated with the selected lines.,S,1
CPCP, NSET, Lab, NODE1, NODE2, NODE3, NODE4, NODE5, NODE6, NODE7, NODE8, NODE9, NODE10, NODE11, NODE12, NODE13, NODE14, NODE15, NODE16, NODE17 Defines (or modifies) a set of coupled degrees of freedom.,1,UY,ALL
ALLSELALLSEL, LabT, Entity Selects all entities with a single command.,ALL
FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.
/SOL/SOLU Enters the solution processor.

Szimuláció beállításai

ANTYPEANTYPE, Antype, Status, LDSTEP, SUBSTEP, Action Specifies the analysis type and restart status.,0
NLGEOMNLGEOM, Key Includes large-deflection effects in a static or full transient analysis.,1
DELTIMDELTIM, DTIME, DTMIN, DTMAX, Carry Specifies the time step sizes to be used for the current load step.,1e-2,1e-4,2e-2
OUTRESOUTRES, Item, Freq, Cname, -- , NSVAR, DSUBres Controls the solution data written to the database.,ALL,ALL
TIMETIME, TIME Sets the time for a load step.,1
FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.
/PREP7/PREP7 Enters the model creation preprocessor.

! Első terheléshez tartozó dinamikai peremfeltétel megadása
SFLSFL, Line, Lab, VALI, VALJ, VAL2I, VAL2J Specifies surface loads on lines of an area.,9,PRES,-PMAXPMAX = 300*B0/B1
FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.
/SOL/SOLU Enters the solution processor.
! Első terhelés lépcső kiírása
LSWRITELSWRITE, LSNUM Writes load and load step option data to a file.,1
TIMETIME, TIME Sets the time for a load step.,2
FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.
/PREP7/PREP7 Enters the model creation preprocessor.
! Második terhelési lépéshez tartozó peremfeltétel 'megadása'
SFLDELESFLDELE, LINE, Lab Deletes surface loads from lines.,9,PRES
FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.
/SOL/SOLU Enters the solution processor.
! Második terhelés lépcső kiírása
LSWRITELSWRITE, LSNUM Writes load and load step option data to a file.,2
! Esetek egymásutáni megoldása
LSSOLVELSSOLVE, LSMIN, LSMAX, LSINC Reads and solves multiple load steps.,1,2
FINISHFINISH Exits normally from a processor.


/POST1/POST1 Enters the database results postprocessor.

! Utolsó 'időpillanat' kiválasztása
SETSET, Lstep, Sbstep, Fact, KIMG, TIME, ANGLE, NSET, ORDER Defines the data set to be read from the results file.,LAST
! Maradó elmozdulásmező
PLNSOLPLNSOL, Item, Comp, KUND, Fact, FileID Displays results as continuous contours.,U,SUM,2,1.0
! Maradó egyenértékű feszültség eloszlás
PLNSOLPLNSOL, Item, Comp, KUND, Fact, FileID Displays results as continuous contours.,S,INT,2,1.0
/POST26/POST26 Enters the time-history results postprocessor.
! Y irányú normálfeszültség a szimmetria középpontban
ANSOLANSOL, NVAR, NODE, Item, Comp, Name, Mat, Real, Ename Specifies averaged nodal data to be stored from the results file in the solution coordinate system.,2,NODE(0,0,0),S,Y,SY
! Y irányú elmozdulás a szakító pofában
NSOLNSOL, NVAR, NODE, Item, Comp, Name, SECTOR Specifies nodal data to be stored from the results file.,3,NODE(0,L1L1 = 75,0),U,Y,UY
/AXLAB/AXLAB, Axis, Lab Labels the X and Y axes on graph displays.,X,'uY [mm]'
/AXLAB/AXLAB, Axis, Lab Labels the X and Y axes on graph displays.,Y,'sigY [MPa]'
XVARXVAR, N Specifies the X variable to be displayed.,3
PLVARPLVAR, NVAR1, NVAR2, NVAR3, NVAR4, NVAR5, NVAR6, NVAR7, NVAR8, NVAR9, NVAR10 Displays up to ten variables in the form of a graph.,2