CYCFILES, FnameRst, ExtRst, FnameRfrq, ExtRfrq
Specifies the data files where results are to be found for a cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis.

Compatible Products: – | – | Premium | Enterprise | Ent PP | Ent Solver | –


The file name and directory path of the results file from the cyclic modal solution. Defaults to Jobname.


File name extension for FnameRst. Defaults to rst.


The file name and directory path of the results file from the cyclic mode-superposition harmonic solution. Defaults to the value of the FnameRst argument.


File name extension for FnameRfrq. Defaults to rfrq.

Command Default

No defaults are available for the CYCFILES command. You must issue this command to properly postprocess the results of a cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis. If issued with no arguments, the postprocessing will be done using Jobname.rst and Jobname.rfrq from the current working directory.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.