PATH, NAME, nPts, nSets, nDiv
Defines a path name and establishes parameters for the path.

Compatible Products: – | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | Ent PP | Ent Solver | DYNA


Name for this path (eight characters maximum. If nPts is blank, set the current path to the path with this name. If nPts is greater than zero, create a path of this name. If a path with this name already exists, replace it with a new path. If the NAME value is STATUS, display the status for path settings.


The number of points used to define this path. The minimum number is two, and the maximum is 1000. Default is 2.


The number of sets of data which you can map to this path. You must specify at least four: X, Y, Z, and S. Default is 30.


The number of divisions between adjacent points. Default is 20. There is no maximum number of divisions.


The PATH command is used to define parameters for establishing a path. The path geometry is created by the PPATH command. Multiple paths may be defined and named; however, only one path may be active for data interpolation [PDEF] and data operations [PCALC, etc.]. Path geometry points and data are stored in memory while in POST1. If you leave POST1, the path information is erased. Path geometry and data may be saved in a file by archiving the data using the PASAVE command. Path information may be restored by retrieving the data using the PARESU command.

For overlapping nodes, the lowest numbered node is assigned to the path.

The number of divisions defined using nDiv does NOT affect the number of divisions used by PLSECT and PRSECT.

For information on displaying paths you have defined, see the Basic Analysis Guide.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Path Items
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Retrieve>Path from array
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Retrieve>Paths from file
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>By Location
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>By Nodes
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>Path Status>Defined Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Delete Path>All Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Delete Path>By Name
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Recall Path
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>By Location
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>By Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>Path Status>Defined Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Delete Path>All Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Delete Path>By Name
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Recall Path
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Retrieve>Paths from file
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>Path Operations

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.