SET, Lstep, Sbstep, Fact, KIMG, TIME, ANGLE, NSET, ORDER
Defines the data set to be read from the results file.

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Load step number of the data set to be read (defaults to 1):



Read load step N.



Read the first data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored).



Read the last data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored).



Read the next data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored). If at the last data set, the first data set will be read as the next.



Read the previous data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored). If at the first data set, the last data set will be read as the previous.



Read the data set nearest to TIME (Sbstep is ignored). If TIME is blank, read the first data set.



Scan the results file and list a summary of each load step. (KIMG, TIME, ANGLE, and NSET are ignored.)


Substep number (within Lstep). Defaults to the last substep of the load step (except in a buckling or modal analysis). For a buckling (ANTYPE,BUCKLE) or modal (ANTYPE,MODAL) analysis, Sbstep corresponds to the mode number. Specify Sbstep = LAST to store the last substep for the specified load step (that is, issue a SET,Lstep,LAST command).

If Lstep = LIST, Sbstep = 0 or 1 lists the basic step information. Sbstep = 2 also lists the basic step information, but includes the load step title, and labels imaginary data sets if they exist.


Scale factor applied to data read from the file. If zero (or blank), a value of 1.0 is used. This scale factor is only applied to displacement and stress results. A nonzero factor excludes non-summable items.

Harmonic velocities or accelerations can be calculated from the displacement results from a modal (ANTYPE,MODAL) or harmonic (ANTYPE,HARMIC) analysis. If Fact = VELO, the harmonic velocities (v) are calculated from the displacements (d) at a particular frequency (f) according to the relationship v = 2 πfd. Similarly, if Fact = ACEL, the harmonic accelerations (a) are calculated as a = (2 πf)2d.

If Lstep = LIST in an analysis using rezoning, Fact across all rezoning data sets is listed.


Used only with complex results (harmonic and complex modal analyses).

0 or REAL


Store the real part of complex solution (default).

1, 2 or IMAG


Store the imaginary part of a complex solution.

3 or AMPL


Store the amplitude

4 or PHAS


Store the phase angle. The angle value, expressed in degrees, will be between -180° and +180°.


Time-point identifying the data set to be read. For a harmonic analyses, time corresponds to the frequency.

For a buckling analysis, time corresponds to the load factor.

Used only in the following cases: If Lstep = NEAR, read the data set nearest to TIME. If both Lstep and Sbstep are zero (or blank), read data set at time = TIME.

Do not use TIME to identify the data set to be read if you used the arc-length method (ARCLEN) in your solution.

If TIME is between two solution time points on the results file, a linear interpolation is done between the two data sets (except in rezoning).

Solution items not written to the results file (OUTRES) for either data set will result in a null item after data set interpolation.

If TIME is beyond the last time point on the file, the last time point will be used.

If TIME is between two solution time points and both Lstep and Sbstep are zero (or blank), no interpolation is performed for the PRCINT/PLCINT commands. (That is, for results generated by the CINT command, only the data set associated with the lower of the solution time points is used.)


For harmonic elements (PLANE25, PLANE75, PLANE78, PLANE83, and SHELL61), ANGLE specifies the circumferential location (0.0 to 360°) used when reading from the results file. The harmonic factor (based on the circumferential angle) is applied to the displacements and element results, and to the applied constraints and loads which overwrites any values existing in the database. If ANGLE = NONE, all harmonic factors are set to 1 and postprocessing yields the solution output.

When using ANGLE = NONE with MODE > 0, the combined stresses and strains are not valid.

The default value of ANGLE is 0.0; however if the SET command is not used, the effective default is NONE.

For full harmonic analyses with the amplitude option (KIMG = 3 or AMPL), ANGLE is the prescribed phase angle at which the amplitude is computed.


Data set number of the data set to be read. If a positive value for NSET is entered, Lstep, Sbstep, KIMG, and TIME are ignored. Available set numbers can be determined by SET,LIST.


Key to sort the harmonic index results. This option applies to cyclic symmetry buckling and modal analyses only, and is valid only when Lstep = FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PREVIOUS, NEAR or LIST.



Sort the harmonic index results in ascending order of eigenfrequencies or buckling load multipliers.



No sorting takes place.


Defines the data set to be read from the results file into the database. Various operations may also be performed during the read operation. The database must have the model geometry available (or use the RESUME command before the SET command to restore the geometry from Jobname.DB). Values for applied constraints [D] and loads [F] in the database will be replaced by their corresponding values on the results file, if available. (See the description of the OUTRES command.) In a single load step analysis, these values are usually the same, except for results from harmonic elements. (See the description of the ANGLE value above.)

In an interactive run, the sorted list (ORDER option) is also available for results-set reading via a GUI pick option.

You can postprocess results without issuing a SET command if the solution results were saved to the database file (Jobname.DB). Distributed ANSYS, however, can only postprocess using the results file (for example, Jobname.RST) and cannot use the Jobname.DB file since no solution results are written to the database. Therefore, you must issue a SET command or a RESCOMBINE command before postprocessing in Distributed ANSYS.

When postprocessing amplitudes or phases (KIMG = AMPL or PHAS):

  • The only appropriate coordinate system is the solution coordinate system (RSYS ,SOLU). For layered elements, a layer (LAYER) must also be specified. When displaying the displacement amplitudes, use a contour display (PLNSOL command). Because a deformed shape display (PLDISP command) could lead to a non-physical shape, the displacement scaling is off by default (/DSCALE,,OFF).

  • The conversion is not valid for averaged results, derived results (such as principal stress/strain, equivalent stress/strain, and USUM), or summed results obtained using FSUM, NFORCE, and PRNLD.

  • Cyclic symmetry results are not supported.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Detailed Summary
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Detailed Summary (Freq ordered)
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>By Load Step
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>By Pick
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>By Pick (Freq ordered)
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>First Set
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>Last Set
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>Next Set
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>Previous Set
Main Menu>General Postproc>Results Summary
Main Menu>General Postproc>Results Summary (Freq ordered)
Utility Menu>List>Results>Load Step Summary

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.