Publications since 2002
Journal Papers and Conferences
- JUHÁSZ Z., SZEKRÉNYES, A. Estimation of local delamination buckling in orthotropic composite plates using Kirchhoff plate finite elements. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (submitted) Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Impact factor: 1.082
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Nonsingular crack modelling in orthotropic plates by four equivalent single layers. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids (2015), (submitted), Elsevier. ISSN 0997-7538. Impact Factor: 1.592 (2012)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Natural vibration induced parametric excitation in delaminated Kirchhoff plates. Journal of Composite Materials (submitted), Sage Publications. ISSN 0021-9983. Impact Factor: 0.936 (2012)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Semi-layerwise analysis of laminated plates with nonsingular delamination - The theorem of autocontinuity. Applied Mathematical Modelling (submitted), Elsevier. ISSN 0307-904X. Impact Factor: 1.706 (2012)
- JUHÁSZ Z., SZEKRÉNYES, A. Progressive buckling of a simply supported delaminated orthotropic rectangular composite plate. International Journal of Solids and Structures (accepted for publication) , Elsevier. ISSN 0020-7683, Impact Factor: 1.871 (2012).
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Antiplane-inplane shear mode delamination between two second-order shear deformable composite plates. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (accepted for publication), Sage Publications, ISSN: 1081-2865 . Impact Factor: 0.814 (2012)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. A special case of parametrically excited systems: free vibration of delaminated composite beams. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 49 (2015), 82-105. Elsevier. ISSN 0997-7538. Impact Factor: 1.592 (2012)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Coupled flexural-longitudinal vibration of delaminated composite beams with local stability analysis. Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (2014) 5141-5164, Elsevier. ISSN: 0022-460X, Impact Factor: 1.613 (2012).
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Stress and fracture analysis in delaminated orthotropic composite plates using third-order shear deformation theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (2014) 3897-3916, Elsevier. ISSN 0307-904X. Impact Factor: 1.706 (2012)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Bending solution of third-order orthotropic Reddy plates with asymmetric interfacial crack. International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (2014), 2598-2619, Elsevier. ISSN 0020-7683, Impact Factor: 1.871 (2012).
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Analysis of classical and first-order shear deformable cracked orthotropic plates. Journal of Composite Materials 48(12) (2014), 1441–1457, Sage Publications. ISSN 0021-9983. Impact Factor: 0.936 (2012)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Application of Reddy's third-order theory to delaminated orthotropic composite plates. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 43 (2014), 9-24, Elsevier. ISSN 0997-7538. Impact Factor: 1.592 (2012)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Interface fracture in orthotropic composite plates using second-order shear deformation theory. International Journal of Damage Mechanics 22(8) (2013), 1161 - 1185, Sage Publications. ISSN 1056-7895. Impact Factor: 1.747 (2012)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. The system of exact kinematic conditions and application to delaminated first-order shear deformable composite plates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 77 (2013), 17-29, Elsevier. ISSN: 0020-7403. Impact Factor: 1.613 (2012)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Interface crack between isotropic Kirchhoff plates, Meccanica 48(3) (2013), 507-533 Springer. Impact Factor: 1.747 (2012) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. J-integral for delaminated beam and plate models, Periodica Polytechnica - Mechanical Engineering 56(1) (2012), 63-71 PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Interlaminar stresses and energy release rates in delaminated orthotropic composite plates. International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (2012), 2460-2470, Elsevier. ISSN 0020-7683, Impact Factor: 1.871 (2012) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Interface crack between orthotropic Kirchhoff plates. Mechanical Engineering 2012 Conference, 24-25 May, 2012, Budapest, Hungary. PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A, VICENTE, W.M. Interlaminar Fracture Analysis in the GII-GIII plane using Prestressed Composite Beams, Composites Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing, 43(1) (2012), 95–103, Elsevier, ISSN 1359-835X. Impact Factor: 2.744 (2012) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Interlaminar fracture analysis in the GI-GII-GIII space using prestressed transpapernt composite beams, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 30(19), (2011), 1655-1669, Sage Publications, ISSN 0731-6844. Impact Factor: 0.763 (2010) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. The influence of crack length and delamination width on the mode-III energy release rate of laminated composites, Journal of Composite Materials 45(3) (2011), 279-294. Sage Publications, ISSN 0021-9983. Impact Factor: 1.142 (2010) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Development of a sliding-tearing mode fracture mechanical tool for laminated composite materials. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Year 7, Issue 79, July (2011), pp: 1075-1084 (print: ISSN2010-376X, electronic: ISSN2010-3778, CD-ROM article no.: 200) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Delaminált rúd sajátrezgései kétparaméteres interfészmodell alkalmazásával. XI. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia, 2011, augusztus 29-31, Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Miskolc.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Development of a sliding-tearing mode fracture mechanical tool for composite materials. International Conference on Applied Mechanics (ICAM11), Paris, France, 27-29 July, 2011.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Prestressed composite specimen for mixed-mode I/II cracking in laminated materials, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 29 (22), (2010), 3309-3321. Sage Publications, ISSN 0731-6844. Impact Factor: 0.763 (2010) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Crack stability of fracture specimens used to test unidirectional fiber reinforced material. Experimental Mechanics 50(4), (2010), 473-482 Sage Publications, ISSN 0014-4851. Impact Factor: 1.542 (2010) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Az MMB törési teszt alkalmazása hosszú repedések esetén (Application of the MMB fracture test with long crack lengths), GÉP - A Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület műszaki folyóirata 2010/11, LXI évfolyam, BME Gépészmérnöki Kar, Kutatóegyetemi Különszám, 45-48. (ISSN 0016-8572) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Development of an opening-tearing mode fracture system for composite materials. EPJ Web of Conferences, 42008 (2010) 6, DOI:10.1051/epjconf/20100642008. EDP Sciences (CD-ROM). PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Fracture analysis in the modified split-cantilever beam using the classical theories of strength of materials. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2010): 240 012030. ( PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Development of an opening-tearing mode fracture system for composite materials. 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM14), Poitiers, France, 4-11 July, 2010.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Analytical and numerical cohesive zone models in the fracture simulation of fiber reinforced materials. 14th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM14), Budapest, Hungary, 7-10 June, 2010.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Comparison of the mixed-mode bending and the prestressed end-notched flexure systems. Mechanical Engineering 2010 Conference, 25-26 May, 2010, Budapest, Hungary. PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Improved Analysis of the Modified Split-Cantilever Beam for Mode III Fracture, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 51 (2009), 682-693, ISSN 0020-7403. Impact Factor: 1.288 (2009) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Interlaminar Fracture Analysis in the GI-GIII plane Using Prestressed Composite Beams, Composites Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing 40 (2009), 1621-1631 ISSN 1359-835X. Impact Factor: 2.41 (2009) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Fracture analysis in the modified split-cantilever beam using the classical theories of strength of materials. 15th International Conference on the Strength of Materials, 16-21 August, 2009, Dresden, Germany.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Application of the modified split-cantilever beam for mode-III toughness measurement. 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, 22-24 July, 2008, Zurich, Switzerland.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Kísérleti alapú kritérium repedésterjedés stabilitásvizsgálatához kompozit anyagokban. Gépészet 2008 konferencia, BME, (2008), május 29-30, Budapest. PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Improved Analysis of Unidirectional Composite Delamination Specimens, Mechanics of Materials (2007); 39, pp.953-974 Elsevier. ISSN 0167-6636. Impact Factor: 2.221 (2007) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Delamination Fracture Analysis in the GII-GIII plane Using Prestressed Composite Beams, International Journal of Solids and Structures (2007) 44; pp.3359-3378 Elsevier. ISSN 0020-7683. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2006.09.029, Impact Factor: 1.569 (2007) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Over-leg Bending Test for Mixed-mode I/II Interlaminar Fracture in Composite Laminates, International Journal of Damage Mechanics (2007) 16/1; pp.5-33, Sage Publications. ISSN 1056-7895. doi: 10.1177/1056789507060774, Impact Factor: 1.75 (2007) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Application of prestressed composite beams in fracture mechanics, Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering, 51/2 (2007), pp. 89-97, (HU ISSN 0324-6051, HU ISSN 1587-379X) doi:10.3311/ PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Előfeszített kompozit rudak alkalmazása törésmechanikában. X. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia, 2007, augusztus 27-29, Miskolc
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Development of a mixed-mode I/II/III fracture mechanical system using prestressed transparent composite beams. 3rd China-Europe Symposium on Processing an Properties of Reinforced Polymers,, 11-15 June, 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Prestressed Fracture Specimen for Delamination Testing of Composites, International Journal of Fracture (2006) 139; pp. 213-237, Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISSN 0376-9429. doi: 10.1007/s10704-006-0043-1, Impact Factor: 0.685 (2006) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Comparison of Some Improved Solutions for Mixed-mode Composite Delamination Coupons, Composite Structures 72/3 (2006), pp. 321-329, Elsevier. ISSN 0263-8223, doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2005.01.002, Impact Factor: 1.002 (2006). PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. An Experimental study to determine the mixed-mode failure criterion of transparent composite materials. 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference - ESMC 2006, 28 August - 1 September, 2006, Budapest, Hungary.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. An Experimental Study to Determine the Mixed-mode II/III Delamination Fracture Criterion of Composite Materials. Gépészet 2006 konferencia, BME, (2006), május 25-26, Budapest. PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Advanced Beam Model for Fiber-bridging in Unidirectional Composite Double-cantilever Beam Specimens, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 72 (2005), pp. 2686-2702, Elsevier. ISSN 0013-7944, doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2005.05.001, Impact Factor: 1.319 (2005) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Mode-II Fracture in E-glass/polyester Composite, Journal of Composite Materials 39/19 (2005), pp. 1747-1768, Sage Publications. ISSN 0021-9983. doi:10.1177/0021998305051120, Impact Factor: 0.671 (2005). PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Approximate Interlaminar Fracture Envelopes for Unidirectional E-glass/polyester Composite, Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering, 49/1 (2005), pp. 15-34. (HU ISSN 0324-6051, HU ISSN 1587-379X) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Repedésterjedés és rétegközi szilárdság analitikus és kísérleti vizsgálata párhuzamos elcsúszás esetén, GÉP - A Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület műszaki folyóirata 2005/2-3, 118-125. (ISSN 0016-8572) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Rétegközi szilárdság vizsgálata ELS típusú üveg/poliészter próbatesteken, Műanyag és Gumi, 2005/5, 195-200. (HU ISSN 0027-2914) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Fracture Mechanical Behavior of E-glass/polyester Composite Systems Under Mode-II and Mixed-mode I/II Loading, Proceedings of the CCC 2005 - Third International Conference Composites in Construction, (2005), Vol. 2, pp. 677-684. Edited by: P. Hamelin, D. Bigaud, E. Ferrier, E. Jacquelin. PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Fracture Mechanical Behavior of E-glass/polyester Composite Systems Under Mode-II and Mixed-mode I/II Loading, CCC 2005 - Third International Conference Composites in Construction, (2005), July 11-13, Lyon, France.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Beam and Finite Element Analysis of Quasi-unidirectional SLB and ELS Specimens, Composites Science and Technology, 64 (2004), pp. 2393-2406, Elsevier. ISSN 0266-3538. doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2004.05.002, Impact Factor: 1.783 (2004). PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Comparison of some Data Reduction Schemes for Composite Delamination Specimens, Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering, 48/1 (2004), pp. 151-161. (HU ISSN 0324-6051, HU ISSN 1587-379X) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Application of Elastic Foundation Beams in Composite Fracture Mechanics - Analysis of the ELS Specimen, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Vol.1, (2004), pp. 191-195, editors: A. Penninger, L. Kullmann, G. Vörös (ISBN 963 214 748 0) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Repedésterjedés és rétegközi szilárdság analitikus és kísérleti vizsgálata párhuzamos elcsúszás esetén, Erősített anyagok és szerkezetek mechanikája, Budapesti Műszaki Főiskola, Bánki Donát Gépészmérnöki Főiskolai Kar, Jubileumi rendezvénysorozat, (2004), november 11-12, Budapest.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Modified Single-leg Bending Test for Mixed-mode I/II Interlaminar Fracture in Composites, 21st Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, (2004), September 29-October 2, Brijuni/Pula, Croatia.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Advanced Beam Model for Fiber-bridging in Unidirectional Composite Double-cantilever Beam Specimens, 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), (2004), August 15-21, Warsaw, Poland.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Rúdszerű üveg/poliészter próbatestek kísérleti vizsgálata, Mechanoplast, első országos doktorandusz konferencia, (2004), GTE Székháza, június 10, Budapest.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Rugalmasan ágyazott tartók alkalmazása kompozit törésmechanikában - Az ELS próbatest elemzése, Gépészet 2004 konferencia, BME, (2004), május 27-28, Budapest. PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Modelling of the Delamination and Fiber-bridging in Unidirectional Composites Under Mode-I Loading Conditions, Journal of Composite Mechanics and Design, 9;2 (2003), Moscow, pp. 167-180. (ISSN 1029-6670) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Analysis of the Interlaminar Crack Initiation in Mixed-mode I+II Composite Fracture Specimens, Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering, 47/2 (2003), pp. 103-118. (HU ISSN 0324-6051, HU ISSN 1587-379X) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Beam and Finite Element Models for Fiber-Bridgings in Unidirectional DCB Specimens, Proceedings of the MicroCAD 2003 International Scientific Conference, Section F: Applied Mechanics, Modern Numerical Methods, (2003), pp. 31-36, editors: L. Lehocky, L. Kalmár (ISBN 963 661 547, ISBN 963 661 553 5) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Kevert módú törésmechanikai vizsgálatok az ELS és SLB típusú kompozit próbatestek felhasználásával, IX. Magyar Mechanikai Konferencia, (2003), Miskolci Egyetem, augusztus 27-29, Miskolc.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Beam and Finite Element Models for Fiber-Bridgings in Unidirectional DCB Specimens, MicroCAD2003 International Scientific Conference, Miskolci Egyetem (2003), március 6-7, Miskolc.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. - UJ, J., Finite Element Modelling of the Damage and Failure in Fiber Reinforced Composites (Overview), Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering, 46/2 (2002), pp. 139-158. (HU ISSN 0324-6051, HU ISSN 1587-379X) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Overview on the Experimental Investigations of the Fracture Toughness in Composite Materials, Hungarian Electronic Journal - Mechanical Engineering and Transport Section, (2002), PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Finite Element Analysis of a Layered Cylinder Using the Connection between the Macro- and Microstructure, Proceedings of the Third Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Vol.1, (2002), pp. 269-273, editors: A. Penninger, Gy. Ziaja, G. Vörös (ISBN 963 699 1650) PDF
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Finite Element Investigation of the Interlaminar Crack Initiation in Composite Fracture Specimens, EURO Conference on Numerical Methods and Computational Mechanics (NMCM2002), Miskolci Egyetem, (2002), július 15-19, Miskolc.
- SZEKRÉNYES, A., Rétegelt kompozit cilinder végeselem vizsgálata, Gépészet 2002 Konferencia, BME, (2002), május 30-31, Budapest.
PhD Thesis (2005)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. (2005). Delamination of Composite Specimens. PhD Thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest, PhD-261/2004. PDF
Lecture note (2011)
- SZEKRÉNYES, A. Kidolgozott példák ANSYS 12 végeselem szoftver alkalmazásához. CFD.HU Kft, kézirat, 2011. január, Budapest.
Book Chapter (2012) (totally 161+26 pages)
- KOVÁCS Á., MOHAROS I., OLDAL I., SZEKRÉNYES A. Finite Element Method - University Lecture Notes PDF (Végeselem-Módszer - Egyetemi Tananyag), Typotex, Budapest (2012), ISBN 978-963-279-539-3. 7 chapters and 2 more chapters in the compilation of examples in English and Hungarian:
- Introduction to plane problems subject. Application of plane stress, plane strain and revolution symmetric (axisymmetric) models. pp 159-184. PDF
- Modeling of the pane stress state using FEM software systems. Modeling, analysis of problem evaluation. pp 185-227. PDF
- Modeling of axisymmetric state by FEM software systems. Modeling, analysis of problem evaluation. pp 228-248. PDF
- Modeling of thin-walled shells and plates. Introduction to the theory of shell finite element models. pp 249-266. PDF
- Modeling of in-plane thin-walled shells under in-plane and transverse load by finite element method based software systems. pp 267-286. PDF
- Modeling of spatial thin-walled shells by finite element method based software systems. pp 287-299. PDF
- Modeling of curved and doubly-curved shells by finite element method based software systems. pp 300-320. PDF
- Compilation of examples - 13. Analytical and finite element solution of a plate with central hole. 15 pages. PDF
- Compilation of examples - 14. Analytical and finite element solution of a simply supported plate subjected to hydrostatic load. 11 pages. PDF