FUDoM 05
29 May - 4 June, 2005, Rackeve (Budapest), Hungary

Sponsored by the

Public Foundation for the Progress of the Industry (IMFA)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Main Page
1st Announcement
2nd Announcement
Final Announcement
Registration Form
Detailed Programme
List of Participants
Only for Hungarians:
magyaroknak magyarul
Andras Szekeres,
Phone: (36 1) 463 1231
Fax:   (36 1) 463 3471
webmaster: agoston@mm.bme.hu

First Announcement

(October 2003)
Download first.rtf
or first.pdf

THE AIM of the Conference according to the traditions of the FUDoM is to provide a forum for scientist in the field of mechanics focusing on Estonia, Finland and Hungary but aiming for a wider network either between these actors or any other interested parties. This will be an additional possibility to discuss current research activities, to get more aquainted with one another, and to find the areas of possible collaboration in future.

THE PLACE chosen for the Conference is Rackeve, about 30 km down from Budapest on the shore of the Danube river. The accommodation, meals and lectures are planned in the renewed Savoya Palace.

THE CENTRAL THEME of the Conference will be mechanics with emphasis on "From Theory to Application" but contributions in close fields are also welcome. The official language of the Conference will be English.

THE SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME will consist of invited lectures and contributions (both 20-30 min.) chosen by the International Organizing Committee. There is a certain probability to publish the texts of the talks later in the Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences after a usual refeering procedure.

THE REGISTRATION FEE and THE ACCOMMODATION, on double occupation basis, will be ca. 350 and 350 EUR, respectively, including full board, official receptions, abstracts and proceedings, transportation between airport and venue and social programmes according to the 2nd Announcement. For accompanying persons the registration fee and the accommodation will be ca. 250 and 250 EUR, respectively. It is possible to extend the stay before and after the Conference for a day or two for ca. 35 EUR/day.

SOCIAL PROGRAMMES will be organized. The planned programme consists of a whole day Budapest and Szentendre sightseeing, a half day "Puszta" visit, the visit of a medieval church and a farmer market, a concert on classic music, folklore programme on the welcome banquet and reception on the nearby Angel island.

P.Elesztos jr. (SLK), J.Engelbrecht (EST) - chairman, A.Pramila (FIN), M.Ranta (FIN) - honorary chairman, A.Szekeres (HUN).

G. Beda, G.Csernak - secretary, G.Stepan - chairman, A.Szekeres - executive chairman.

ORGANIZED BY THE HAS-TUB Research Group for Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles, Department of Applied Mechanics, Technical University of Budapest.

SUPPORTED BY THE Technical University of Budapest, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn Technical University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Oulu.

All interested to attend and to receive the 2nd Announcement giving detailed information are welcome as early as possible to give his/her name and address to

Andras Szekeres, LOC FUDoM
Dept. Applied Mechanics, TU Budapest
H-1521 Budapest, Hungary
Phone:     (36 1) 463 1231
Fax:         (36 1) 463 3471
Email:       fudom05@mm.bme.hu