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Slowly all parts are arriving to assemble the large load rolling test bench. In the meantime sampled/continuous model of milling is close to be finished.
News Links
- 17/08/2022: ASME nonsmooth paper ...
- 17/08/2022: ASME stochastic paper...
- 15/08/2022: ASME award...
- 20/01/2022: Journal paper in JVC...
- 17/12/2021: Feasable surface...
- 11/10/2021: Measurement start...
- 10/08/2021: Simulation res...
- 15/01/2021: Feed drive installed...
- 01/12/2020: Collaboration...
- 05/11/2020: ASME paper submitted...
- 05/11/2020: Batch calculation strain...
- 01/09/2020: Body of the force sensor...
- 10/06/2020: Watts-Ford measurement...
- 14/05/2020: CIRP paper published...
- 03/05/2020: ASME variable helix...
- 09/03/2020: Latin cube results...
- 15/01/2020: CIRP paper has been submitted ...
- 05/09/2019: Scanning of AL speciments...
- 28/06/2019: Hungarian MAMEK Conference...
- 24/08/2019: CIRP conferece part II...
- 20/08/2019: ASME conference in Los Angeles...
- 28/06/2019: AL measurement with force plate...
- 26/06/2019: First trial was performed with AL...
- 20/06/2019: IK4-Ideko and CAF visit...
- 24/05/2019: Preparation for the measurement with AL...
- 05/05/2019: CISM course given by the PI...
- 30/04/2019: Stiffness calculation performed...
- 20/04/2019: Heat threatment of the roller for AL...
- 11/04/2019: Mechatronics paper, delayed acc. feedback...
- 04/04/2019: Small-scale, ready to roll...
- 08/03/2019: FEM kinematic constrains...
- 28/02/2019: ASME digital control milling...
- 25/02/2019: ASME tool optimization...
- 11/02/2019: MAMEK abstract 2...
- 10/02/2019: MAMEK abstract 1...
- 01/02/2019: Machine Tool Vibration course...
- 23/01/2019: modular force sensor development...
- 31/12/2018: happy new year...
- 31/12/2018: Materials paper, variable pitch...
- 19/12/2018: complete FEM axles rolling...
- 17/11/2018: student competiti...
- 10/11/2018: submission of mat...
- 08/11/2018: UTIS conference...
- 04/11/2018: digital control mil...
- 21/10/2018: FEM static case...
- 15/10/2018: dynamometer model...
- 08/10/2018: complete retrofit...
- 13/09/2018: force sensor firs...
- 04/09/2018: IFAC proceeding...
- 08/08/2018: rolling machine...
- 26/06/2018: IFAC submission...
- 15/06/2018: IUTAM symposium...
- 21/03/2018: FEM axles roll...
- 14/11/2017
- 10/10/2017
A talk was given by Zsolt Iklódi at the ASME IDETC-CIE 2022 and a related extended abstract has been accepted with the title: “Stability analysis of stable branches for a stochastically excited one degree-of-freedom system with cubic geometric nonlinearity” by the authors: Zoltan Gabos, Zoltan Dombovari.
A talk was given by Zoltan Gabos in The 17th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC 2022) conference, on the modelling of in motion machine dynamics, in the presence of dry-friction and controller feedback delay.
The paper written by Andras Bartfai, Asier Barrios and Zoltan Dombovari won the third place of the student paper competition at the MSNDC student paper competition of the ASME IDETC-CIE 2022 Conference
A journal paper was published in the Journal of Sound and Vibration, concerning the bi-stable zones on the stability maps of cutting with boring bars with enclosed tuned mass dampers.
Feasable surface function had been measured by using surface tracking and feed motion tracking laser sensors..
The first measurement campaign had been started with the high force measurement equipment at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
Simulation model has been developed based on nonsmooth regenerative model of elastic-plastic relay of the axles rolling process.
The feed drive has been installed in the retrofitted rolling machine.
Collaboration with the Mondragon University has been started.
Batch calculation were made for different geometries to depict stress and strain field for special case solutions.
Batch calculation were made for different geometries to depict stress and strain field for special case solutions.
The body of the high load force sensor has been manufactured.
Watts-Ford measurement was carried out in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering .
The CIRP Annals paper about the tunable table was published online.
The transformation between two different variable helix definitions are presented in ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Latin cube fitting was performed on finite element results.
The special tunable table for thin-walled workpieces are submitted to CIRP Annals
By the help of Adam Kiss and the equipment of previous NKFI (OTKA) PD 108779 the surface of the small scale rolling measurement was scanned by using laser displacement sensor.
The PI gave a plenary talk in the Hungarian Mechanical Conference (MAMEK XIII) with the title “Marási eljárások lineáris stabilitásának vonzási tartománya”.
The PI participated in the CIRP General Assembly in Birmingham, where he met with prominent researchers in the field.
The group participated on a paper and presentation in the conference with the title: “Analysis of the beating frequencies in dressing and its effect in surface waviness”.
The PI organized a session with three minisymposia in the ASME IDETC-CIE MSNDC conference (MSNDC-7: Time-varying and time-delay systems, energy harvesting) with 14 participants. The group members of NKFI FK 124361 also gave presentations in the session. The PI was an author in two presentations: “Optimization of Edge Geometry of Cylindrical Milling Tools to Enhance Dynamic Stability” and “Stability of Variable Pitch Milling Tools in Interrupted Cutting Processes”, while David Lehotzky presented his work with the title “Modeling and stability of milling processes with active damping”.
Aluminum tests were performed using AL99.5 and AlCu2024 materials. Force evaluations were measured with a Kistler force plate.
The first preliminary test were performed using the small home made roller. This test is only a trial before a measurement where piezoelectric forceplate will be used.
The rolling force team has visited the IK4-Ideko and CAF.
The shaft for the small-scale AL measurement is certified and the maximum load has been determined.
The PI was one of the lecturer in the initial CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences) course in Udine in Italy. The event was supported by CISM and ERC SIREN Adv grant of Prof. Gabor Stepan.
Stiffness calculation was performed by considering spring elements for the rolling parts of bearings and linear guides. This calculation showed 3.62e8 N/m stiffness by not considering the foundation of the force sensor superstructure. By using replaceable elements the stiffness can be lowered with the special design of the force sensor.
The heat threatement of the roller for aluminium was performed to reach the required surface hardness.
Revision was submitted by the title: "Delayed Feedback Control for Chatter Suppression in Turning Machines".
Parts are ready for the "small-scale" testing with aluminium. The roller would go through heat treatement, while the shaft needs limit force certification before the tests.
The rolling process is simulated using kinematical constraints only. This approach allows to omit the application of computationally expensive frictional contact conditions.
Proceeding paper was submitted to the ASME IDETC/CIE 2019 MSNDC conference with the title: "Modeling and Stability of Milling Processes with Active Damping" by David Lehotzky and Zoltan Dombovari. The paper is about the effect of digital control on regenerative time-periodic dynamical system.
Proceeding paper was submitted to the ASME IDETC/CIE 2019 MSNDC conference with the title: "Optimization of Edge Geometry of Cylindrical Milling Tools to Enhance Dynamic Stability" by Zoltan Dombovari, Daniel Bachrathy, Gabor Stepan. The paper is about the theoretical base of the general edge optimization scheme of a cylindrical milling cutter. The research was partially supported by ERC SIREN.
Abstract has been submitted to the XIII Hungarian Mechanical Conference (MAMEK 2019) about the developed FEM model.
Abstract has been submitted to the XIII Hungarian Mechanical Conference (MAMEK 2019) about attraction zones in milling. This work was partially supported by ERC SIREN
The Machine Tool Vibration Course has started in the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The course is dealing with vibration problems in machining given by Zoltan Dombovari.
The NKFI FK 124361 team wishes many solvable research and engineering problems for 2019! The presented calculation is a displecement controlled version of 3D axles rolling.
A journal paper was accepted for publication in Materials with the title: “Optimum Selection of Variable Pitch for Face Milling Cutters” by Alex Iglesias, Zoltan Dombovari, German Gonzales, Jokin Munoa and Gabor Stepan. The research was partially supported by ERC SIREN.
The complete FEM model of axles rolling process is operating in Marc system.
Two works were participating in the student competition. One is about the effect of Kalman filters and the other one is a preliminary work on digitally controlled magnetic boring bars.
A journal paper was submitted about variable pitch angle optimization in Materials with the title: “Optimum Selection of Variable Pitch for Face Milling Cutters” by Alex Iglesias, Zoltan Dombovari, German Gonzales, Jokin Munoa and Gabor Stepan. The research was partially supported by ERC SIREN.
A talk was given in UTIS conference in Turkey about axles rolling process with the title Basic Regenerative Modelling of Axles Rolling Process by Zoltan Dombovari , Attila Szlancsik , Kristof Bobor and Ruben Merino.
The first version of the digitally controlled manuscript has been compiled. It is under in-house review.
In order to have an efficient methodology to determine the rolling force and to build-up sufficient semi-analytical mechanical model w.r.t. the technological parameters, a simple parametric FEM model is compiled. This model can run with different indentation, roller-diameter and feed. The animation is about the first successful and valid run.
The connection features for mounting the industrial roller shaft are designed on the force sensor. The connection surfaces with the bores and the perpendicular stiffening parts are ensuring the mechanical integrity of the device.
The concept drawing of the retrofitting is finished. The concept is ready for the next iteration step which will contain the force sensor in it. The workpiece is going to be the top shaft, while the roller is going to be placed underneath. This roller is capable to perform feed motion with the linear guides.
The first concept drawing of the force sensor. The forces measured on the four legs placed to the roller mounting part is enough to determine the complete 3D contact force between the roller and the workpiece shaft. The bore between the legs are the place for the threaded shaft that produces the feed motion.
The proceeding paper handled in the 14th IFAC workshop on Time Delay Systems was published online in IFAC Papers online with the title: “On Basic Modeling of the Dynamics of Axles Rolling Process” by Denes Farago, Ruben Marino and Zoltan Dombovari.
The 3D model of the old rolling mill is completed. We have measured the main geometric properties of the duo rolling mill that takes place in Department of Materials Science and Engineering. This old rolling mill is going to be the base of the high performance axles rolling measurements.
The proceeding paper was submitted and presented in the 14th IFAC workshop on Time Delay Systems.
A seminar was given by Tamás Molnar in IUTAM symposium in Novi Sad (Serbia). A two pages extended abstract was submitted with title: “Semidiscretization Method for Nonlinear Time-Periodic
Time-Delay Systems”, by the
authors: Tamas G. Molnar, Zoltan Dombovari, Tamas Insperger and Gabor Stepan. The talk was about the nonlinear numerical method, that is capable to predict the behavior of nonlinear periodic delayed dynamical systems.
The mesh convergence test was finished. The resulting indentation-force diagrams showed that under a certain size (4mm) of the mesh does not provide better force evolution in the case of indentation-driven calculation. This is not the case in force-driven case when the results depend greatly from the mesh size.
We have made the preliminary FEM modelling of the axles rolling process.
The problem is specified for the digitally controlled milling process.
List of Meetings