Table of Contents
- /BATCH - Sets the program mode to "batch."
- BCSOPTION - Sets memory option for the sparse solver.
- Defines the stiffness matrix multiplier for damping.
- BF - Defines a nodal body force load.
- BFA - Defines a body force load on an area.
- BFADELE - Deletes body force loads on an area.
- BFALIST - Lists the body force loads on an area.
- BFCUM - Specifies that nodal body force loads are to be accumulated.
- BFDELE - Deletes nodal body force loads.
- BFE - Defines an element body force load.
- BFECUM - Specifies whether to ignore subsequent element body force
- BFEDELE - Deletes element body force loads.
- BFELIST - Lists the element body force loads.
- BFESCAL - Scales element body force loads.
- BFINT - Activates the body force interpolation operation.
- BFK - Defines a body force load at a keypoint.
- BFKDELE - Deletes body force loads at a keypoint.
- BFKLIST - Lists the body force loads at keypoints.
- BFL - Defines a body force load on a line.
- BFLDELE - Deletes body force loads on a line.
- BFLIST - Lists the body force loads on nodes.
- BFLLIST - Lists the body force loads on a line.
- BFSCALE - Scales body force loads at nodes.
- BFTRAN - Transfers solid model body force loads to the finite element model.
- BFUNIF - Assigns a uniform body force load to all nodes.
- BFV - Defines a body force load on a volume.
- BFVDELE - Deletes body force loads on a volume.
- BFVLIST - Lists the body force loads on a volume.
- BIOOPT - Specifies "Biot-Savart options" as the subsequent status topic.
- BIOT - Calculates the Biot-Savart source magnetic field intensity.
- BLC4 - Creates a rectangular area or block volume by corner points.
- BLC5 - Creates a rectangular area or block volume by center and corner
- BLOCK - Creates a block volume based on working plane coordinates.
- BOOL - Specifies "Booleans" as the subsequent status topic.
- BOPTN - Specifies Boolean operation options.
- Specifies the axial strain and axial force relationship for beam
- BSMD - Specifies mass per unit length
for a nonlinear general beam section.
- Specifies the bending curvature and moment relationship in plane
XZ for beam sections.
- Specifies the bending curvature and moment relationship in plane
XY for beam sections.
- BSPLIN - Generates a single line from a spline fit to a series of keypoints.
- Specifies the transverse shear strain and force relationship in
plane XZ for beam sections.
- Specifies the transverse shear strain and force relationship in
plane XY for beam sections.
- BSTE - Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a nonlinear
general beam section.
- Specifies the cross section twist and torque relationship for
beam sections.
- BTOL - Specifies the Boolean operation tolerances.
- Specifies buckling analysis options.