These commands are used to postprocess the results with the time-history processor. The commands are grouped by functionality.
Table 2.94: Setup
These POST26 commands are used to store data for processing. | ||
ANSOL | Specifies averaged nodal data to be stored from the results file in the solution coordinate system. | |
CISOL | Stores J-integral information in a variable. | |
DATA | Reads data records from a file into a variable. | |
EDREAD | Reads explicit dynamics output into variables for time-history postprocessing. | |
ENERSOL | Specifies the total energies to be stored. | |
ESOL | Specifies element data to be stored from the results file. | |
FILE | Specifies the data file where results are to be found. | |
GAPF | Defines the gap force data to be stored in a variable. | |
GSSOL | Specifies which results to store from the results file when using generalized plane strain. | |
JSOL | Specifies result items to be stored for the joint element. | |
NSOL | Specifies nodal data to be stored from the results file. | |
NSTORE | Defines which time points are to be stored. | |
NUMVAR | Specifies the number of variables allowed in POST26. | |
/POST26 | Enters the time-history results postprocessor. | |
RESET | Resets all POST1 or POST26 specifications to initial defaults. | |
RFORCE | Specifies the total reaction force data to be stored. | |
/RGB | Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours. | |
SOLU | Specifies solution summary data per substep to be stored. | |
STORE | Stores data in the database for the defined variables. | |
TIMERANGE | Specifies the time range for which data are to be stored. | |
VARDEL | Deletes a variable (GUI). | |
VARNAM | Names (or renames) a variable. |
Table 2.95: Controls
These POST26 commands are used to control the calculations of other commands. | ||
CFACT | Defines complex scaling factors to be used with operations. | |
FORCE | Selects the element nodal force type for output. | |
LAYERP26 | Specifies the element layer for which data are to be stored. | |
SHELL | Selects a shell element or shell layer location for results output. | |
TVAR | Changes time to the cumulative iteration number. |
Table 2.96: Operations
These POST26 commands are used to perform operations on the stored variables. | ||
ABS | Forms the absolute value of a variable. | |
ADD | Adds variables. | |
ATAN | Forms the arctangent of a complex variable. | |
CLOG | Forms the common log of a variable | |
CONJUG | Forms the complex conjugate of a variable. | |
DERIV | Differentiates a variable. | |
EXP | Forms the exponential of a variable. | |
FILLDATA | Fills a variable by a ramp function. | |
IMAGIN | Forms an imaginary variable from a complex variable. | |
INT1 | Integrates a variable. | |
LARGE | Finds the largest (the envelope) of three variables. | |
NLOG | Forms the natural log of a variable. | |
PROD | Multiplies variables. | |
QUOT | Divides two variables. | |
REALVAR | Forms a variable using only the real part of a complex variable. | |
SMALL | Finds the smallest of three variables. | |
SQRT | Forms the square root of a variable. |
Table 2.97: Display
These POST26 commands are used to display the results. | ||
KEEP | Stores POST26 definitions and data during active session. | |
PLCPLX | Specifies the part of a complex variable to display. | |
PLTIME | Defines the time range for which data are to be displayed. | |
PLVAR | Displays up to ten variables in the form of a graph. | |
SPREAD | Turns on a dashed tolerance curve for the subsequent curve plots. | |
XVAR | Specifies the X variable to be displayed. | |
Certain graphics commands also apply, such as /AXLAB, /XRANGE, and /YRANGE. |
Table 2.98: Listing
These POST26 commands are used to produce tabular listings of the results. | ||
EXTREM | Lists the extreme values for variables. | |
LINES | Specifies the length of a printed page. | |
NPRINT | Defines which time points stored are to be listed. | |
PRCPLX | Defines the output form for complex variables. | |
PRTIME | Defines the time range for which data are to be listed. | |
PRVAR | Lists variables vs. time (or frequency). |
Table 2.99: Special Purpose
These POST26 commands are used for various special purposes. | ||
CVAR | Computes covariance between two quantities. | |
PMGTRAN | Summarizes electromagnetic results from a transient analysis. | |
RCYC | Calculates cyclic results for a mode-superposition harmonic solution. | |
RESP | Generates a response spectrum. | |
RPSD | Computes response power spectral density (PSD). | |
SMOOTH | Allows smoothing of noisy data and provides a graphical representation of the data. | |
VGET | Moves a variable into an array parameter vector. | |
VPUT | Moves an array parameter vector into a variable. |
Table 2.100: Status
These POST26 commands are for use with the STAT command. | ||
DEFINE | Specifies "Data definition settings" as the subsequent status topic. | |
OPERATE | Specifies "Operation data" as the subsequent status topic. | |
PLOTTING | Specifies "Plotting settings" as the subsequent status topic. | |
Specifies "Print settings" as the subsequent status topic. |