EDCNSTR, Option, Ctype, Comp1, Comp2, VAL1
Defines various types of constraints for an explicit dynamic analysis.

Compatible Products: – | – | – | – | – | – | DYNA


Label identifying the option to be performed.



Define a constraint (default).



Delete the constraint specified by Ctype, Comp1, and Comp2. If Ctype = ALL, all constraints are deleted.



List all of the constraints previously defined by the EDCNSTR command.


Constraint type. The command format will vary, depending on the Ctype value.



Extra node set added to an existing rigid body.



Nodal rigid body.



Tie between a shell edge and solid elements.



Massless rivet between two noncoincident nodes.

If Ctype = ENS, the command format is EDCNSTR,Option,ENS,Comp1,Comp2



Part number of the existing rigid body to which nodes will be added. The rigid body must be previously defined with the EDMP command. EDMP defines a rigid body based on material reference number (MAT). You must determine the corresponding part number (EDPART) for input in this field.



Component name identifying extra nodes to be added to the rigid body specified by Comp1. Comp2 must be a nodal component and must not be attached to any other rigid body.

If Ctype = NRB, the command format is EDCNSTR,Option,NRB,Comp1, --,VAL1



Component name identifying a set of nodes that are to be defined as a rigid body. The component may consist of nodes from several different deformable parts.



This field is not used for Ctype = NRB.



Coordinate system ID number (CID) to be used for output of data. The coordinate system must have been previously defined with the EDLCS command.

If Ctype = STS, the command format is EDCNSTR,Option,STS,Comp1,Comp2



Node number of the shell element node that will be tied to solid element nodes that are specified by Comp2. The Comp1 node must lie along the edge of a shell element and be coincident to at least one node included in Comp2.



Component name consisting of solid element nodes (up to nine nodes) to which the shell element node will be tied. Comp2 must consist of nodes that are on solid elements, and the nodes must define a line that will remain linear throughout the analysis. At least one of the nodes in Comp2 must be coincident with the shell node specified in Comp1.

If Ctype = RIVET, the command format is EDCNSTR,Option,RIVET,Comp1,Comp2



Node number of the first node on the rivet.



Node number of the second node on the rivet. This node cannot have the same coordinates as the first node specified by Comp1.


The EDCNSTR command allows you to define several types of constraints in an explicit dynamic analysis. A brief description of each constraint type is given below. See Constraints and Initial Conditions in the ANSYS LS-DYNA User's Guide for more information.

Extra Node Set Added to a Rigid Body (Ctype = ENS)

The ability to add extra nodes to an existing rigid body has many potential applications, including placing nodes where joints will be attached between rigid bodies, defining nodes where point loads will be applied, and defining a lumped mass at a specific location. The extra nodes specified by Comp2 may be located anywhere in the model and may have coordinates outside those of the original rigid body specified by Comp1.

Nodal Rigid Body (Ctype = NRB)

Unlike typical rigid bodies that are defined with the EDMP command, nodal rigid bodies defined with the EDCNSTR command are not associated with a part number. This can be advantageous for modeling rigid (welded) joints in a model. For a rigid joint, portions of different flexible components (having different MAT IDs) act together as a rigid body. It is difficult to define this type of rigid body with a unique MAT ID (and corresponding part number). However, the rigid joint can be easily defined using a nodal rigid body.

Shell Edge to Solid Tie (Ctype = STS)

The STS option ties regions of solid elements to regions of shell elements. A single shell node may be tied to up to nine brick element nodes that define a “fiber” vector. Solid element nodes constrained in this way remain linear throughout the analysis but can move relative to each other in the fiber direction.

Rivet between Two Nodes (Ctype = RIVET)

The RIVET option defines a massless rigid constraint between two nodes, similar to spotwelds defined with the EDWELD command. Unlike a spotweld, however, rivets contain nodes that are noncoincident, and failure cannot be specified. When a rivet is defined, the distance between the nodes is kept constant throughout any motion that occurs during a simulation. Nodes connected by a rivet cannot be part of any other constraints specified in the model.

The EDCNSTR command is also valid in SOLUTION.

Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>LS-DYNA Options>Constraints>Apply>Additional Nodal
Main Menu>Solution>Constraints>Apply>Additional Nodal

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.