These commands are used to create and set up the model. The commands are grouped by functionality.
Table 2.24: Database
These PREP7 commands are used to read model data into the database, list out the database, and control the numbering of entities in the database. | ||
AFLIST | Lists the current data in the database. | |
CDREAD | Reads a file of solid model and database information into the database. | |
CDWRITE | Writes geometry and load database items to a file. | |
CDOPT | Specifies format to be used for archiving geometry. | |
CECHECK | Check constraint equations and couplings for rigid body motions. | |
CHECK | Checks current database items for completeness. | |
CNCHECK | Provides and/or adjusts the initial status of contact pairs. | |
FC | Provides failure criteria information and activates a data table to input temperature-dependent stress and strain limits. | |
FCCHECK | Checks both the strain and stress input criteria for all materials. | |
FCDELE | Deletes previously defined failure criterion data for the given material. | |
FCLIST | To list what the failure criteria is that you have input. | |
IGESOUT | Writes solid model data to a file in IGES Version 5.1 format. | |
MFIMPORT | Imports a new field into a current ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
NOOFFSET | Prevents the CDREAD command from offsetting specified data items. | |
NUMCMP | Compresses the numbering of defined items. | |
NUMMRG | Merges coincident or equivalently defined items. | |
NUMOFF | Adds a number offset to defined items. | |
NUMSTR | Establishes starting numbers for automatically numbered items. | |
/PREP7 | Enters the model creation preprocessor. |
Table 2.25: Element Type
These PREP7 commands define the type of elements to be used in the model. | ||
DOF | Adds degrees of freedom to the current degree-of-freedom set. | |
ELBOW | Specifies degrees of freedom to be coupled for end release and applies section constraints to elbow elements. | |
ET | Defines a local element type from the element library. | |
ETCHG | Changes element types to their corresponding types. | |
ETCONTROL | Controls the element technologies used in element formulation (for applicable elements). | |
ETDELE | Deletes element types. | |
ETLIST | Lists currently defined element types. | |
KEYOPT | Sets element key options. | |
NSVR | Defines the number of variables for user-programmable element options. |
Table 2.27: Materials
These PREP7 commands are used to define the linear material properties. | ||
EMUNIT | Specifies the system of units for magnetic field problems. | |
MP | Defines a linear material property. | |
MPAMOD | Modifies temperature-dependent coefficients of thermal expansion. | |
MPCHG | Changes the material number attribute of an element. | |
MPCOPY | Copies material model data from one material reference number to another. | |
MPDATA | Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table. | |
MPDELE | Deletes linear material properties. | |
MPDRES | Reassembles existing material data with the temperature table. | |
/MPLIB | Sets the default material library read and write paths. | |
MPLIST | Lists linear material properties. | |
MPPLOT | Plots linear material properties as a function of temperature. | |
MPREAD | Reads a file containing material properties. | |
MPTEMP | Defines a temperature table for material properties. | |
MPTGEN | Adds temperatures to the temperature table by generation. | |
MPTRES | Restores a temperature table previously defined. | |
MPWRITE | Writes linear material properties in the database to a file (if the Lib option is not specified) or writes both linear and nonlinear material properties (if Lib is specified) from the database to a file. | |
TBFT | Performs curve-fitting operations on materials. | |
UIMP | Defines constant material properties (GUI). |
Table 2.28: Material Data Tables
These PREP7 commands create and modify the material data tables (that is, to specify and define material models). | ||
TB | Activates a material data table. | |
TBCOPY | Copies a data table from one material to another. | |
TBDATA | Defines data for the material data table. | |
TBDELE | Deletes previously defined material data tables. | |
TBEO | Sets special options or parameters for material data tables. | |
TBFIELD | Defines values of field variables for the material data tables. | |
TBIN | Sets parameters used for interpolation of the material data tables. | |
TBLIST | Lists the material data tables. | |
TBMODIF | Modifies data for the material data table (GUI). | |
TBPLOT | Displays the material data table. | |
TBPT | Defines a point on a stress-strain or B-H curve. | |
TBTEMP | Defines a temperature for the material data table. |
Table 2.29: Primitives
These PREP7 commands are used to create primitive shapes for modeling. | ||
BLC4 | Creates a rectangular area or block volume by corner points. | |
BLC5 | Creates a rectangular area or block volume by center and corner points. | |
BLOCK | Creates a block volume based on working plane coordinates. | |
CON4 | Creates a conical volume anywhere on the working plane. | |
CONE | Creates a conical volume centered about the working plane origin. | |
CYL4 | Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume anywhere on the working plane. | |
CYL5 | Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume by end points. | |
CYLIND | Creates a cylindrical volume centered about the working plane origin. | |
PCIRC | Creates a circular area centered about the working plane origin. | |
POLY | Creates a polygonal area based on working plane coordinate pairs. | |
PRI2 | Creates a polygonal area or a prism volume by vertices (GUI). | |
PRISM | Creates a prism volume based on working plane coordinate pairs. | |
PTXY | Defines coordinate pairs for use in polygons and prisms. | |
RECTNG | Creates a rectangular area anywhere on the working plane. | |
RPOLY | Creates a regular polygonal area centered about the working plane origin. | |
RPR4 | Creates a regular polygonal area or prism volume anywhere on the working plane. | |
RPRISM | Creates a regular prism volume centered about the working plane origin. | |
SPH4 | Creates a spherical volume anywhere on the working plane. | |
SPH5 | Creates a spherical volume by diameter end points. | |
SPHERE | Creates a spherical volume centered about the working plane origin. | |
TORUS | Creates a toroidal volume. |
Table 2.30: Keypoints
These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., keypoints. | ||
GSUM | Calculates and prints geometry items. | |
K | Defines a keypoint. | |
KBETW | Creates a keypoint between two existing keypoints. | |
KCENTER | Creates a keypoint at the center of a circular arc defined by three locations. | |
KDELE | Deletes unmeshed keypoints. | |
KDIST | Calculates and lists the distance between two keypoints. | |
KFILL | Generates keypoints between two keypoints. | |
KGEN | Generates additional keypoints from a pattern of keypoints. | |
KL | Generates a keypoint at a specified location on an existing line. | |
KLIST | Lists the defined keypoints or hard points. | |
KMODIF | Modifies an existing keypoint. | |
KMOVE | Calculates and moves a keypoint to an intersection. | |
KNODE | Defines a keypoint at an existing node location. | |
KPLOT | Displays the selected keypoints. | |
KPSCALE | Generates a scaled set of (meshed) keypoints from a pattern of keypoints. | |
KSCALE | Generates a scaled pattern of keypoints from a given keypoint pattern. | |
KSUM | Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected keypoints. | |
KSYMM | Generates a reflected set of keypoints. | |
KTRAN | Transfers a pattern of keypoints to another coordinate system. | |
SOURCE | Defines a default location for undefined nodes or keypoints. |
Table 2.32: Lines
These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., lines. | ||
BSPLIN | Generates a single line from a spline fit to a series of keypoints. | |
CIRCLE | Generates circular arc lines. | |
GSUM | Calculates and prints geometry items. | |
L | Defines a line between two keypoints. | |
L2ANG | Generates a line at an angle with two existing lines. | |
L2TAN | Generates a line tangent to two lines. | |
LANG | Generates a straight line at an angle with a line. | |
LARC | Defines a circular arc. | |
LAREA | Generates the shortest line between two keypoints on an area. | |
LCOMB | Combines adjacent lines into one line. | |
LDELE | Deletes unmeshed lines. | |
LDIV | Divides a single line into two or more lines. | |
LDRAG | Generates lines by sweeping a keypoint pattern along path. | |
LEXTND | Extends a line at one end by using its slope. | |
LFILLT | Generates a fillet line between two intersecting lines. | |
LGEN | Generates additional lines from a pattern of lines. | |
LLIST | Lists the defined lines. | |
LPLOT | Displays the selected lines. | |
LREVERSE | Reverses the normal of a line, regardless of its connectivity or mesh status. | |
LROTAT | Generates circular lines by rotating a keypoint pattern about an axis. | |
LSSCALE | Generates a scaled set of lines from a pattern of lines. | |
LSTR | Defines a straight line irrespective of the active coordinate system. | |
LSUM | Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected lines. | |
LSYMM | Generates lines from a line pattern by symmetry reflection. | |
LTAN | Generates a line at the end of, and tangent to, an existing line. | |
LTRAN | Transfers a pattern of lines to another coordinate system. | |
SPLINE | Generates a segmented spline through a series of keypoints. | |
SSLN | Selects and displays small lines in the model. |
Table 2.33: Areas
These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., areas. | ||
A | Defines an area by connecting keypoints. | |
AATT | Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed areas. | |
ADELE | Deletes unmeshed areas. | |
ADGL | Lists keypoints of an area that lie on a parametric degeneracy. | |
ADRAG | Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path. | |
AFILLT | Generates a fillet at the intersection of two areas. | |
AGEN | Generates additional areas from a pattern of areas. | |
AL | Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines. | |
ALIST | Lists the defined areas. | |
ANORM | Reorients area normals. | |
AOFFST | Generates an area, offset from a given area. | |
APLOT | Displays the selected areas. | |
AREVERSE | Reverses the normal of an area, regardless of its connectivity or mesh status. | |
AROTAT | Generates cylindrical areas by rotating a line pattern about an axis. | |
ARSCALE | Generates a scaled set of areas from a pattern of areas. | |
ARSYM | Generates areas from an area pattern by symmetry reflection. | |
ASKIN | Generates an area by "skinning" a surface through guiding lines. | |
ASUB | Generates an area using the shape of an existing area. | |
ASUM | Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected areas. | |
ATRAN | Transfers a pattern of areas to another coordinate system. | |
GSUM | Calculates and prints geometry items. | |
SPLOT | Displays the selected areas and a faceted view of their underlying surfaces |
Table 2.34: Volumes
These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., volumes. | ||
EXTOPT | Controls options relating to the generation of volume elements from area elements. | |
GSUM | Calculates and prints geometry items. | |
V | Defines a volume through keypoints. | |
VA | Generates a volume bounded by existing areas. | |
VDELE | Deletes unmeshed volumes. | |
VDGL | Lists keypoints of a volume that lie on a parametric degeneracy. | |
VDRAG | Generates volumes by dragging an area pattern along a path. | |
VEXT | Generates additional volumes by extruding areas. | |
VGEN | Generates additional volumes from a pattern of volumes. | |
VLIST | Lists the defined volumes. | |
VLSCALE | Generates a scaled set of volumes from a pattern of volumes. | |
VOFFST | Generates a volume, offset from a given area. | |
VPLOT | Displays the selected volumes. | |
VROTAT | Generates cylindrical volumes by rotating an area pattern about an axis. | |
VSUM | Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected volumes. | |
VSYMM | Generates volumes from a volume pattern by symmetry reflection. | |
VTRAN | Transfers a pattern of volumes to another coordinate system. |
Table 2.35: Booleans
These PREP7 commands are used to perform Boolean operations on solid model entities. | ||
AADD | Adds separate areas to create a single area. | |
AGLUE | Generates new areas by "gluing" areas. | |
AINA | Finds the intersection of areas. | |
AINP | Finds the pairwise intersection of areas. | |
AINV | Finds the intersection of an area with a volume. | |
AOVLAP | Overlaps areas. | |
APTN | Partitions areas. | |
ASBA | Subtracts areas from areas. | |
ASBL | Subtracts lines from areas. | |
ASBV | Subtracts volumes from areas. | |
ASBW | Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from areas (divides areas). | |
BOPTN | Specifies Boolean operation options. | |
BTOL | Specifies the Boolean operation tolerances. | |
LCSL | Divides intersecting lines at their point(s) of intersection. | |
LGLUE | Generates new lines by "gluing" lines. | |
LINA | Finds the intersection of a line with an area. | |
LINL | Finds the common intersection of lines. | |
LINP | Finds the pairwise intersection of lines. | |
LINV | Finds the intersection of a line with a volume. | |
LOVLAP | Overlaps lines. | |
LPTN | Partitions lines. | |
LSBA | Subtracts areas from lines. | |
LSBL | Subtracts lines from lines. | |
LSBV | Subtracts volumes from lines. | |
LSBW | Subtracts the intersection of the working plane from lines (divides lines). | |
VADD | Adds separate volumes to create a single volume. | |
VGLUE | Generates new volumes by "gluing" volumes. | |
VINP | Finds the pairwise intersection of volumes. | |
VINV | Finds the intersection of volumes. | |
VOVLAP | Overlaps volumes. | |
VPTN | Partitions volumes. | |
VSBA | Subtracts areas from volumes. | |
VSBV | Subtracts volumes from volumes. | |
VSBW | Subtracts intersection of the working plane from volumes (divides volumes). |
Table 2.36: Meshing
These PREP7 commands are used to mesh solid models with nodes and elements. | ||
ACCAT | Concatenates multiple areas in preparation for mapped meshing. | |
ACLEAR | Deletes nodes and area elements associated with selected areas. | |
AESIZE | Specifies the element size to be meshed onto areas. | |
AMAP | Generates a 2-D mapped mesh based on specified area corners. | |
AMESH | Generates nodes and area elements within areas. | |
AREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified areas. | |
CHKMSH | Checks area and volume entities for previous meshes. | |
CLRMSHLN | Clears meshed entities. | |
CPCYC | Couples the two side faces of a cyclically symmetric model for loadings that are the same on every segment. | |
CZDEL | Edits or clears cohesive zone sections. | |
CZMESH | Creates and meshes a cohesive zone group of elements. | |
DESIZE | Controls default element sizes. | |
EORIENT | Reorients solid element normals. | |
EREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified elements. | |
ESIZE | Specifies the default number of line divisions. | |
ESYS | Sets the element coordinate system attribute pointer. | |
FVMESH | Generates nodes and tetrahedral volume elements from detached exterior area elements (facets). | |
GSGDATA | Specifies the reference point and defines the geometry in the fiber direction for the generalized plane strain element option. | |
IMESH | Generates nodes and interface elements along lines or areas. | |
KATT | Associates attributes with the selected, unmeshed keypoints. | |
KCLEAR | Deletes nodes and point elements associated with selected keypoints. | |
KESIZE | Specifies the edge lengths of the elements nearest a keypoint. | |
KMESH | Generates nodes and point elements at keypoints. | |
KREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified keypoints. | |
KSCON | Specifies a keypoint about which an area mesh will be skewed. | |
LATT | Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed lines. | |
LCCAT | Concatenates multiple lines into one line for mapped meshing. | |
LCLEAR | Deletes nodes and line elements associated with selected lines. | |
LESIZE | Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines. | |
LMESH | Generates nodes and line elements along lines. | |
LREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified lines. | |
MAT | Sets the element material attribute pointer. | |
MCHECK | Checks mesh connectivity. | |
MODMSH | Controls the relationship of the solid model and the FE model. | |
MOPT | Specifies meshing options. | |
MSHAPE | For elements that support multiple shapes, specifies the element shape to be used for meshing. | |
MSHCOPY | Simplifies the generation of meshes that have matching node element patterns on two different line groups (in 2-D) or area groups (3-D). | |
MSHKEY | Specifies whether free meshing or mapped meshing should be used to mesh a model. | |
MSHMID | Specifies placement of midside nodes. | |
MSHPATTERN | Specifies pattern to be used for mapped triangle meshing. | |
NREFINE | Refines the mesh around specified nodes. | |
PSMESH | Splits an initially continuous group of beam, shell, plane, or solid elements into two unconnected groups, tied together with PRETS179 pretension elements. | |
REAL | Sets the element real constant set attribute pointer. | |
RTHICK | Defines variable thickness at nodes for shell elements. | |
SHPP | Controls element shape checking. | |
SMRTSIZE | Specifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element sizing. | |
TCHG | Converts 20-node degenerate tetrahedral elements to their 10-node non-degenerate counterparts. | |
TIMP | Improves the quality of tetrahedral elements that are not associated with a volume. | |
TYPE | Sets the element type attribute pointer. | |
VATT | Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed volumes. | |
VCLEAR | Deletes nodes and volume elements associated with selected volumes. | |
VIMP | Improves the quality of the tetrahedral elements in the selected volume(s). | |
VMESH | Generates nodes and volume elements within volumes. | |
VEORIENT | Specifies brick element orientation for volume mapped (hexahedron) meshing. | |
VSWEEP | Fills an existing unmeshed volume with elements by sweeping the mesh from an adjacent area throughout the volume. |
Table 2.37: Nodes
These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., nodes. | ||
CENTER | Defines a node at the center of curvature of 2 or 3 nodes. | |
FILL | Generates a line of nodes between two existing nodes. | |
MOVE | Calculates and moves a node to an intersection. | |
N | Defines a node. | |
NAXIS | Generates or clears nodes for general axisymmetric element sections. | |
NANG | Rotates a nodal coordinate system by direction cosines. | |
NDELE | Deletes nodes. | |
NDIST | Calculates and lists the distance between two nodes. | |
NGEN | Generates additional nodes from a pattern of nodes. | |
NKPT | Defines a node at an existing keypoint location. | |
NLIST | Lists nodes. | |
NMODIF | Modifies an existing node. | |
NORA | Rotates nodal coordinate systems to surface normal. | |
NPLOT | Displays nodes. | |
NREAD | Reads nodes from a file. | |
NROTAT | Rotates nodal coordinate systems into the active system. | |
NRRANG | Specifies the range of nodes to be read from the node file. | |
NSCALE | Generates a scaled set of nodes from a pattern of nodes. | |
NSMOOTH | Smooths selected nodes among selected elements. | |
NSYM | Generates a reflected set of nodes. | |
NWRITE | Writes nodes to a file. | |
QUAD | Generates a quadratic line of nodes from three nodes. | |
SOURCE | Defines a default location for undefined nodes or keypoints. | |
TRANSFER | Transfers a pattern of nodes to another coordinate system. |
Table 2.38: Elements
These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., elements. | ||
AFSURF | Generates surface elements overlaid on the surface of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closes fluid element node. | |
E | Defines an element by node connectivity. | |
ECPCHG | Optimizes degree-of-freedom usage in a coupled acoustic model. | |
EDELE | Deletes selected elements from the model. | |
EGEN | Generates elements from an existing pattern. | |
EINFIN | Generates structural infinite elements from selected nodes. | |
EINTF | Defines two-node elements between coincident nodes. | |
ELIST | Lists the elements. | |
EMID | Adds or removes midside nodes. | |
EMODIF | Modifies a previously defined element. | |
EMORE | Adds more nodes to the just-defined element. | |
EMTGEN | Generates a set of TRANS126 elements | |
EN | Defines an element by its number and node connectivity. | |
ENDRELEASE | Specifies degrees of freedom to be decoupled for end release. | |
ENGEN | Generates elements from an existing pattern. | |
ENORM | Reorients shell element normals or line element node connectivity. | |
ENSYM | Generates elements by symmetry reflection. | |
EORIENT | Reorients solid element normals. | |
EPLOT | Produces an element display. | |
EREAD | Reads elements from a file. | |
EREINF | Generates reinforcing elements from selected existing (base) elements. | |
ERRANG | Specifies the element range to be read from a file. | |
ESURF | Generates elements overlaid on the free faces of selected nodes. | |
ESYM | Generates elements from a pattern by a symmetry reflection. | |
ESYS | Sets the element coordinate system attribute pointer. | |
EWRITE | Writes elements to a file. | |
GCDEF | Defines interface interactions between general contact surfaces. | |
GCGEN | Creates contact elements for general contact. | |
INISTATE | Applies initial state data to an element or a selection of elements. | |
LAYLIST | Lists real constants material properties for layered elements. | |
LAYPLOT | Displays the layer stacking sequence for layered elements. | |
LFSURF | Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node. | |
MAT | Sets the element material attribute pointer. | |
NDSURF | Generates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node. | |
REAL | Sets the element real constant set attribute pointer. | |
SHSD | Creates or deletes shell-solid interface to be used in shell-to-solid assemblies. | |
SWADD | Adds more surfaces to an existing spot weld set. | |
SWDEL | Deletes spot weld sets. | |
SWGEN | Creates a new spot weld set. | |
SWLIST | Lists spot weld sets. | |
TSHAP | Defines simple 2-D and 3-D geometric surfaces for target segment elements. | |
TYPE | Sets the element type attribute pointer. | |
UPGEOM | Adds displacements from a previous analysis and updates the geometry to the deformed configuration. | |
USRDOF | Specifies the degrees of freedom for the user-defined element USER300. | |
USRELEM | Specifies the characteristics of the user-defined element USER300. | |
WTBCREATE | Creates and defines USER300 elements for use in aeroelastic analysis. |
Table 2.39: Superelements
These PREP7 commands are used to create and modify superelements. | ||
SE | Defines a superelement. | |
SEDLIST | Lists the degree-of-freedom solution of a superelement after the use pass. | |
SELIST | Lists the contents of a superelement matrix file. | |
SESYMM | Performs a symmetry operation on a superelement within the use pass. | |
SETRAN | Creates a superelement from an existing superelement. |
Table 2.41: Coupled Degrees of Freedom
These PREP7 commands are used to define, modify, list, etc., coupled degrees of freedom. | ||
CP | Defines (or modifies) a set of coupled degrees of freedom. | |
CPDELE | Deletes coupled degree of freedom sets. | |
CPINTF | Defines coupled degrees of freedom at an interface. | |
CPLGEN | Generates sets of coupled nodes from an existing set. | |
CPLIST | Lists the coupled degree of freedom sets. | |
CPMERGE | Merges different couple sets with duplicate degrees of freedom into one couple set. | |
CPNGEN | Defines, modifies, or adds to a set of coupled degrees of freedom. | |
CPSGEN | Generates sets of coupled nodes from existing sets. |
Table 2.42: Constraint Equations
These PREP7 commands are used to define, modify, list, etc., constraint equations. | ||
CE | Defines a constraint equation relating degrees of freedom. | |
CECYC | Generates the constraint equations for a cyclic symmetry analysis. | |
CEDELE | Deletes constraint equations. | |
CEINTF | Generates constraint equations at an interface. | |
CELIST | Lists the constraint equations. | |
CERIG | Defines a rigid region. | |
CESGEN | Generates a set of constraint equations from existing sets. | |
RBE3 | Distributes the force/moment applied at the master node to a set of slave nodes, taking into account the geometry of the slave nodes as well as weighting factors. |
Table 2.43: Status
These PREP7 commands are for use with the STAT command. | ||
AREAS | Specifies "Areas" as the subsequent status topic. | |
BOOL | Specifies "Booleans" as the subsequent status topic. | |
CEQN | Specifies "Constraint equations" as the subsequent status topic. | |
COUPLE | Specifies "Node coupling" as the subsequent status topic. | |
DIGIT | Specifies "Node digitizing" as the subsequent status topic. | |
ELEM | Specifies "Elements" as the subsequent status topic. | |
ETYPE | Specifies "Element types" as the subsequent status topic. | |
FEBODY | Specifies "Body loads on elements" as the subsequent status topic. | |
FECONS | Specifies "Constraints on nodes" as the subsequent status topic. | |
FEFOR | Specifies "Forces on nodes" as the subsequent status topic. | |
FESURF | Specifies "Surface loads on elements" as the subsequent status topic. | |
GEOMETRY | Specifies "Geometry" as the subsequent status topic. | |
KEYPTS | Specifies "Keypoints" as the subsequent status topic. | |
LINE | Specifies "Lines" as the subsequent status topic. | |
MATER | Specifies "Material properties" as the subsequent status topic. | |
MESHING | Specifies "Meshing" as the subsequent status topic. | |
NODES | Specifies "Nodes" as the subsequent status topic. | |
PRIM | Specifies "Solid model primitives" as the subsequent status topic. | |
RCON | Specifies "Real constants" as the subsequent status topic. | |
SELM | Specifies "Superelements" as the subsequent status topic. | |
TBLE | Specifies "Data table properties" as the subsequent status topic. | |
VOLUMES | Specifies "Volumes" as the subsequent status topic. |
Table 2.44: Explicit Dynamics
These PREP7 commands are used for an explicit dynamic analysis. | ||
EDASMP | Creates a part assembly to be used in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDBOUND | Defines a boundary plane for sliding or cyclic symmetry. | |
EDBX | Creates a box shaped volume to be used in a contact definition. | |
EDCGEN | Specifies contact parameters for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCLIST | Lists all contact entity specifications in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCMORE | Specifies additional contact parameters for a given contact definition in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCNSTR | Defines various types of constraints for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCONTACT | Specifies contact surface controls for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCRB | Constrains two rigid bodies to act as one in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCURVE | Specifies data curves for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDDBL | Sets the single or double precision version of LS-DYNA into effect. | |
EDDC | Deletes or deactivates/reactivates contact entity specifications in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDIPART | Defines inertia for rigid parts in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDLCS | Defines a local coordinate system for use in explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDMP | Defines material properties for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDNB | Defines a nonreflecting boundary in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDNDTSD | Allows smoothing of noisy data for explicit dynamic analyses and provides a graphical representation of the data. | |
EDNROT | Applies a rotated coordinate nodal constraint in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDPART | Configures parts for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDPC | Selects and plots explicit dynamic contact entities. | |
EDSP | Specifies small penetration checking for contact entities in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDWELD | Defines a massless spotweld or generalized weld for use in an explicit dynamic analysis. |
Table 2.45: Sections
These PREP7 commands manage sections. | ||
BSAX | Specifies axial strain and force for a nonlinear general beam section. | |
BSM1 | Specifies bending moment and curvature in plane XZ for a nonlinear general beam section. | |
BSM2 | Specifies bending moment and curvature in plane XY for a nonlinear general beam section. | |
BSMD | Specifies mass density for a nonlinear general beam section. | |
BSS1 | Specifies transverse shear force and strain in plane XZ for a nonlinear general beam section. | |
BSS2 | Specifies transverse shear force and strain in plane XY for a nonlinear general beam section. | |
BSTE | Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a nonlinear general beam section. | |
BSTQ | Specifies cross section torque and twist for a nonlinear general beam section. | |
CBMD | Specifies preintegrated mass-density matrix for composite-beam sections. | |
CBMX | Specifies preintegrated cross-section stiffness for composite-beam sections. | |
CBTE | Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a composite-beam section. | |
CBTMP | Specifies a temperature for the composite-beam section matrix. | |
SDELETE | Deletes sections from the database. | |
SECCONTROL | Supplements or overrides default section properties. | |
SECDATA | Describes the geometry of a section. | |
SECJOINT | Defines local coordinate systems at joint element nodes and other data for joint elements. | |
/SECLIB | Sets the default section library path for the SECREAD command. | |
SECLOCK | Specifies locks on the element degrees of freedom. | |
SECNUM | Sets the element section attribute pointer. | |
SECOFFSET | Defines the section offset for cross sections. | |
SECPLOT | Plots the geometry of a section to scale. | |
SECREAD | Reads a custom section library or a user-defined section mesh into ANSYS. | |
SECSTOP | Specifies stops on the element degrees of freedom. | |
SECTYPE | Associates section type information with a section ID number. | |
SECWRITE | Creates an ASCII file containing user mesh section information. | |
SFLEX | Sets section flexibility factors for pipe elements. | |
SLIST | Summarizes the section properties for all defined sections in the current session of ANSYS. | |
SLOAD | Loads a pretension section. | |
SSBT | Specifies the bending thermal effects quantity for a preintegrated shell section. | |
SSMT | Specifies the membrane thermal effects quantity for a preintegrated shell section. | |
SSPA | Specifies the membrane stiffness quantity for a preintegrated shell section. | |
SSPB | Specifies the coupling stiffness quantity for a preintegrated shell section. | |
SSPD | Specifies the bending stiffness quantity for a preintegrated shell section. | |
SSPE | Specifies the transverse shear stiffness quantity for a preintegrated shell section. | |
SSPM | Specifies the mass density and stress-free initial temperature for a preintegrated shell section. |
Table 2.46: Morphing
These PREP7 commands are used to adjust the finite element mesh in the non-structural regions to coincide with the deflections of the structural regions. | ||
MORPH | Specifies morphing and remeshing controls. | |
DAMORPH | Move nodes in selected areas to conform to structural displacements. | |
DEMORPH | Move nodes in selected elements to conform to structural displacements. | |
DVMORPH | Move nodes in selected volumes to conform to structural displacements. |
Table 2.48: Special Purpose
These PREP7 commands are used for special-purpose operations. | ||
AEROCOEFF | Computes the aero-damping and stiffness coefficients and writes them to an APDL array | |
CINT | Defines parameters associated with fracture parameter calculations. | |
/CYCEXPAND | Verifies a cyclically symmetric model by graphically expanding it partially or into the full 360 degrees. | |
CYCFREQ | Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry mode superposition harmonic analysis. | |
CYCLIC | Specifies a cyclic symmetry analysis. | |
CYCOPT | Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry analysis. | |
EMSYM | Specifies circular symmetry for electromagnetic sources. | |
MSTOLE | Adds two extra nodes from FLUID116 elements to SURF152 elements for convection analyses. | |
PERBC2D | Generates periodic constraints for 2-D planar magnetic field analyses. | |
PHYSICS | Writes, reads, or lists all element information. | |
RACE | Defines a "racetrack" current source. | |
SSTATE | Defines a steady-state rolling analysis. | |
XFDATA | Defines a crack in the model by specifying nodal level set values. | |
XFENRICH | Defines parameters associated with crack propagation using XFEM. | |
XFLIST | Lists enrichment details and associated crack information. |