2.5. PREP7 Commands

These commands are used to create and set up the model. The commands are grouped by functionality.

Table 2.24:  Database

These PREP7 commands are used to read model data into the database, list out the database, and control the numbering of entities in the database.
AFLISTLists the current data in the database. 
CDREADReads a file of solid model and database information into the database. 
CDWRITEWrites geometry and load database items to a file. 
CDOPTSpecifies format to be used for archiving geometry. 
CECHECKCheck constraint equations and couplings for rigid body motions. 
CHECKChecks current database items for completeness. 
CNCHECKProvides and/or adjusts the initial status of contact pairs.  
FCProvides failure criteria information and activates a data table to input temperature-dependent stress and strain limits. 
FCCHECKChecks both the strain and stress input criteria for all materials. 
FCDELEDeletes previously defined failure criterion data for the given material. 
FCLISTTo list what the failure criteria is that you have input. 
IGESOUTWrites solid model data to a file in IGES Version 5.1 format. 
MFIMPORTImports a new field into a current ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. 
NOOFFSETPrevents the CDREAD command from offsetting specified data items. 
NUMCMPCompresses the numbering of defined items. 
NUMMRGMerges coincident or equivalently defined items. 
NUMOFFAdds a number offset to defined items. 
NUMSTREstablishes starting numbers for automatically numbered items. 
/PREP7Enters the model creation preprocessor. 

Table 2.25:  Element Type

These PREP7 commands define the type of elements to be used in the model.
DOFAdds degrees of freedom to the current degree-of-freedom set. 
ELBOWSpecifies degrees of freedom to be coupled for end release and applies section constraints to elbow elements. 
ETDefines a local element type from the element library. 
ETCHGChanges element types to their corresponding types. 
ETCONTROLControls the element technologies used in element formulation (for applicable elements).  
ETDELEDeletes element types. 
ETLISTLists currently defined element types. 
KEYOPTSets element key options. 
NSVRDefines the number of variables for user-programmable element options. 

Table 2.26:  Real Constants

These PREP7 commands define the model real constants.
RDefines the element real constants. 
RDELEDeletes real constant sets. 
RLISTLists the real constant sets. 
RMODIFModifies real constant sets. 
RMOREAdds real constants to a set. 
SETFGAPUpdates real constant table for squeeze film elements. 

Table 2.27:  Materials

These PREP7 commands are used to define the linear material properties.
EMUNITSpecifies the system of units for magnetic field problems. 
MPDefines a linear material property. 
MPAMODModifies temperature-dependent coefficients of thermal expansion. 
MPCHGChanges the material number attribute of an element. 
MPCOPYCopies material model data from one material reference number to another. 
MPDATADefines property data to be associated with the temperature table. 
MPDELEDeletes linear material properties. 
MPDRESReassembles existing material data with the temperature table. 
/MPLIBSets the default material library read and write paths. 
MPLISTLists linear material properties. 
MPPLOTPlots linear material properties as a function of temperature. 
MPREADReads a file containing material properties. 
MPTEMPDefines a temperature table for material properties. 
MPTGENAdds temperatures to the temperature table by generation. 
MPTRESRestores a temperature table previously defined. 
MPWRITEWrites linear material properties in the database to a file (if the Lib option is not specified) or writes both linear and nonlinear material properties (if Lib is specified) from the database to a file. 
TBFTPerforms curve-fitting operations on materials. 
UIMPDefines constant material properties (GUI). 

Table 2.28:  Material Data Tables

These PREP7 commands create and modify the material data tables (that is, to specify and define material models).
TBActivates a material data table. 
TBCOPYCopies a data table from one material to another. 
TBDATADefines data for the material data table. 
TBDELEDeletes previously defined material data tables. 
TBEOSets special options or parameters for material data tables. 
TBFIELDDefines values of field variables for the material data tables. 
TBINSets parameters used for interpolation of the material data tables. 
TBLISTLists the material data tables. 
TBMODIFModifies data for the material data table (GUI). 
TBPLOTDisplays the material data table. 
TBPTDefines a point on a stress-strain or B-H curve. 
TBTEMPDefines a temperature for the material data table. 

Table 2.29:  Primitives

These PREP7 commands are used to create primitive shapes for modeling.
BLC4Creates a rectangular area or block volume by corner points. 
BLC5Creates a rectangular area or block volume by center and corner points. 
BLOCKCreates a block volume based on working plane coordinates. 
CON4Creates a conical volume anywhere on the working plane. 
CONECreates a conical volume centered about the working plane origin. 
CYL4Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume anywhere on the working plane. 
CYL5Creates a circular area or cylindrical volume by end points. 
CYLINDCreates a cylindrical volume centered about the working plane origin. 
PCIRCCreates a circular area centered about the working plane origin. 
POLYCreates a polygonal area based on working plane coordinate pairs. 
PRI2Creates a polygonal area or a prism volume by vertices (GUI). 
PRISMCreates a prism volume based on working plane coordinate pairs. 
PTXYDefines coordinate pairs for use in polygons and prisms. 
RECTNGCreates a rectangular area anywhere on the working plane. 
RPOLYCreates a regular polygonal area centered about the working plane origin. 
RPR4Creates a regular polygonal area or prism volume anywhere on the working plane. 
RPRISMCreates a regular prism volume centered about the working plane origin. 
SPH4Creates a spherical volume anywhere on the working plane. 
SPH5Creates a spherical volume by diameter end points. 
SPHERECreates a spherical volume centered about the working plane origin. 
TORUSCreates a toroidal volume. 

Table 2.30:  Keypoints

These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., keypoints.
GSUMCalculates and prints geometry items. 
KDefines a keypoint. 
KBETWCreates a keypoint between two existing keypoints. 
KCENTERCreates a keypoint at the center of a circular arc defined by three locations. 
KDELEDeletes unmeshed keypoints. 
KDISTCalculates and lists the distance between two keypoints. 
KFILLGenerates keypoints between two keypoints. 
KGENGenerates additional keypoints from a pattern of keypoints. 
KLGenerates a keypoint at a specified location on an existing line. 
KLISTLists the defined keypoints or hard points. 
KMODIFModifies an existing keypoint. 
KMOVECalculates and moves a keypoint to an intersection. 
KNODEDefines a keypoint at an existing node location. 
KPLOTDisplays the selected keypoints. 
KPSCALEGenerates a scaled set of (meshed) keypoints from a pattern of keypoints. 
KSCALEGenerates a scaled pattern of keypoints from a given keypoint pattern. 
KSUMCalculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected keypoints. 
KSYMMGenerates a reflected set of keypoints. 
KTRANTransfers a pattern of keypoints to another coordinate system. 
SOURCEDefines a default location for undefined nodes or keypoints. 

Table 2.31:  Hard Points

These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., hard points.
HPTCREATEDefines a hard point. 
HPTDELETEDeletes selected hard points. 

Table 2.32:  Lines

These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., lines.
BSPLINGenerates a single line from a spline fit to a series of keypoints. 
CIRCLEGenerates circular arc lines. 
GSUMCalculates and prints geometry items. 
LDefines a line between two keypoints. 
L2ANGGenerates a line at an angle with two existing lines. 
L2TANGenerates a line tangent to two lines. 
LANGGenerates a straight line at an angle with a line. 
LARCDefines a circular arc. 
LAREAGenerates the shortest line between two keypoints on an area. 
LCOMBCombines adjacent lines into one line. 
LDELEDeletes unmeshed lines. 
LDIVDivides a single line into two or more lines. 
LDRAGGenerates lines by sweeping a keypoint pattern along path. 
LEXTNDExtends a line at one end by using its slope. 
LFILLTGenerates a fillet line between two intersecting lines. 
LGENGenerates additional lines from a pattern of lines. 
LLISTLists the defined lines. 
LPLOTDisplays the selected lines. 
LREVERSEReverses the normal of a line, regardless of its connectivity or mesh status. 
LROTATGenerates circular lines by rotating a keypoint pattern about an axis. 
LSSCALEGenerates a scaled set of lines from a pattern of lines. 
LSTRDefines a straight line irrespective of the active coordinate system. 
LSUMCalculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected lines. 
LSYMMGenerates lines from a line pattern by symmetry reflection. 
LTANGenerates a line at the end of, and tangent to, an existing line. 
LTRANTransfers a pattern of lines to another coordinate system. 
SPLINEGenerates a segmented spline through a series of keypoints. 
SSLNSelects and displays small lines in the model. 

Table 2.33:  Areas

These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., areas.
ADefines an area by connecting keypoints. 
AATTAssociates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed areas. 
ADELEDeletes unmeshed areas. 
ADGLLists keypoints of an area that lie on a parametric degeneracy. 
ADRAGGenerates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path. 
AFILLTGenerates a fillet at the intersection of two areas. 
AGENGenerates additional areas from a pattern of areas. 
ALGenerates an area bounded by previously defined lines. 
ALISTLists the defined areas. 
ANORMReorients area normals. 
AOFFSTGenerates an area, offset from a given area. 
APLOTDisplays the selected areas. 
AREVERSEReverses the normal of an area, regardless of its connectivity or mesh status. 
AROTATGenerates cylindrical areas by rotating a line pattern about an axis. 
ARSCALEGenerates a scaled set of areas from a pattern of areas. 
ARSYMGenerates areas from an area pattern by symmetry reflection. 
ASKINGenerates an area by "skinning" a surface through guiding lines. 
ASUBGenerates an area using the shape of an existing area. 
ASUMCalculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected areas. 
ATRANTransfers a pattern of areas to another coordinate system. 
GSUMCalculates and prints geometry items. 
SPLOTDisplays the selected areas and a faceted view of their underlying surfaces  

Table 2.34:  Volumes

These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., volumes.
EXTOPTControls options relating to the generation of volume elements from area elements. 
GSUMCalculates and prints geometry items. 
VDefines a volume through keypoints. 
VAGenerates a volume bounded by existing areas. 
VDELEDeletes unmeshed volumes. 
VDGLLists keypoints of a volume that lie on a parametric degeneracy. 
VDRAGGenerates volumes by dragging an area pattern along a path. 
VEXTGenerates additional volumes by extruding areas. 
VGENGenerates additional volumes from a pattern of volumes. 
VLISTLists the defined volumes. 
VLSCALEGenerates a scaled set of volumes from a pattern of volumes. 
VOFFSTGenerates a volume, offset from a given area. 
VPLOTDisplays the selected volumes. 
VROTATGenerates cylindrical volumes by rotating an area pattern about an axis. 
VSUMCalculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected volumes. 
VSYMMGenerates volumes from a volume pattern by symmetry reflection. 
VTRANTransfers a pattern of volumes to another coordinate system. 

Table 2.35:  Booleans

These PREP7 commands are used to perform Boolean operations on solid model entities.
AADDAdds separate areas to create a single area. 
AGLUEGenerates new areas by "gluing" areas. 
AINAFinds the intersection of areas. 
AINPFinds the pairwise intersection of areas. 
AINVFinds the intersection of an area with a volume. 
AOVLAPOverlaps areas. 
APTNPartitions areas. 
ASBASubtracts areas from areas. 
ASBLSubtracts lines from areas. 
ASBVSubtracts volumes from areas. 
ASBWSubtracts the intersection of the working plane from areas (divides areas). 
BOPTNSpecifies Boolean operation options. 
BTOLSpecifies the Boolean operation tolerances. 
LCSLDivides intersecting lines at their point(s) of intersection. 
LGLUEGenerates new lines by "gluing" lines. 
LINAFinds the intersection of a line with an area. 
LINLFinds the common intersection of lines. 
LINPFinds the pairwise intersection of lines. 
LINVFinds the intersection of a line with a volume. 
LOVLAPOverlaps lines. 
LPTNPartitions lines. 
LSBASubtracts areas from lines. 
LSBLSubtracts lines from lines. 
LSBVSubtracts volumes from lines. 
LSBWSubtracts the intersection of the working plane from lines (divides lines). 
VADDAdds separate volumes to create a single volume. 
VGLUEGenerates new volumes by "gluing" volumes. 
VINPFinds the pairwise intersection of volumes. 
VINVFinds the intersection of volumes. 
VOVLAPOverlaps volumes. 
VPTNPartitions volumes. 
VSBASubtracts areas from volumes. 
VSBVSubtracts volumes from volumes. 
VSBWSubtracts intersection of the working plane from volumes (divides volumes). 

Table 2.36:  Meshing

These PREP7 commands are used to mesh solid models with nodes and elements.
ACCATConcatenates multiple areas in preparation for mapped meshing. 
ACLEARDeletes nodes and area elements associated with selected areas. 
AESIZESpecifies the element size to be meshed onto areas. 
AMAPGenerates a 2-D mapped mesh based on specified area corners. 
AMESHGenerates nodes and area elements within areas. 
AREFINERefines the mesh around specified areas. 
CHKMSHChecks area and volume entities for previous meshes. 
CLRMSHLNClears meshed entities. 
CPCYCCouples the two side faces of a cyclically symmetric model for loadings that are the same on every segment. 
CZDELEdits or clears cohesive zone sections. 
CZMESHCreates and meshes a cohesive zone group of elements. 
DESIZEControls default element sizes. 
EORIENTReorients solid element normals. 
EREFINERefines the mesh around specified elements. 
ESIZESpecifies the default number of line divisions. 
ESYSSets the element coordinate system attribute pointer. 
FVMESHGenerates nodes and tetrahedral volume elements from detached exterior area elements (facets). 
GSGDATASpecifies the reference point and defines the geometry in the fiber direction for the generalized plane strain element option. 
IMESHGenerates nodes and interface elements along lines or areas. 
KATTAssociates attributes with the selected, unmeshed keypoints. 
KCLEARDeletes nodes and point elements associated with selected keypoints. 
KESIZESpecifies the edge lengths of the elements nearest a keypoint. 
KMESHGenerates nodes and point elements at keypoints. 
KREFINERefines the mesh around specified keypoints. 
KSCONSpecifies a keypoint about which an area mesh will be skewed. 
LATTAssociates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed lines. 
LCCATConcatenates multiple lines into one line for mapped meshing. 
LCLEARDeletes nodes and line elements associated with selected lines. 
LESIZESpecifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines. 
LMESHGenerates nodes and line elements along lines. 
LREFINERefines the mesh around specified lines. 
MATSets the element material attribute pointer. 
MCHECKChecks mesh connectivity. 
MODMSHControls the relationship of the solid model and the FE model. 
MOPTSpecifies meshing options. 
MSHAPEFor elements that support multiple shapes, specifies the element shape to be used for meshing. 
MSHCOPYSimplifies the generation of meshes that have matching node element patterns on two different line groups (in 2-D) or area groups (3-D). 
MSHKEYSpecifies whether free meshing or mapped meshing should be used to mesh a model. 
MSHMIDSpecifies placement of midside nodes. 
MSHPATTERNSpecifies pattern to be used for mapped triangle meshing. 
NREFINERefines the mesh around specified nodes. 
PSMESHSplits an initially continuous group of beam, shell, plane, or solid elements into two unconnected groups, tied together with PRETS179 pretension elements. 
REALSets the element real constant set attribute pointer. 
RTHICKDefines variable thickness at nodes for shell elements. 
SHPPControls element shape checking. 
SMRTSIZESpecifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element sizing. 
TCHGConverts 20-node degenerate tetrahedral elements to their 10-node non-degenerate counterparts. 
TIMPImproves the quality of tetrahedral elements that are not associated with a volume. 
TYPESets the element type attribute pointer. 
VATTAssociates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed volumes. 
VCLEARDeletes nodes and volume elements associated with selected volumes. 
VIMPImproves the quality of the tetrahedral elements in the selected volume(s). 
VMESHGenerates nodes and volume elements within volumes. 
VEORIENTSpecifies brick element orientation for volume mapped (hexahedron) meshing. 
VSWEEPFills an existing unmeshed volume with elements by sweeping the mesh from an adjacent area throughout the volume. 

Table 2.37:  Nodes

These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., nodes.
CENTERDefines a node at the center of curvature of 2 or 3 nodes. 
FILLGenerates a line of nodes between two existing nodes. 
MOVECalculates and moves a node to an intersection. 
NDefines a node. 
NAXISGenerates or clears nodes for general axisymmetric element sections. 
NANGRotates a nodal coordinate system by direction cosines. 
NDELEDeletes nodes. 
NDISTCalculates and lists the distance between two nodes. 
NGENGenerates additional nodes from a pattern of nodes. 
NKPTDefines a node at an existing keypoint location. 
NLISTLists nodes. 
NMODIFModifies an existing node. 
NORARotates nodal coordinate systems to surface normal. 
NPLOTDisplays nodes. 
NREADReads nodes from a file. 
NROTATRotates nodal coordinate systems into the active system. 
NRRANGSpecifies the range of nodes to be read from the node file. 
NSCALEGenerates a scaled set of nodes from a pattern of nodes. 
NSMOOTHSmooths selected nodes among selected elements. 
NSYMGenerates a reflected set of nodes. 
NWRITEWrites nodes to a file. 
QUADGenerates a quadratic line of nodes from three nodes. 
SOURCEDefines a default location for undefined nodes or keypoints. 
TRANSFERTransfers a pattern of nodes to another coordinate system. 

Table 2.38:  Elements

These PREP7 commands are used to create, modify, list, etc., elements.
AFSURFGenerates surface elements overlaid on the surface of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closes fluid element node. 
EDefines an element by node connectivity. 
ECPCHGOptimizes degree-of-freedom usage in a coupled acoustic model. 
EDELEDeletes selected elements from the model. 
EGENGenerates elements from an existing pattern. 
EINFINGenerates structural infinite elements from selected nodes. 
EINTFDefines two-node elements between coincident nodes. 
ELISTLists the elements. 
EMIDAdds or removes midside nodes. 
EMODIFModifies a previously defined element. 
EMOREAdds more nodes to the just-defined element. 
EMTGENGenerates a set of TRANS126 elements 
ENDefines an element by its number and node connectivity. 
ENDRELEASESpecifies degrees of freedom to be decoupled for end release. 
ENGENGenerates elements from an existing pattern. 
ENORMReorients shell element normals or line element node connectivity. 
ENSYMGenerates elements by symmetry reflection. 
EORIENTReorients solid element normals. 
EPLOTProduces an element display. 
EREADReads elements from a file. 
EREINFGenerates reinforcing elements from selected existing (base) elements. 
ERRANGSpecifies the element range to be read from a file. 
ESURFGenerates elements overlaid on the free faces of selected nodes. 
ESYMGenerates elements from a pattern by a symmetry reflection. 
ESYSSets the element coordinate system attribute pointer. 
EWRITEWrites elements to a file. 
GCDEFDefines interface interactions between general contact surfaces. 
GCGENCreates contact elements for general contact. 
INISTATEApplies initial state data to an element or a selection of elements. 
LAYLISTLists real constants material properties for layered elements. 
LAYPLOTDisplays the layer stacking sequence for layered elements. 
LFSURFGenerates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing solid elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node. 
MATSets the element material attribute pointer. 
NDSURFGenerates surface elements overlaid on the edge of existing elements and assigns the extra node as the closest fluid element node. 
REALSets the element real constant set attribute pointer. 
SHSDCreates or deletes shell-solid interface to be used in shell-to-solid assemblies. 
SWADDAdds more surfaces to an existing spot weld set. 
SWDELDeletes spot weld sets. 
SWGENCreates a new spot weld set. 
SWLISTLists spot weld sets. 
TSHAPDefines simple 2-D and 3-D geometric surfaces for target segment elements. 
TYPESets the element type attribute pointer. 
UPGEOMAdds displacements from a previous analysis and updates the geometry to the deformed configuration. 
USRDOFSpecifies the degrees of freedom for the user-defined element USER300. 
USRELEMSpecifies the characteristics of the user-defined element USER300. 
WTBCREATECreates and defines USER300 elements for use in aeroelastic analysis. 

Table 2.39:  Superelements

These PREP7 commands are used to create and modify superelements.
SEDefines a superelement. 
SEDLISTLists the degree-of-freedom solution of a superelement after the use pass. 
SELISTLists the contents of a superelement matrix file. 
SESYMMPerforms a symmetry operation on a superelement within the use pass. 
SETRANCreates a superelement from an existing superelement. 

Table 2.40:  Digitizing

These PREP7 commands are used to define nodes by tablet digitizing.
DIGDigitizes nodes to a surface. 
DMOVEDigitizes nodes on surfaces and along intersections. 
DSETSets the scale and drawing plane orientation for a digitizing tablet. 
DSURFDefines the surface upon which digitized nodes lie. 

Table 2.41:  Coupled Degrees of Freedom

These PREP7 commands are used to define, modify, list, etc., coupled degrees of freedom.
CPDefines (or modifies) a set of coupled degrees of freedom. 
CPDELEDeletes coupled degree of freedom sets. 
CPINTFDefines coupled degrees of freedom at an interface. 
CPLGENGenerates sets of coupled nodes from an existing set. 
CPLISTLists the coupled degree of freedom sets. 
CPMERGEMerges different couple sets with duplicate degrees of freedom into one couple set. 
CPNGENDefines, modifies, or adds to a set of coupled degrees of freedom. 
CPSGENGenerates sets of coupled nodes from existing sets. 

Table 2.42:  Constraint Equations

These PREP7 commands are used to define, modify, list, etc., constraint equations.
CEDefines a constraint equation relating degrees of freedom. 
CECYCGenerates the constraint equations for a cyclic symmetry analysis. 
CEDELEDeletes constraint equations. 
CEINTFGenerates constraint equations at an interface. 
CELISTLists the constraint equations. 
CERIGDefines a rigid region. 
CESGENGenerates a set of constraint equations from existing sets. 
RBE3Distributes the force/moment applied at the master node to a set of slave nodes, taking into account the geometry of the slave nodes as well as weighting factors. 

Table 2.43:  Status

These PREP7 commands are for use with the STAT command.
AREASSpecifies "Areas" as the subsequent status topic. 
BOOLSpecifies "Booleans" as the subsequent status topic. 
CEQNSpecifies "Constraint equations" as the subsequent status topic. 
COUPLESpecifies "Node coupling" as the subsequent status topic. 
DIGITSpecifies "Node digitizing" as the subsequent status topic. 
ELEMSpecifies "Elements" as the subsequent status topic. 
ETYPESpecifies "Element types" as the subsequent status topic. 
FEBODYSpecifies "Body loads on elements" as the subsequent status topic. 
FECONSSpecifies "Constraints on nodes" as the subsequent status topic. 
FEFORSpecifies "Forces on nodes" as the subsequent status topic. 
FESURFSpecifies "Surface loads on elements" as the subsequent status topic. 
GEOMETRYSpecifies "Geometry" as the subsequent status topic. 
KEYPTSSpecifies "Keypoints" as the subsequent status topic. 
LINESpecifies "Lines" as the subsequent status topic. 
MATERSpecifies "Material properties" as the subsequent status topic. 
MESHINGSpecifies "Meshing" as the subsequent status topic. 
NODESSpecifies "Nodes" as the subsequent status topic. 
PRIMSpecifies "Solid model primitives" as the subsequent status topic. 
RCONSpecifies "Real constants" as the subsequent status topic. 
SELMSpecifies "Superelements" as the subsequent status topic. 
TBLESpecifies "Data table properties" as the subsequent status topic. 
VOLUMESSpecifies "Volumes" as the subsequent status topic. 

Table 2.44:  Explicit Dynamics

These PREP7 commands are used for an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDASMPCreates a part assembly to be used in an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDBOUNDDefines a boundary plane for sliding or cyclic symmetry. 
EDBXCreates a box shaped volume to be used in a contact definition. 
EDCGENSpecifies contact parameters for an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDCLISTLists all contact entity specifications in an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDCMORESpecifies additional contact parameters for a given contact definition in an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDCNSTRDefines various types of constraints for an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDCONTACTSpecifies contact surface controls for an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDCRBConstrains two rigid bodies to act as one in an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDCURVESpecifies data curves for an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDDBLSets the single or double precision version of LS-DYNA into effect. 
EDDCDeletes or deactivates/reactivates contact entity specifications in an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDIPARTDefines inertia for rigid parts in an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDLCSDefines a local coordinate system for use in explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDMPDefines material properties for an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDNBDefines a nonreflecting boundary in an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDNDTSDAllows smoothing of noisy data for explicit dynamic analyses and provides a graphical representation of the data. 
EDNROTApplies a rotated coordinate nodal constraint in an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDPARTConfigures parts for an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDPCSelects and plots explicit dynamic contact entities. 
EDSPSpecifies small penetration checking for contact entities in an explicit dynamic analysis. 
EDWELDDefines a massless spotweld or generalized weld for use in an explicit dynamic analysis. 

Table 2.45:  Sections

These PREP7 commands manage sections.
BSAXSpecifies axial strain and force for a nonlinear general beam section. 
BSM1Specifies bending moment and curvature in plane XZ for a nonlinear general beam section. 
BSM2Specifies bending moment and curvature in plane XY for a nonlinear general beam section. 
BSMDSpecifies mass density for a nonlinear general beam section. 
BSS1Specifies transverse shear force and strain in plane XZ for a nonlinear general beam section. 
BSS2Specifies transverse shear force and strain in plane XY for a nonlinear general beam section. 
BSTESpecifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a nonlinear general beam section. 
BSTQSpecifies cross section torque and twist for a nonlinear general beam section. 
CBMDSpecifies preintegrated mass-density matrix for composite-beam sections.  
CBMXSpecifies preintegrated cross-section stiffness for composite-beam sections. 
CBTESpecifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a composite-beam section.  
CBTMPSpecifies a temperature for the composite-beam section matrix.  
SDELETEDeletes sections from the database.  
SECCONTROLSupplements or overrides default section properties. 
SECDATADescribes the geometry of a section.  
SECJOINTDefines local coordinate systems at joint element nodes and other data for joint elements. 
/SECLIBSets the default section library path for the SECREAD command.  
SECLOCKSpecifies locks on the element degrees of freedom. 
SECNUMSets the element section attribute pointer.  
SECOFFSETDefines the section offset for cross sections.  
SECPLOTPlots the geometry of a section to scale.  
SECREADReads a custom section library or a user-defined section mesh into ANSYS. 
SECSTOPSpecifies stops on the element degrees of freedom. 
SECTYPEAssociates section type information with a section ID number. 
SECWRITECreates an ASCII file containing user mesh section information.  
SFLEXSets section flexibility factors for pipe elements. 
SLISTSummarizes the section properties for all defined sections in the current session of ANSYS.  
SLOADLoads a pretension section. 
SSBTSpecifies the bending thermal effects quantity for a preintegrated shell section. 
SSMTSpecifies the membrane thermal effects quantity for a preintegrated shell section. 
SSPASpecifies the membrane stiffness quantity for a preintegrated shell section. 
SSPBSpecifies the coupling stiffness quantity for a preintegrated shell section. 
SSPDSpecifies the bending stiffness quantity for a preintegrated shell section.  
SSPESpecifies the transverse shear stiffness quantity for a preintegrated shell section.  
SSPMSpecifies the mass density and stress-free initial temperature for a preintegrated shell section. 

Table 2.46:  Morphing

These PREP7 commands are used to adjust the finite element mesh in the non-structural regions to coincide with the deflections of the structural regions.
MORPHSpecifies morphing and remeshing controls. 
DAMORPHMove nodes in selected areas to conform to structural displacements. 
DEMORPHMove nodes in selected elements to conform to structural displacements. 
DVMORPHMove nodes in selected volumes to conform to structural displacements. 

Table 2.47:  Artificially Matched Layers

These PREP7 commands are used to create artificially matched layers (PMLs or AMLs) designed to absorb high frequency waves.
PMLOPTDefines perfectly matched layers (PMLs) or irregular perfectly matched layers (IPMLs).
PMLSIZEDetermines the number of PML or IPML layers. 

Table 2.48:  Special Purpose

These PREP7 commands are used for special-purpose operations.
AEROCOEFFComputes the aero-damping and stiffness coefficients and writes them to an APDL array 
CINTDefines parameters associated with fracture parameter calculations. 
/CYCEXPANDVerifies a cyclically symmetric model by graphically expanding it partially or into the full 360 degrees. 
CYCFREQSpecifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry mode superposition harmonic analysis. 
CYCLICSpecifies a cyclic symmetry analysis. 
CYCOPTSpecifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry analysis. 
EMSYMSpecifies circular symmetry for electromagnetic sources. 
MSTOLEAdds two extra nodes from FLUID116 elements to SURF152 elements for convection analyses. 
PERBC2DGenerates periodic constraints for 2-D planar magnetic field analyses. 
PHYSICSWrites, reads, or lists all element information. 
RACEDefines a "racetrack" current source. 
SSTATEDefines a steady-state rolling analysis. 
XFDATADefines a crack in the model by specifying nodal level set values. 
XFENRICHDefines parameters associated with crack propagation using XFEM. 
XFLISTLists enrichment details and associated crack information. 

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.