, VAL2
, VAL3
, VAL4
, VAL5
, VAL6
, VAL7
, VAL8
, VAL9
, VAL10
, VAL11
, VAL12
, VAL13
Supplements or overrides default section properties.
, VAL2
, VAL3
, . . . , VAL13
Values, such as the length of a side or the numbers
of cells along the width, that describe the geometry of a section.
See the "Notes" section of this command
description for details about these values for the various section
The SECCONTROL command is divided into these
operation types: Beams, Links, Pipes, Shells, and Reinforcings.
Values are associated with the most recently issued SECTYPE command. The data required is determined by the
section type and is different for each type.
SECCONTROL overrides the program-calculated
transverse-shear stiffness.
The command does not apply to thermal shell elements SHELL131 and SHELL132 or thermal
solid elements SOLID278 and SOLID279.
Type: BEAM
Data to provide in the value fields (VAL1 through VAL4 ): |
TXZ = User transverse shear stiffness. |
- = Unused field. |
TXY = User transverse shear stiffness. |
ADDMAS = Added mass per unit length. |
Type: LINK
Data to provide in the value fields (VAL1 ,
VAL2 ): |
ADDMAS = Added mass per unit length. |
TENSKEY = Flag specifying tension and compression,
tension only, or compression only: |
0 = Tension and compression (default). |
1 = Tension only. |
-1 = Compression only. |
Type: PIPE
Data to provide in the value field (VAL1 ): |
ADDMAS = Added mass per unit length. Use this value to
account for extra hardware only. |
Other masses are handled as follows: |
The mass of the internal fluid is accounted for by M
on the SECDATA command.
The mass of the outer covering (insulation) is accounted
for by M
on the SECDATA command.
The mass of the external fluid is accounted for by MATOC
on the OCDATA command.
Data to provide in the value fields (VAL1 through VAL7 ): |
E11 = User transverse shear
stiffness. |
E22 = User transverse shear
stiffness. |
E12 = User transverse shear
stiffness. |
ADDMAS = Added mass per unit area. |
MEMSCF = Hourglass control membrane scale
factor. |
BENSCF = Hourglass control bending scale factor. |
DRLSTIF = Drill stiffness scale factor. |
Data to provide in the value fields (VAL1 ,
VAL2 ): |
TENSKEY = Flag specifying tension-and-compression,
tension-only, or compression-only fibers: |
0 = Tension and compression (default). |
1 = Tension only. |
-1 = Compression only. |
REMBASE = Flag specifying how base-element material is
handled: |
0 = Retain base-element material in the space occupied by the reinforcing fibers
(default). |
1 = Remove base-element material (mass and stiffness) in the space occupied by the
reinforcing fibers. |
REMBASE = 1 typically leads to more accurate models. (The
base material must support 1-D stress states.) |
values apply to all fibers defined in the current section. |