, VAL2
, VAL3
, . . . , VAL14
Defines an ocean load using non-table data.
The OCDATA command
specifies non-table data that defines the ocean load, such as the
depth of the ocean to the mud line, the ratio of added mass over added
mass for a circular cross section, or the wave type to apply. The
terms VAL1
, VAL2
, etc. are specialized according to the input set required for the
given ocean load.
The program interprets the data input via the OCDATA command within the context of the most recently issued OCTYPE command.
Input values in the order indicated.
This command is also valid in PREP7.
You can define the following ocean data types:
For a better understanding of how to set up a basic ocean type, see Figure 7: Basic Ocean Data Type Components .
-- The depth of the
ocean (that is, the distance between the mean sea level and the mud
line). The water surface is assumed to be level in the XY plane, with
Z being positive upwards. This value is required and must be positive.
-- The material number
of the ocean. This value is required and is used to input the required
density. It is also used to input the viscosity if the Reynolds number
is used (OCTABLE).
-- The inside-outside
fluid-interaction key:
0 -- The density and pressure of fluid inside and outside of the pipe element (PIPE288 or PIPE289) are independent of each other. This behavior is the default. |
1 -- The density and pressure of fluid inside of the pipe element (PIPE288 or PIPE289) are set to equal the values outside of the pipe element. |
For beam
subtype CTUBE and HREC used with BEAM188 or BEAM189 and ocean loading, KFLOOD
is always set to 1.
-- The ratio of added
mass of the external fluid over the mass of the fluid displaced by
the element cross section in the y direction (normal). The added mass
represents the mass of the external fluid (ocean water) that moves
with the pipe, beam, or link element when the element moves in the
element y direction during a dynamic analysis.
If no value
is specified, and the coefficient of inertia CMy
is not specified (OCTABLE), both values default
to 0.0.
If no value is specified, but CMy
is specified, this value defaults
to Cay
= CMy
- 1.0.
If this value should be 0.0, enter 0.0.
-- The ratio of added
mass of the external fluid over the mass of a cross section in the
element z direction (normal). The added mass represents the mass of
the external fluid (ocean water) that moves with the pipe, beam, or
link element when the element moves in the element z direction during
a dynamic analysis.
If no value is specified, and Cay is specified, this value defaults to Cay.
If no value is specified, and the coefficient of inertia CMz
is not specified (OCTABLE),
both values default to 0.0.
If no value is specified, but CMz
is specified, this value defaults
to Cay
= CMz
- 1.0.
If this value should be 0.0, enter 0.0.
-- The ratio of buoyancy
force used over buoyancy force based on the outside diameter and water
density. Accept the default value in most cases. Adjust this option
only when you must account for additional hardware (such as a control
valve) attached to the pipe exterior. A non-default value may lead
to small non-physical inconsistencies; testing is therefore recommended
for non-default values.
If no value is specified, this value defaults to 1.0.
If this value should be 0.0 (useful when troubleshooting your input), enter 0.0.
-- A vertical offset
from the global origin to the mean sea level. The default value is
zero (meaning that the origin is located at the mean sea level).
Two example cases for Zmsl
A structure with its origin on the sea floor (Zmsl
A tidal change (tc
) above
the mean sea level (Zmsl
= tc
, and DEPTH
becomes DEPTH
+ tc
-- The dependency
of VAL1
on the OCTABLE command:
Z (or 1) -- Values on the OCTABLE command depend on the Z levels (default). |
RE (or 2) -- Values on the OCTABLE command depend on the Reynolds number. |
-- The incident
wave type:
0 or AIRY -- Small amplitude Airy wave without modifications (default). |
1 or WHEELER -- Small amplitude wave with Wheeler empirical modification of depth decay function. |
2 or STOKES-- Stokes fifth-order wave. |
3 or STREAMFUNCTION -- Stream function wave. |
5 or RANDOM -- Random (but repeatable) combination of linear Airy wave components. |
6 or SHELLNEWWAVE -- Shell new wave. |
7 or CONSTRAINED -- Constrained new wave. |
8 or DIFFRACTED -- Diffracted wave (using imported hydrodynamic data) |
101+ -- API for computing particle velocities and accelerations due to waves and current: |
101 through 200 -- Data preprocessed (via KWAVE
= 0 logic).201+ -- Data not preprocessed. For more information, see the description of the userPartVelAcc
subroutine in the Programmer's Reference.
-- Angle of the wave
direction θ from the global Cartesian X axis toward the global
Cartesian Y axis (in degrees).
(valid when KWAVE
= 0 through 3, and 101+) -- The wave location
0 -- Waves act on elements at their actual locations (default). |
1 -- Elements are assumed to be at wave peak. |
2 -- Upward vertical wave velocity acts on elements. |
3 -- Downward vertical wave velocity acts on elements. |
4 -- Elements are assumed to be at wave trough. |
when KWAVE
= 5 through 7) -- The wave spectrum
0 -- Pierson-Moskowitz (default). |
1 -- JONSWAP. |
2 -- User-defined spectrum. |
-- The wave-current
interaction key.
Adjustments to the current profile are
available via the KCRC
constant of the
water motion table. Typically, these options are used only when the
wave amplitude is large relative to the water depth, such that significant
wave-current interaction exists.
0 -- Use the current profile (as input) for wave locations below the mean water level, and the top current profile value for wave locations above the mean water level (default). |
1 -- Linearly stretch or compress the current profile from the mud line to the top of the wave. |
2 -- Similar to KCRC = 1, but also
adjusts the current profile horizontally such that total flow continuity
is maintained with the input profile. All current directions Th (j) must be identical. |
The following option is valid only when KWAVE = 5 through 7: |
3 -- Nonlinear stretch or compress the current profile, as recommended in API RP 2A Codes of Practice for Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms. |
-- The MacCamy-Fuchs
adjustment key, typically used only for larger-diameter pipes in relatively
shallow water:
0 -- Do not apply the adjustment (default). |
1 -- Apply the adjustment (valid only when KWAVE = 0 or 1). |
-- The wavelength
wave-printout key:
0 -- No extra printout (default). |
1 -- Include the extra printout. |
2 -- Print wave component details (valid only when KWAVE = 5 through 7). |
The following input values are valid only
when KWAVE
= 5 through 7:
-- Activate apparent
period calculation when a wave is superimposed upon a current:
0 -- Not activated (default). |
1 -- Activated. |
-- Stretching depth
Stretching is performed between a distance of DSA * Hs below the mean
water level (MWL) and the water surface, where Hs is the significant wave height measured from the MWL. No stretching
occurs outside this range, or if the wave surface is below the MWL.
If DSA * Hs is
negative, stretching is performed between that level above the MWL
and the water surface. The default DSA value
is 0.5. |
-- Delta stretching
parameter (0.0
A value of 0.0 corresponds to Wheeler stretching under wave crests, 1.0 corresponds to linear extrapolation of kinematics at mean water level to crest. (Default = 0.3.) If zero is required, specify a small positive number (0.01 or less) instead. |
Wave kinematics factor or wave spreading angle:
KINE (KWAVE = 5 or 7) -- Wave kinematics factor (0.0 < KINE
SPANGLE (KWAVE = 6) -- Wave spreading angle in degrees (0.0
SPANGLE ≤ 40.0.). The angle is used to compute a wave spreading
factor to modify the horizontal wave kinematics for nearly unidirectional
seas. SPANGLE = 0.0 corresponds to no spreading.
(Default = 0.0, no spreading.) |
Random seed value for phase angle generation, or wave crest amplitude value:
SEED (KWAVE = 5) -- Initial seed for random phase angle generation. (Default
= 1.) |
AMPMAX (KWAVE = 6) -- Maximum wave crest amplitude (distance between the mean
water level and maximum wave crest). |
AMPCONST (KWAVE = 7) -- Constrained wave crest amplitude (distance between the mean
water level and wave crest). |
The following input values are valid only
when KWAVE
= 6 or 7:
-- Time offset at
which the maximum wave crest will occur. (Default = 0.0.)
-- Position offset
along the wave direction where the maximum wave crest will occur.
(Default = 0.0.)
= 6) -- Activate evolving wave:
0 -- Not activated (default). |
1 -- Activated. |
= 7) -- Initial
seed for random phase angle generation. (Default = 1.)
Usage Hints for Recommendations
given in API RP 2A Codes of Practice for Designing
and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms can be enforced
via the following settings (valid only when
For For |
When using waves in a superelement generation run (ANTYPE,SUBSTR), consider whether you should take the ocean
level into account (SeOcLvL
on the SEOPT command).
An ocean zone is a local space where you can override global ocean-loading parameters. The following arguments specifying the ocean zone values are described in more detail under "Ocean Data Type: Basic (OCTYPE,BASIC)".
-- The inside-outside
fluid-interaction key.
-- The ratio of added
mass of the external fluid over the mass of a cross section in the
element y direction (normal).
-- The ratio of added
mass of the external fluid over the mass of a cross section in the
element z direction (normal).
-- The ratio of buoyancy
force used over buoyancy force based on the outside diameter and water
Ocean zone values specified via the OCDATA command override global ocean-loading parameters.
Arguments not specified default to the global values specified
for the basic ocean type. Therefore, the relationship between Ca
and CM
values (Ca
= CM
- 1.0) is not applied
to ocean zones.
For a pipe-type ocean zone (OCZONE,PIP), KFLOOD
is the only valid option.