These commands are used to load and solve the model. The commands are grouped by functionality.
Table 2.49: Analysis Options
These SOLUTION commands are used to set general analysis options. | ||
ABEXTRACT | Extracts the alpha-beta damping multipliers for Rayleigh damping. | |
ACCOPTION | Specifies GPU accelerator capability options. | |
ADAMS | Performs solutions and writes flexible body information to a modal neutral file. | |
ANTYPE | Specifies the analysis type and restart status. | |
ASCRES | Specifies the output type for an acoustic scattering analysis. | |
ASOL | Activate a specified acoustic solution. | |
BCSOPTION | Sets memory option for the sparse solver. | |
CECHECK | Check constraint equations and couplings for rigid body motions. | |
CHECK | Checks current database items for completeness. | |
CINT | Defines parameters associated with contour integral calculations. | |
CMATRIX | Performs electrostatic field solutions and calculates the self and mutual capacitances between multiple conductors. | |
CMSOPT | Specifies component mode synthesis (CMS) analysis options. | |
CNCHECK | Provides and/or adjusts the initial status of contact pairs. | |
CNKMOD | Modifies contact element key options. | |
CNTR | Redirects contact pair output quantities to a text file. | |
CUTCONTROL | Controls time-step cutback during a nonlinear solution. | |
CYCOPT | Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry analysis. | |
DDOPTION | Sets domain decomposer option for Distributed ANSYS. | |
DMPEXT | Extracts modal damping coefficients in a specified frequency range. | |
DMPOPTION | Specifies distributed memory parallel (Distributed ANSYS) file combination options. | |
DSPOPTION | Sets the memory option for the distributed sparse solver. | |
EXBOPT | Specifies .EXB file output options in a CMS generation pass. | |
EMATWRITE | Forces the writing of all the element matrices to File.EMAT. | |
EQSLV | Specifies the type of equation solver. | |
ERESX | Specifies extrapolation of integration point results. | |
ESCHECK | Perform element shape checking for a selected element set. | |
ESSOLV | Performs a coupled electrostatic-structural analysis. | |
EXPASS | Specifies an expansion pass of an analysis. | |
GAUGE | Gauges the problem domain for an edge-element formulation. | |
GMATRIX | Performs electric field solutions and calculates the self and mutual conductances between multiple conductors. | |
LANBOPTION | Specifies Block Lanczos eigensolver options. | |
LUMPM | Specifies a lumped mass matrix formulation. | |
MODDIR | Activates the remote read-only modal files usage. | |
MONITOR | Controls contents of three variable fields in nonlinear solution monitor file. | |
MSAVE | Sets the memory saving feature for the PCG solver. | |
MSOLVE | Starts multiple solutions for an acoustic analysis. | |
OPNCONTROL | Sets decision parameter for automatically increasing the time step interval. | |
OUTAERO | Outputs the superelement matrices and load vectors to formatted files for aeroelastic analysis. | |
OVCHECK | Checks for over-constraint among constraint equations and Lagrange multipliers. | |
PCGOPT | Controls PCG solver options. | |
PERTURB | Sets linear perturbation analysis options. | |
PRSCONTROL | Specifies whether to include pressure load stiffness in the element stiffness formation. | |
PSCONTROL | Turns off shared-memory parallel operations during solution. | |
RATE | Specifies whether the effect of creep strain rate will be used in the solution of a load step. | |
RESVEC | Calculates residual vectors in a modal analysis, or includes residual vectors in a modal superposition transient/harmonic analysis. | |
RSTOFF | Offsets node or element IDs in the FE geometry record. | |
SCOPT | Specifies System Coupling options. | |
SEEXP | Specifies options for the substructure expansion pass. | |
SEOPT | Specifies substructure analysis options. | |
SNOPTION | Specifies Supernode (SNODE) eigensolver options. | |
/SOLU | Enters the solution processor. | |
SOLVE | Starts a solution. | |
STABILIZE | Activates stabilization for all elements that support nonlinear stabilization. | |
THEXPAND | Enables or disables thermal loading. | |
THOPT | Nonlinear transient thermal solution option. | |
TOFFST | Specifies the temperature offset from absolute zero to zero. |
Table 2.50: Nonlinear Options
These SOLUTION commands are used to define options for nonlinear analyses. | ||
ARCLEN | Activates the arc-length method. | |
ARCTRM | Controls termination of the solution when the arc-length method (ARCLEN,ON) is used. | |
BUCOPT | Specifies buckling analysis options. | |
CNVTOL | Sets convergence values for nonlinear analyses. | |
CRPLIM | Specifies the creep criterion for automatic time stepping. | |
/GST | Turns Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) on or off. | |
LNSRCH | Activates a line search to be used with Newton-Raphson. | |
MXPAND | Specifies the number of modes to expand and write for a modal or buckling analysis. | |
NCNV | Sets the key to terminate an analysis. | |
NEQIT | Specifies the maximum number of equilibrium iterations for nonlinear analyses. | |
NLADAPTIVE | Defines the criteria under which the mesh is refined or modified during a nonlinear solution. | |
NLDIAG | Sets nonlinear diagnostics functionality. | |
NLGEOM | Includes large deformation effects in a static or full transient analysis. | |
NLHIST | Specify result items to track during solution. | |
NLMESH | Controls remeshing in nonlinear adaptivity. | |
NROPT | Specifies the Newton-Raphson options in a static or full transient analysis. | |
PRED | Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis. | |
PSTRES | Specifies whether prestress effects are calculated or included. |
Table 2.51: Dynamic Options
These SOLUTION commands are used to define options for dynamic analyses. | ||
AEROCOEFF | Computes the aero-damping and stiffness coefficients and writes them to an APDL array | |
ALPHAD | Defines the mass matrix multiplier for damping. | |
BETAD | Defines the stiffness matrix multiplier for damping. | |
CYCFREQ | Specifies solution options for a cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis. | |
DMPRAT | Sets a constant modal damping ratio. | |
DMPSTR | Sets a constant structural damping coefficient. | |
FRQSCL | Turns on automatic scaling of the entire mass matrix and frequency range for modal analyses. | |
HARFRQ | Defines the frequency range in the harmonic analysis. | |
HREXP | Specifies the phase angle for the harmonic analysis expansion pass. | |
HROCEAN | Includes ocean wave effects in a harmonic analysis. | |
HROPT | Specifies harmonic analysis options. | |
HROUT | Specifies the harmonic analysis output options. | |
LVSCALE | Scales the load vector for mode-superposition analyses. | |
MASCALE | Turns on the scaling of the entire system matrix. | |
MDAMP | Defines the damping ratios as a function of mode. | |
MDPLOT | Plots frequency-dependent modal damping coefficients. | |
MIDTOL | Sets middle step residual criterion values for structural transient analysis. | |
MODCONT | Creates multiple load vectors in a modal analysis. | |
MODOPT | Specifies modal analysis options. | |
MXPAND | Specifies the number of modes to expand and write for a modal or buckling analysis. | |
QRDOPT | Specifies additional QRDAMP modal analysis option. | |
RIGID | Specifies known rigid body modes (if any) of the model. | |
SUBOPT | Specifies SUBSPACE eigensolver options | |
TIMINT | Turns on transient effects. | |
TINTP | Defines transient integration parameters. | |
TRNOPT | Specifies transient analysis options. |
Table 2.52: Spectrum Options
These SOLUTION commands are used to define options for spectrum analyses. | ||
ADDAM | Specifies the acceleration spectrum computation constants for the analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures. | |
COVAL | Defines PSD cospectral values. | |
CQC | Specifies the complete quadratic mode combination method. | |
DSUM | Specifies the double sum mode combination method. | |
FREQ | Defines the frequency points for the SV vs. FREQ tables. | |
GRP | Specifies the grouping mode combination method. | |
MMASS | Specifies the missing mass response calculation. | |
NRLSUM | Specifies the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) sum mode combination method. | |
PFACT | Calculates participation factors for the PSD or multi-point response spectrum table. | |
PSDCOM | Specifies the power spectral density mode combination method. | |
PSDFRQ | Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum vs. FREQ tables of PSD and multi-point spectrum analyses. | |
PSDGRAPH | Displays input PSD curves | |
PSDRES | Controls solution output written to the results file from a PSD analysis. | |
PSDSPL | Defines a partially correlated excitation in a PSD analysis. | |
PSDUNIT | Defines the type of PSD or multi-point response spectrum. | |
PSDVAL | Defines PSD or multi-point response spectrum values. | |
PSDWAV | Defines a wave propagation excitation in a PSD analysis. | |
QDVAL | Defines PSD quadspectral values. | |
ROCK | Specifies a rocking response spectrum. | |
ROSE | Specifies the Rosenblueth mode combination method. | |
RIGRESP | Selects the spectrum type and other spectrum options. | |
SED | Defines the excitation direction for a single-point response spectrum. | |
SPDAMP | Defines input spectrum damping in a multi-point response spectrum analysis. | |
SPFREQ | Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum tables SPVAL vs. SPFREQ for multi-point spectrum analyses. | |
SPGRAPH | Displays input spectrum curves for MPRS analysis. | |
SPOPT | Selects the spectrum type and other spectrum options. | |
SPUNIT | Defines the type of multi-point response spectrum. | |
SPVAL | Defines multi-point response spectrum values. | |
SRSS | Specifies the square root of sum of squares mode combination method. | |
SV | Defines spectrum values to be associated with frequency points. | |
SVPLOT | Displays input spectrum curves. | |
SVTYP | Defines the type of single-point response spectrum. | |
VDDAM | Specifies the velocity spectrum computation constants for the analysis of shock resistance of shipboard structures. |
Table 2.53: Load Step Options
These SOLUTION commands are used to define options for individual load steps. | ||
AUTOTS | Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping. | |
CAMPBELL | Campbell diagramPrepares the result file for a subsequent analysis. | |
CECMOD | Modifies the constant term of a constraint equation during solution. | |
DELTIM | Specifies the time step sizes to be used for this load step. | |
EXPSOL | Specifies the solution to be expanded for reduced analyses. | |
KBC | Specifies stepped or ramped loading within a load step. | |
KUSE | Specifies whether or not to reuse the factorized matrix. | |
MAGOPT | Specifies options for a 3-D magnetostatic field analysis. | |
MAGSOLV | Specifies magnetic solution options and initiates the solution. | |
MODE | Specifies the harmonic loading term for this load step. | |
NSUBST | Specifies the number of substeps to be taken this load step. | |
NUMEXP | Specifies solutions to be expanded from reduced analyses. | |
TIME | Sets the time for a load step. | |
TREF | Defines the reference temperature for the thermal strain calculations. | |
TSRES | Defines an array of key times at which the time-stepping strategy changes. | |
UPCOORD | Modifies the coordinates of the active set of nodes, based on the current displacements. | |
USRCAL | Allows user-solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated. | |
WRFULL | Stops solution after assembling global matrices. |
Table 2.54: Solid Constraints
These SOLUTION commands are used to define constraints on the solid model. | ||
DA | Defines symmetry or antisymmetry degree-of-freedom constraints on areas. | |
DADELE | Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints on an area. | |
DALIST | Lists the degree-of-freedom constraints on an area. | |
DK | Defines degree-of-freedom constraints at keypoints. | |
DKDELE | Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints at a keypoint. | |
DKLIST | Lists the degree-of-freedom constraints at keypoints. | |
DL | Defines symmetry or antisymmetry degree-of-freedom constraints on lines. | |
DLDELE | Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints on a line. | |
DLLIST | Lists degree-of-freedom constraints on a line. | |
DTRAN | Transfers solid model degree-of-freedom constraints to the finite element model. |
Table 2.56: Solid Surface Loads
These SOLUTION commands are used to define surface loads on the solid model. | ||
SFA | Specifies surface loads on the selected areas. | |
SFADELE | Deletes surface loads from areas. | |
SFALIST | Lists the surface loads for the specified area. | |
SFL | Specifies surface loads on lines of an area. | |
SFLDELE | Deletes surface loads from lines. | |
SFLLIST | Lists the surface loads for lines. | |
SFTRAN | Transfer the solid model surface loads to the finite element model. |
Table 2.57: Solid Body Loads
These SOLUTION commands are used to define body loads on the solid model. | ||
BFA | Defines a body force load on an area. | |
BFADELE | Deletes body force loads on an area. | |
BFALIST | Lists the body force loads on an area. | |
BFK | Defines a body force load at a keypoint. | |
BFKDELE | Deletes body force loads at a keypoint. | |
BFKLIST | Lists the body force loads at keypoints. | |
BFL | Defines a body force load on a line. | |
BFLDELE | Deletes body force loads on a line. | |
BFLLIST | Lists the body force loads on a line. | |
BFTRAN | Transfers solid model body force loads to the finite element model. | |
BFV | Defines a body force load on a volume. | |
BFVDELE | Deletes body force loads on a volume. | |
BFVLIST | Lists the body force loads on a volume. |
Table 2.58: Inertia
These SOLUTION commands are used to define inertial loads on the model. | ||
ACEL | Specifies the linear acceleration of the structure. | |
CGLOC | Specifies the origin location of the acceleration coordinate system. | |
CGOMGA | Specifies the rotational velocity of the global origin. | |
CMACEL | Specifies the translational acceleration of an element component. | |
CMDOMEGA | Specifies the rotational acceleration of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis. | |
CMOMEGA | Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis. | |
CMROTATE | Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis | |
CORIOLIS | Applies the Coriolis effect to a rotating structure. | |
DCGOMG | Specifies the rotational acceleration of the global origin. | |
DOMEGA | Specifies the rotational acceleration of the structure. | |
IRLF | Specifies that inertia relief calculations are to be performed. | |
OMEGA | Specifies the rotational velocity of the structure. | |
SPOINT | Defines a point for moment summations. | |
SYNCHRO | Specifies whether the excitation frequency is synchronous or asynchronous with the rotational velocity of the structure. |
Table 2.59: Miscellaneous Loads
These SOLUTION commands are for miscellaneous load definition and control. | |
ANPRES | Produces an animated sequence of the time-harmonic pressure variation of an engine-order excitation in a cyclic harmonic analysis. |
APORT | Specifies input data for plane wave and acoustic duct ports. |
ASIFILE | Writes or reads one-way acoustic-structural coupling data. |
AWAVE | Specifies input data for an acoustic incident wave. |
BIOT | Calculates the Biot-Savart source magnetic field intensity. |
DFSWAVE | Specifies the incident planar waves with random phases for the diffuse sound field. |
FLUREAD | Reads one-way Fluent-to-Mechanical APDL coupling data via a .cgns file with one-side fast Fourier transformation complex pressure peak value. |
IC | Specifies initial conditions at nodes. |
ICDELE | Deletes initial conditions at nodes. |
ICLIST | Lists the initial conditions. |
ICROTATE | Specifies initial velocity at nodes as a sum of rotation about an axis and translation. |
INISTATE | Applies initial state data to an element or a selection of elements. |
MPCHG | Changes the material number attribute of an element. |
MRPM | Defines the revolutions per minute (RPM) for a machine rotation. |
OUTPR | Controls the solution printout. |
OUTRES | Controls the solution data written to the database. |
RESCONTROL | Controls file writing for multiframe restarts. |
SBCLIST | Lists solid model boundary conditions. |
SBCTRAN | Transfers solid model loads and boundary conditions to the FE model. |
WSPRINGS | Creates weak springs on corner nodes of a bounding box of the currently selected elements. |
XFLIST | Lists enrichment details and associated crack information. |
Table 2.60: Load Step Operations
These SOLUTION commands are used to write and solve multiple load steps. | ||
LSCLEAR | Clears loads and load step options from the database. | |
LSDELE | Deletes load step files. | |
LSREAD | Reads load and load step option data into the database. | |
LSSOLVE | Reads and solves multiple load steps. | |
LSWRITE | Writes load and load step option data to a file. |
Table 2.61: Master Degrees of Freedom
These SOLUTION commands are used to define master degrees of freedom. | ||
M | Defines master degrees of freedom for reduced and superelement generation analyses. | |
MDELE | Deletes master degrees of freedom. | |
MGEN | Generates additional master degrees of freedom from a previously defined set. | |
MLIST | Lists the master degrees of freedom. |
Table 2.63: Rezoning
These SOLUTION commands apply to analyses that use rezoning. | ||
REZONE | Initiates a rezoning operation, sets rezoning options, and rebuilds the database. | |
MAPSOLVE | Maps the solved node and element solutions from an original mesh to a new mesh. | |
MAPVAR | Defines tensors and vectors in user-defined state variables (for user-defined materials or user-defined creep laws). | |
REMESH | Specifies the starting and ending remeshing points. | |
AREMESH | Generates an area for creating a new mesh. |
Table 2.64: 2-D to 3-D Analysis
These SOLUTION commands apply to 2-D to 3-D analyses. | ||
MAP2DTO3D | Initiates the 2-D to 3-D analysis process. |
Table 2.66: FE Constraints
These SOLUTION commands are used to define constraints on the finite element model. | ||
D | Defines degree-of-freedom constraints at nodes. | |
DCUM | Specifies that degree-of-freedom constraint values are to be accumulated. | |
DDELE | Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints. | |
DFLX | Imposes a uniform magnetic flux B on an edge-element electromagnetic model. | |
DJ | Specify boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element. | |
DJDELE | Deletes boundary conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element. | |
DJLIST | Lists boundary conditions applied to joint elements. | |
DLIST | Lists degree-of-freedom constraints. | |
DSCALE | Scales degree-of-freedom constraint values. | |
DSYM | Specifies symmetry or antisymmetry degree-of-freedom constraints on nodes. | |
DVAL | Defines values at enforced group. | |
GSBDATA | Specifies the constraints or applies the load at the ending point for the generalized plane strain element option. | |
GSLIST | When using generalized plane strain, lists the input data or solutions. | |
LDREAD | Reads results from the results file and applies them as loads. |
Table 2.67: FE Forces
These SOLUTION commands are used to define nodal loads on the finite element model. | ||
F | Specifies force loads at nodes. | |
FCUM | Specifies that force loads are to be accumulated. | |
FDELE | Deletes force loads on nodes. | |
FJ | Specify forces or moments on the components of the relative motion of a joint element. | |
FJDELE | Deletes forces (or moments) on the components of the relative motion of a joint element. | |
FJLIST | Lists forces and moments applied on joint elements. | |
FLIST | Lists force loads on the nodes. | |
FSCALE | Scales force load values in the database. |
Table 2.68: FE Surface Loads
These SOLUTION commands are used to define surface loads on the finite element model. | ||
SF | Specifies surface loads on nodes. | |
SFBEAM | Specifies surface loads on beam elements. | |
SFCUM | Specifies that surface loads are to be accumulated. | |
SFDELE | Deletes surface loads. | |
SFE | Specifies surface loads on elements. | |
SFEDELE | Deletes surface loads from elements. | |
SFELIST | Lists the surface loads for elements. | |
SFFUN | Specifies a varying surface load. | |
SFGRAD | Specifies a gradient (slope) for surface loads. | |
SFLIST | Lists surface loads. | |
SFSCALE | Scales surface loads on elements. |
Table 2.69: FE Body Loads
These SOLUTION commands are used to define body loads on the finite element model. | ||
BF | Defines a nodal body force load. | |
BFCUM | Specifies that nodal body force loads are to be accumulated. | |
BFDELE | Deletes nodal body force loads. | |
BFE | Defines an element body force load. | |
BFECUM | Specifies whether to ignore subsequent element body force loads. | |
BFEDELE | Deletes element body force loads. | |
BFELIST | Lists the element body force loads. | |
BFESCAL | Scales element body force loads. | |
BFLIST | Lists the body force loads on nodes. | |
BFSCALE | Scales body force loads at nodes. | |
BFUNIF | Assigns a uniform body force load to all nodes. | |
LDREAD | Reads results from the results file and applies them as loads. | |
RIMPORT | Imports initial stresses from an explicit run into ANSYS. | |
TUNIF | Assigns a uniform temperature to all nodes. |
Table 2.70: Ocean
These SOLUTION commands define ocean load data. | ||
OCDATA | Defines an ocean load using non-table data. | |
OCDELETE | Deletes a previously defined ocean load. | |
OCLIST | Summarizes all currently defined ocean loads. | |
OCREAD | Reads externally defined ocean data. | |
OCTABLE | Defines an ocean load using table data. | |
OCTYPE | Specifies the type of ocean load data to follow (basic, current, or wave). | |
OCZONE | Specifies the type of ocean zone data to follow (component, Z-level, or pipe) |
Table 2.71: Status
These SOLUTION commands are for use with the STAT command. | ||
ATYPE | Specifies "Analysis types" as the subsequent status topic. | |
BIOOPT | Specifies "Biot-Savart options" as the subsequent status topic. | |
DEACT | Specifies "Element birth and death" as the subsequent status topic. | |
DYNOPT | Specifies "Dynamic analysis options" as the subsequent status topic. | |
GAP | Specifies "Reduced transient gap conditions" as the subsequent status topic. | |
GENOPT | Specifies "General options" as the subsequent status topic. | |
INRTIA | Specifies "Inertial loads" as the subsequent status topic. | |
LSOPER | Specifies "Load step operations" as the subsequent status topic. | |
MASTER | Specifies "Master DOF" as the subsequent status topic. | |
NLOPT | Specifies "Nonlinear analysis options" as the subsequent status topic. | |
OUTOPT | Specifies "Output options" as the subsequent status topic. | |
SMBODY | Specifies "Body loads on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic. | |
SMCONS | Specifies "Constraints on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic. | |
SMFOR | Specifies "Forces on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic. | |
SMSURF | Specifies "Surface loads on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic. | |
SOLUOPT | Specifies "Solution options" as the subsequent status topic. | |
SPTOPT | Specifies "Spectrum analysis options" as the subsequent status topic. |
Table 2.72: Explicit Dynamics
These SOLUTION commands are used for an explicit dynamic analysis. | ||
EDADAPT | Activates adaptive meshing in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDALE | Assigns mesh smoothing to explicit dynamic elements that use the ALE formulation. | |
EDBVIS | Specifies global bulk viscosity coefficients for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCADAPT | Specifies adaptive meshing controls for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCPU | Specifies CPU time limit for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCSC | Specifies whether to use subcycling in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDCTS | Specifies mass scaling and scale factor of computed time step for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDDAMP | Defines mass weighted (Alpha) or stiffness weighted (Beta) damping for an explicit dynamics model. | |
EDDRELAX | Activates initialization to a prescribed geometry or dynamic relaxation for the explicit analysis. | |
EDDUMP | Specifies output frequency for the explicit dynamic restart file (d3dump). | |
EDENERGY | Specifies energy dissipation controls for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDFPLOT | Allows plotting of explicit dynamics forces. | |
EDGCALE | Defines global ALE controls for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDHGLS | Specifies the hourglass coefficient for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDHIST | Specifies time-history output for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDHTIME | Specifies the time-history output interval for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDINT | Specifies number of integration points for explicit shell and beam output. | |
EDIS | Specifies stress initialization in an explicit dynamic full restart analysis. | |
EDLOAD | Specifies loads for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDOPT | Specifies the type of output for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDOUT | Specifies time-history output (ASCII format) for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDPL | Plots a time dependent load curve in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDPVEL | Applies initial velocities to parts or part assemblies in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDRC | Specifies rigid/deformable switch controls in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDRD | Switches a part from deformable to rigid or from rigid to deformable in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDRI | Defines inertia properties for a new rigid body that is created when a deformable part is switched to rigid in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDRST | Specifies the output interval for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDRUN | Specifies serial or parallel processing for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDSHELL | Specifies shell computation controls for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDSOLV | Specifies "explicit dynamics solution" as the subsequent status topic. | |
EDSTART | Specifies status (new or restart) of an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDTERM | Specifies termination criteria for an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDTP | Plots explicit elements based on their time step size. | |
EDVEL | Applies initial velocities to nodes or node components in an explicit dynamic analysis. | |
EDWRITE | Writes explicit dynamics input to an LS-DYNA input file. | |
REXPORT | Exports displacements from an implicit run to ANSYS LS-DYNA. |
Table 2.73: Radiosity
These SOLUTION commands are used to calculate the radiation view factors and to specify the solution parameters for the Radiosity solver method. | ||
HEMIOPT | Specifies options for Hemicube view factor calculation. | |
RADOPT | Specifies Gauss-Seidel Radiosity Solver options. | |
RDEC | Defines the decimation parameters used by the radiosity solver method. | |
RSOPT | Creates or loads the radiosity mapping data file for SURF251 or SURF252 element types. | |
RSURF | Generates the radiosity surface elements and stores them in the database. | |
RSYMM | Defines symmetry, rotation, or extrusion parameters for the radiosity method. | |
SPCNOD | Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiosity method. | |
SPCTEMP | Defines a free-space ambient temperature for radiation using the Radiosity method. | |
STEF | Specifies Stefan-Boltzmann radiation constant. | |
V2DOPT | Specifies 2-D/axisymmetric view factor calculation options. | |
VFOPT | Specifies options for view factor file. | |
QSOPT | Specifies quasi static radiation options. |
Table 2.74: ANSYS Multi-field solver Definition Commands
These SOLUTION commands are used to define the fields for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | ||
MFCMMAND | Captures field solution options in a command file. | |
MFELEM | Defines a field by grouping element types. | |
MFEM | Adds more element types to a previously defined field number. | |
MFEXTER | Defines external fields for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFFNAME | Specifies a file name for a field in an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. |
Table 2.75: ANSYS Multi-field solver Global Controls
These SOLUTION commands set global controls for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | ||
MFANALYSIS | Turns an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis on or off. | |
MFCLEAR | Deletes ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis settings. | |
MFFR | Sets up Multi-Field relaxation factors for field solutions. | |
MFINTER | Specifies the interface load transfer interpolation option for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFLIST | Lists the settings for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFORDER | Specifies field solution order for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFPSIMUL | Sets up a field solver group to simultaneously process with code coupling analyses. | |
MFSORDER | Sets up the solution sequence of simultaneous field solver groups for code coupling analyses. | |
MFWRITE | Writes a master input file for MFX multiple code coupling. |
Table 2.76: ANSYS Multi-field solver Time Controls
These SOLUTION commands set time controls for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | ||
MFCALC | Specifies a calculation frequency for a field in an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFDTIME | Sets time step increment for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFOUTPUT | Specifies results file output frequency for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFRSTART | Specifies a restart time for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFTIME | Sets end time for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. |
Table 2.77: ANSYS Multi-field solver Load Transfer
These SOLUTION commands are used to define load transfer for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | ||
MFLCOMM | Defines a load transfer for code coupling analyses. | |
MFSURFACE | Defines a surface load transfer for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFVOLUME | Defines volume load transfer across interface for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. |
Table 2.78: ANSYS Multi-field solver Convergence Controls
These SOLUTION commands are used to define convergence controls for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | ||
MFCONV | Sets convergence values for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFITER | Sets the maximum number of stagger iterations for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFRELAX | Sets relaxation values for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. |
Table 2.79: ANSYS Multi-field solver Interface Mapping
These SOLUTION commands are used to define mapping details for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | ||
MFBUCKET | Turns a bucket search on or off. | |
MFCI | Sets the pixel resolution used by the CPP interpolation scheme. | |
MFMAP | Calculates, saves, resumes, or deletes mapping data in an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. | |
MFTOL | Turns normal distance checking on for surface mapping in an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. |