WRFULL, Ldstep
Stops solution after assembling global matrices.

Compatible Products: – | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | Ent PP | Ent Solver | –


Specify action to take:

OFF or 0


Turn off feature (default)



Turn on feature and set it to stop after assembling the global matrices and writing the .FULL file for load step N.

Command Default

By default the WRFULL command is turned OFF.


This command is used in conjunction with the SOLVE command to generate the assembled matrix file (.FULL file) only. The element matrices are assembled into the relevant global matrices for the particular analysis being performed and the .FULL file is written. Equation solution and the output of data to the results file are skipped. To dump the matrices written on the .FULL file into Harwell-Boeing format, use the HBMAT command in /AUX2. To copy the matrices to a postscript format that can be viewed graphically, use the PSMAT command.

To use the LSSOLVE macro with this command, you may need to modify the LSSOLVE macro to properly stop at the load step of interest.

This command only valid for linear static, full harmonic, and full transient analyses when the sparse direct solver is selected. This command is also valid for buckling or modal analyses with any mode extraction method. This command is not valid for nonlinear analyses. It is not supported in a linear perturbation analysis.

In general, the assembled matrix file .FULL contains stiffness, mass, and damping matrices. However, the availability of the matrices depends on the analysis type chosen when the file is written.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Stop Solution
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Stop Solution

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.