Adds a number offset to defined items.
Apply offset number to one of the following sets of items:
NODE | — | Nodes |
ELEM | — | Elements |
KP | — | Keypoints |
LINE | — | Lines |
AREA | — | Areas |
VOLU | — | Volumes |
MAT | — | Materials |
TYPE | — | Element types |
REAL | — | Real constants |
CP | — | Coupled sets |
SECN | — | Section numbers |
CE | — | Constraint equations |
CSYS | — | Coordinate systems |
Offset number value (cannot be negative)
Attribute reference key:
0 – Add number offset to defined items only (default)
1 – Add number offset to all attribute references (includes undefined items)
Useful for offsetting current model data to prevent overlap if another model is read in. CDWRITE automatically writes the appropriate NUMOFF commands followed by the model data to File.CDB. When the file is read, therefore, any model already existing in the database is offset before the model data on the file is read.
Offsetting material numbers with this command (NUMOFF,MAT) does not update the material number referenced by either of the following:
A mismatch may therefore exist between the material definitions and the material numbers referenced.