, NK2
, NK3
, NK4
, NK5
, NK6
, NL1
, NL2
, NL3
, NL4
, NL5
, NL6
Generates lines by sweeping a keypoint pattern along path.
, NK2
, NK3
. . . , NK6
List of keypoints in the pattern to be dragged (6 maximum
if using keyboard entry). If NK1
= P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only
in the GUI). If NK1
= ALL, all selected keypoints
(except those that define the drag path) will be swept along the path. A
component name may also be substituted for NK1
, NL2
, NL3
. . . , NL6
List of lines defining the path along which the pattern is to be dragged (6 maximum if using keyboard entry). Must be a continuous set of lines.
Generates lines (and their corresponding keypoints) by sweeping a given
keypoint pattern along a characteristic drag path. If the drag path consists
of multiple lines, the drag direction is determined by the sequence in which
the path lines are input (NL1
, NL2
etc.). If the drag path is a single line (NL1
the drag direction is from the keypoint on the drag line that is closest to
the first keypoint of the given pattern to the other end of the drag line.
The magnitude of the vector between the keypoints of the given pattern and the first path keypoint remains constant for all generated keypoint patterns and the path keypoints. The direction of the vector relative to the path slope also remains constant so that patterns may be swept around curves. Keypoint and line numbers are automatically assigned (beginning with the lowest available values [NUMSTR]). For best results, the entities to be dragged should be orthogonal to the start of the drag path. Drag operations that produce an error message may create some of the desired entities prior to terminating.