/MREP, NAME, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, . . . , ARG4, ARG5, ARG6, ARG7, ARG8, ARG9, ARG10, ARG11, ARG12, ARG13, ARG14, ARG15, ARG16, ARG17, ARG18
Enables you to reissue the graphics command macro "name" during a replot or zoom operation.

Compatible Products: – | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | Ent PP | Ent Solver | DYNA


The name identifying the macro file or macro block on a macro library file. The name can contain up to eight characters maximum and must begin with a letter.

ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, . . . , ARG18

Values to be passed into the file or block.


This command reissues the graphics command macro "name" during a replot operation [/REPLOT] or a zoom [/ZOOM] operation. The ANSYS program passes the command macro arguments to the replot and zoom feature for use by the graphics macro. You should place the s-MREP command at the end of the graphics command macro, following the last graphics command within the macro, to enable the replot or zoom feature.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.