*NRM, Name, NormType, ParR, Normalize
Computes the norm of the specified matrix or vector.

Compatible Products: – | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | Ent PP | Ent Solver | DYNA

Argument Descriptions


Matrix or vector for which the norm will be computed. This can be a dense matrix (created by the *DMAT command), a sparse matrix (created by the *SMAT command) or a vector (created by the *VEC command)


Mathematical norm to use:

NRM2 -- 

L2 (Euclidian or SRSS) norm (default).

NRM1 -- 

L1 (absolute sum) norm (vectors only).


Maximum norm.


Parameter name that contains the result.


Normalization key; to be used only for vectors created by *VEC:

YES -- 

Normalize the vector such that the norm is 1.0.

NO -- 

Do not normalize the vector (default).


The NRM2 option corresponds to the Euclidian or L2 norm and is applicable to either vectors or matrices. The NRM1 option corresponds to the L1 norm and is applicable to vectors only. The NRMINF option is the maximum norm and is applicable to either vectors or matrices.

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.