, Func
, Par1
, CON1
, CON2
, CON3
Performs a function on a single array parameter.
The name of the resulting numeric array parameter vector. See *SET for name restrictions.
Function to be performed:
Arccosine: ACOS(Par1
Arcsine: ASIN(Par1
Par1 is sorted in ascending order. *VCOL, *VMASK, *VCUM, and *VLEN,,NINC do not apply. *VLEN,NROW does apply.
Arctangent: ATAN(Par1
Compress: Selectively compresses
data set. "True" (*VMASK) values of Par1
row positions to be considered according to the NINC
on the *VLEN command) are written in compressed form to ParR
starting at the specified position.
Copy: Par1
to ParR
Cosine: COS(Par1
Hyperbolic cosine: COSH(Par1
Direction cosines of the
principal stresses (n
X9). Par1
the n
X6 component stresses for the n
locations of the calculations.
sorted in descending order. *VCOL, *VMASK, *VCUM,
and *VLEN,,NINC do not apply. *VLEN,NROW
does apply.
Euler angles of the principal
stresses (n
X3). Par1
the n
X6 component stresses for the n
locations of the calculations.
Exponential: EXP(Par1
Expand: Reverse of the COMP
function. All elements of Par1
(starting at the
position specified) are written in expanded form to corresponding "true" (*VMASK)
positions (or row positions to be considered according to the NINC
on the *VLEN command) of ParR
Natural logarithm: LOG(Par1
Common logarithm: LOG10(Par1
Nearest integer: 2.783 becomes 3.0, -1.75 becomes -2.0.
Logical complement: values
0.0 (false) become 1.0 (true). Values > 0.0 (true) become
0.0 (false).
Principal stresses (n
X5). Par1
contains the n
X6 component stresses for the n
of the calculations.
Power function: Par1
Exponentiation of any negative number in the vector Par1
a non-integer power is performed by exponentiating the positive number and
prepending the minus sign. For example, -4**2.3 is -(4**2.3).
Sine: SIN(Par1
Hyperbolic sine: SINH(Par1
Square root: SQRT(Par1
Tangent: TAN(Par1
Hyperbolic tangent: TANH(Par1
Tangent to a path at a point:
the slope at a point is determined by linear interpolation half way between
the previous and next points. Points are assumed to be in the global Cartesian
coordinate system. Path points are specified in array Par1
3 consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing the x, y, and z
coordinate locations, respectively, of the points). Only the starting row
index and the column index for the x coordinates are specified, such as A(1,1).
The y and z coordinates of the vector are assumed to begin in the corresponding
next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3). The tangent result, ParR
must also have 3 consecutive columns of data and will contain the tangent
direction vector (normalized to 1.0); such as 1,0,0 for an x-direction vector.
Normal to a path and an input
vector at a point: determined from the cross-product of the calculated tangent
vector (see TANG) and the input direction vector (with the i, j, and k components
input as CON1
, CON2
and CON3
). Points are assumed to be in the global
Cartesian coordinate system. Path points are specified in array Par1
3 consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing the x, y, and z
coordinate locations, respectively, of the points). Only the starting row
index and the column index for the x coordinates are specified, such as A(1,1).
The y and z coordinates of the vector are assumed to begin in the corresponding
next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3). The normal result, ParR
must also have 3 consecutive columns of data and will contain the normal direction
vector (normalized to 1.0); such as 1,0,0 for an x-direction vector.
Transforms global Cartesian
coordinates of a point to the coordinates of a specified system: points to
be transformed are specified in array Par1
3 consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing the x, y, and z
global Cartesian coordinate locations, respectively, of the points). Only
the starting row index and the column index for the x coordinates are specified,
such as A(1,1). The y and z coordinates of the vector are assumed to begin
in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3). Results are
transformed to coordinate system CON1
(which may
be any valid coordinate system number, such as 1,2,11,12, etc.). The transformed
result, ParR
, must also have 3 consecutive columns
of data and will contain the corresponding transformed coordinate locations.
Transforms specified coordinates
of a point to global Cartesian coordinates: points to be transformed are specified
in array Par1
(having 3 consecutive columns of
data, with the columns containing the local coordinate locations (x, y, z
or r, θ, z or etc.) of the points). Only the starting row index
and the column index for the x coordinates are specified, such as A(1,1).
The y and z coordinates (or θ and z, or etc.) of the vector are
assumed to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3).
Local coordinate locations are assumed to be in coordinate system CON1
may be any valid coordinate system number, such as 1,2,11,12, etc.). The
transformed result, ParR
, must also have 3 consecutive
columns of data, with the columns containing the global Cartesian x, y, and
z coordinate locations, respectively.
Array parameter vector in the operation.
, CON2
, CON3
Constants (used only with the PWR, NORM, LOCAL, and GLOBAL functions).
Operates on one input array parameter vector and produces one output array parameter vector according to:
= f(Par1
where the functions (f) are described below.
Functions are based on the standard FORTRAN definitions where possible.
Out-of-range function results (or results with exponents whose magnitudes
are approximately greater than 32 or less than -32) produce a zero value.
Input and output for angular functions may be radians (default) or degrees
[*AFUN]. ParR
may be the same
as Par1
. Starting array element numbers must be
defined for each array parameter vector if it does not start at the first
location. For example, *VFUN,A,SQRT,B(5) takes the square
root of the fifth element of B and stores the result in the first element
of A. Operations continue on successive array elements [*VLEN, *VMASK]
with the default being all successive elements. Absolute values and scale
factors may be applied to all parameters [*VABS, *VFACT].
Results may be cumulative [*VCUM]. Skipping array elements
via *VMASK or *VLEN for the TANG and
NORM functions skips only the writing of the results (skipped array element
data are used in all calculations). See the *VOPER command
for details.
This command is valid in any processor.