Table of Contents
- F - Specifies force loads at nodes.
- /FACET - Specifies the facet representation used to form solid model displays.
- FC - Provides failure criteria information and activates a
data table to input temperature-dependent stress and strain limits.
- FCCHECK - Checks both the strain and stress input criteria for all materials.
- FCDELE - Deletes previously defined failure criterion data for
the given material.
- FCLIST - To list what the failure criteria is that you have input.
- /FCOMP - Specifies file compression level.
- FCUM - Specifies that force loads are to be accumulated.
- FCTYP - Activates or removes failure-criteria types for postprocessing.
- FDELE - Deletes force loads on nodes.
- /FDELE - Deletes a binary file after it is used.
- FEBODY - Specifies "Body loads on elements" as the subsequent status topic.
- FECONS - Specifies "Constraints on nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
- FEFOR - Specifies "Forces on nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
- FESURF - Specifies "Surface loads on elements" as the subsequent status
- *FFT - Computes the fast Fourier transformation of a specified
matrix or vector.
- FILE - Specifies the data file where results are to be found.
- FILEAUX2 - Specifies the binary file to be dumped.
- FILEAUX3 - Specifies the results file to be edited.
- FILEDISP - Specifies the file containing the graphics data.
- FILL - Generates a line of nodes between two existing nodes.
- FILLDATA - Fills a variable by a ramp function.
- /FILNAME - Changes the Jobname for the analysis.
- FINISH - Exits normally from a processor.
- FITEM - Identifies items chosen by a picking operation (GUI).
- FJ - Specify forces or moments on the components of the relative motion
of a joint element.
- FJDELE - Deletes forces (or moments) on the components of the relative
motion of a joint element.
- FJLIST - Lists forces and moments applied on joint elements.
- FK - Defines force loads at keypoints.
- FKDELE - Deletes force loads at a keypoint.
- FKLIST - Lists the forces at keypoints.
- FLIST - Lists force loads on the nodes.
- FLST - Specifies data required for a picking operation (GUI).
- FLUXV - Calculates the flux passing through a closed contour.
- FLUREAD - Reads one-way Fluent-to-Mechanical APDL coupling data
via a .cgns file with one-side fast Fourier transformation
complex pressure peak value.
- /FOCUS - Specifies the focus point (center of the window).
- FORCE - Selects the element nodal force type for output.
- FORM - Specifies the format of the file dump.
- /FORMAT - Specifies format controls for tables.
- *FREE - Deletes a matrix or a solver object and frees its memory
- FREQ - Defines the frequency points for the SV vs. FREQ tables.
- FRQSCL - Turns on automatic scaling of the entire mass matrix and
frequency range for modal analyses.
- FSCALE - Scales force load values in the database.
- FSSECT - Calculates and stores total linearized stress components.
- FSSPARM - Calculates reflection and transmission properties of a
frequency selective surface.
- FSUM - Sums the nodal force and moment contributions of elements.
- FTRAN - Transfers solid model forces to the finite element model.
- FTYPE - Specifies the file type and pressure type for the subsequent
import of source points and pressures.
- FVMESH - Generates nodes and tetrahedral volume elements from detached
exterior area elements (facets).