, Lab2
, Lab3
, LabP
Prints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines.
Predefined vector item (from Table 216: PRVECT - Valid Item and Component Labels below) or a label identifying the i-component of a user-defined vector.
Label identifying the j-component of a user-defined
vector. In most cases, this value must be blank if Item
is selected from Table 216: PRVECT - Valid Item and Component Labels. Individual principal
stresses (Item
= S) or principal strains
= EPxx
) may be printed by specifying the value as 1, 2, or 3.
Label identifying the k-component of a user-defined
vector. Must be blank if Item
is selected
from list below or for 2-D user defined vector.
Label assigned to resultant vector for printout labeling
(defaults to Item
Prints various solution results as vector magnitude and direction
cosines for the selected nodes and/or elements. For example, PRVECT,U prints the displacement magnitude and its direction
cosines for all selected nodes. For nodal degree of freedom vector
results, direction cosines are with respect to the results coordinate
system RSYS. For element results, direction cosines are with respect
to the global Cartesian system. Item components may be printed with
the PRNSOL command. Various results also depend
upon the recalculation method and the selected results location [LAYER, SHELL, NSEL, and ESEL]. Items may be selected from a set
of recognized vector labels (Item
) or a
vector may be defined from up to three scalar labels (Item
). Scalar labels may be user-defined with the ETABLE command.
Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS,POWER].
Table 216: PRVECT - Valid Item and Component Labels
Item | Comp | Description |
Valid item labels for nodal degree of freedom vector results are: | ||
U | Structural displacement vector magnitude and direction cosines. | |
ROT | Structural rotation vector magnitude and direction cosines. | |
V | Velocity vector magnitude and direction cosines. | |
A | Magnetic vector potential vector magnitude and direction cosines. | |
Valid item labels for element results are: | ||
S | Principal stresses and direction cosines. | |
EPTO | Principal total strains (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR) and direction cosines. | |
EPEL | Principal elastic strains and direction cosines. | |
EPPL | Principal plastic strains and direction cosines. | |
EPCR | Principal creep strains and direction cosines. | |
EPTH | Principal thermal strains and direction cosines. | |
EPDI | Principal diffusion strains and direction cosines. | |
TG | Thermal gradient vector sum and direction cosines. | |
TF | Thermal flux vector sum and direction cosines. | |
PG | Pressure gradient vector sum and direction cosines. | |
EF | Electric field vector sum and direction cosines. | |
D | Electric flux density vector sum and direction cosines. | |
H | Magnetic field intensity
vector sum and direction cosines. If Lab2 is blank, then Item is interpreted as one of the predefined labels.
Otherwise, Item is interpreted as a user-defined ET label and ANSYS will request a non-blank Lab2 /Lab3 according to the dimension of the
problem. | |
B | Magnetic flux density vector sum and direction cosines. | |
CG | Concentration gradient vector sum and direction cosines. | |
DF | Diffusion flux density vector sum and direction cosines. | |
FMAG | Electromagnetic force vector sum and direction cosines. | |
P | Poynting vector sum and direction cosines. | |
JS | Source current density vector sum and direction cosines for low-frequency magnetic analyses. Total current density vector sum and direction cosines (sum of conduction and displacement current densities) in low frequency electric analyses. | |
JT | Total measurable current density vector sum and direction cosines in low-frequency electromagnetic analyses. (Conduction current density vector sum and direction cosines in a low-frequency electric analysis.) | |
JC | Conduction current density vector sum and direction cosines for elements that support conduction current calculation. |