Table of Contents
- TALLOW - Defines the temperature table for safety factor calculations.
- TARGET - Specifies the target nodes for mapping pressures onto
surface effect elements.
- *TAXIS - Defines table index numbers.
- Activates a data table for material
properties or special element input.
- TBCOPY - Copies a data table from one material
to another.
- TBDATA - Defines data for the material data table.
- TBDELE - Deletes previously defined material data tables.
- TBEO - Sets special options or parameters for material data tables.
- TBIN - Sets parameters used for interpolation of
the material data
- TBFIELD - Defines values of field variables for material data tables.
- TBFT - Performs material curve-fitting operations.
- TBLE - Specifies "Data table properties" as the subsequent status
- TBLIST - Lists the material data tables.
- TBMODIF - Modifies data for the material data table (GUI).
- TBPLOT - Displays the material data table.
- TBPT - Defines a point on a nonlinear data curve.
- TBTEMP - Defines a temperature for a material data table.
- TCHG - Converts 20-node degenerate tetrahedral elements to their
10-node non-degenerate counterparts.
- /TEE - Writes a list of commands to a specified file at the same
time that the commands are being executed.
- TERM - Specifies various terminal driver options.
- THEXPAND - Enables or disables thermal loading
- THOPT - Specifies nonlinear transient thermal solution options.
- TIFF - Provides TIFF file Export for ANSYS Displays.
- TIME - Sets the time for a load step.
- TIMERANGE - Specifies the time range for which data are to be stored.
- TIMINT - Turns on transient effects.
- TIMP - Improves the quality of tetrahedral elements that are
not associated with a volume.
- TINTP - Defines transient integration parameters.
- /TITLE - Defines a main title.
- /TLABEL - Creates annotation text (GUI).
- TOFFST - Specifies the temperature offset from absolute zero to zero.
- *TOPER - Operates on table parameters.
- TORUS - Creates a toroidal volume.
- TRANS - Reformats File.GRPH for improved performance
with plotters.
- TRANSFER - Transfers a pattern of nodes to another coordinate system.
- *TREAD - Reads data from an external file into a table array parameter.
- TREF - Defines the reference temperature for thermal strain calculations.
- /TRIAD - Shows the global XYZ coordinate triad on displays.
- /TRLCY - Specifies the level of translucency.
- TRNOPT - Specifies transient analysis options.
- TRPDEL - Deletes particle flow or charged particle trace points.
- TRPLIS - Lists the particle flow or charged particle trace points.
- TRPOIN - Defines a point through which a particle flow or charged particle
trace will travel.
- TRTIME - Defines the options used for the PLTRAC (particle
flow or charged particle trace) command.
- TSHAP - Defines simple 2-D and 3-D geometric surfaces for target segment
- Creates annotation text attributes (GUI).
- TSRES - Defines an array of key times at which the time-stepping strategy
- TUNIF - Assigns a uniform temperature to all nodes.
- TVAR - Changes time to the cumulative iteration number.
- /TXTRE - Controls application of texture to selected items.
- /TYPE - Defines the type of display.
- TYPE - Sets the element type attribute pointer.