The capability of modeling electric force coupling in elastic dielectrics exists in the following elements:
PLANE223 - 2-D 8-Node Coupled-Field Solid |
SOLID226 - 3-D 20-Node Coupled-Field Solid |
SOLID227 - 3-D 10-Node Coupled-Field Solid |
Elastic dielectrics exhibit a deformation when subject to an electrostatic field. The electric body force that causes the deformation can be derived from the Maxwell stress tensor [σM] (Landau and Lifshitz([359])).
(10–59) |
{E} = electric field intensity vector |
{D} = electric flux density vector |
Applying the variational principle to the stress equation of motion and to the charge equation of electrostatics coupled by electric force produces the following finite element equation:
(10–60) |
[K] = element structural stiffness matrix (see [Ke] in Equation 2–58) |
[M] = element mass matrix (see [Me] in Equation 2–58) |
[Kd] = element dielectric permittivity coefficient matrix (see [Kvs] in Equation 5–117) |
[C] = element structural damping matrix (discussed in Damping Matrices) |
[Cvh] = element dielectric damping matrix (defined by Equation 5–116) |
{F} = vector of nodal and surface forces (defined by Equation 2–56 and Equation 2–58) |
{L} = vector of nodal, surface, and body charges (see {Le} in Equation 5–117) |
The electrostatic softening matrix [Keu] and the coupling matrix [KeV] are calculated as derivatives of the nodal electric force {Fe} with respect to displacement and voltage:
These derivatives are obtained by applying the chain rule to the following expression for the electric force:
where: |
[B] = strain-displacement matrix (see Equation 2–44) |
The strong (matrix) coupling between structural and electric equations in the finite element system (Equation 10–60) allows the linear perturbation modal and harmonic analyses to be used following a nonlinear static or transient analysis.
Note that the finite element system (Equation 10–60) is symmetric due to the negative sign assigned to the electric equation.