
Basic information

  • Semester: 2024/25/1
  • Neptun code: BMEGEMMAGM3 / BMEGEMMBXM3
  • Credit points: 5
  • Classes per week: 2 lecture + 2 practice
  • Requirement type: exam

Data sheet


  • Dr. Giuseppe HABIB (lecture, email: habib(at)mm.bme.hu),
  • Dr. Adám KISS (practice, email: kiss_a(at)mm.bme.hu)

Important dates (Semester 2023/24/2)

  • First homework assignment deadline: October 23rd, 23:50
  • Second homework assignment deadline: November 27th, 23:50
  • First midterm: November 6th, 16:15 - 17:00
  • Second midterm: November 28th, 18:15 - 19:00
  • First midterm retake: TBA
  • Second midterm retake: TBA


Attending theoretical and practical classes is compulsory. However, absences due to health issues will not be counted as missed classes.

  • Theory: Wednesday 10:15-12:00 (KF87)
  • Practice: Wednesday 16:15-18:00 (KF87)


Please, inform the lecturers in advance if you plan to attend a consultation. Consultation times are as follows:

  • Dr. Giuseppe HABIB: Monday 16.00-16.45, building MM, ground floor, room 9 (starting from Sept. 16th).
  • Dr. Ádám KISS: TBA

Homework assignements

Homework assignements can be downloaded at this link: https://www.mm.bme.hu/hfgen/en .
You can check your results at the link: https://www.mm.bme.hu/hwchk/en.
Homework must be submitted through the Moodle system.
Homework assignments will receive a pass/fail mark. Difficult to read homeworks, unclear homeworks, or homeworks not presenting results in the assignment page will be automatically considered as failed.

Semester conditions

Conditions for obtaining the signature (required to be allowed to the exam):
  • Submission of two homework at a minimum acceptable level before the deadline
  • Writing of two midterm tests obtaining at least a mark of 2/5 for each of them

Makeup opportunities:

  • Missed, wrong, or not accepted HWs are to be submitted again as soon as possible but at the latest two weeks after the official deadline. Otherwise, the semester cannot be validated, signature will not be given. Homeworks submitted after the deadline are subject to an extra process fee. Late submission is NOT possible after two weeks after the origianl deadline. After two weeks of each homework deadline, whoever has not submitted yet the homework has an automatic fail mark and cannot get the signature.
  • Missed (only if the reason for missing can be justified), failed, or miscarried midterm tests can be repeated ONCE in the retake-week. There will be one retake test for each of the midterms. The miscarried retake test cannot be repeated again; in this case, the semester cannot be validated, signature will not be given.

Exam and final mark:

  • The final exam is in written and in oral form. Both written and oral exams are compulsory for every student. However, if the teacher assumes that the final mark is already well defined by the written exam and the midterm tests, he can propose the student skip the oral exam (the student may still decide to take the oral exam). To access the oral exam, it is required to obtain at least 40% of the points in the written exam.
  • A mark will be assigned based on the midterm tests and on the written exam. Two grading possibilities are planned: (i) mark based on the final exam only, or (ii) mark based on the final exam (60%) and on the midterms (40%) (valid only for midtems passed during the semester, not during the retake); the combination which provides the highest mark for each student will be used.
  • The oral exam allows the students to increase/decrease their mark by one (e.g. a two might become a three). However, if the oral exam is of excessively poor quality, the teacher reserves the right to give a fail to a student, even if his/her starting mark (after tests and written exam) was 3 or greater.


To pass the exam, your lecture notes are probably the best source for studying. No additional material is required. However, for those interested in looking at the subject from a different perspective, we suggest a list of textbooks. Please notice that each book might use a different nomenclature.

  • Csernak, G., Habib, G.: Lecture Notes on Dynamics
  • Beer, F.P., Johnston, E. R.: Vector Mechanics for Engineers. Dynamics. McGraw-Hill, 2004.
  • Tongue, B.H., Sheppard, S.D.: Dynamics. Analysis and Design of Systems in Motion. John Wiley ans Sons, 2005.
  • McLean, W.G., Nelson, E.W.: Engineering Mechanics. Statics and Dynamics. Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
  • Hibbeler, R.C.: Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics 11th ed, SI version. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
  • Meriam, J.L., Kraige, L.G.: Engineering Mechanics, Dynaimics, 5th edition, SI version. John Wiley and Sons, 2003

(updated on 3 Sept. 2024)