Two of our colleagues received Academy Youth Prize!

Dr. Szabolcs Berezvai és Dr. Dávid Hajduhave been awarded the Academy Youth Prize, announced by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Established in 1972, this recognition is awarded annually to 25 researchers.



Szabolcs Berezvai won NKFI grant

Dr. Szabolcs Berezvai received funding for NKFI research project with title Exploring Uncertainties in Soft Robotics through Mechanical Characterisation of Unstable Soft Structures.


Hanna Zsófia Horváth won the Tamás Roska Scientific Lecture competition

Our colleague Hanna Zsófia Horváth won the 4th Tamás Roska Scientific Lecture competition. The Tamás Roska Scientific Lecture is open to candidates who have achieved outstanding results in their research, and who have presented their achievements in the form of scientific publications and lectures. The plenary lecture will be held in the framework of the Technical Sciences Section of the 37th OTDK. Hanna's supervisor for Student's Scientific Conferences and doctoral studies is Dénes Takács.


Zoltán Dombóvári is again MTA Lendület winner!

Zoltán Dombóvári received support from MTA to establish an advanced Lendület research group with his proposal titled "Impulse-based theory to release data-oriented nonlinear description for machining processes". With this support his current Lendület group can continue the work for further 5 years. This year 21 new Lendület research group is established, for details see the website of MTA.


Dávid Hajdu, Ádám Kiss and Attila Kossa received Bolyai János Research Scholarship

Three of our colleagues has been awarded the MTA Bolyai János Research Scholarship:

Dr. Dávid Hajdu: Irregular dynamics of regular milling tools

Dr. Ádám Kiss: Extension of safety control of mechanical systems in the presence of time delay

Dr. Attila Kossa: Data-based mechanical modelling of hyperelastic materials



Hanna Zsófia Horváth received the audience award at the Center European final of the MT180 competition

Our colleague Hanna Zsófia Horváth won the audience award at the Center European final of the "MT180 - My dissertation in 180 seconds" competition organized by the French Institute of Budapest and Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). The title of her presentation was "Vibrations of anholonomic systems". Margit Bende helped her to prepare for the competition.


Szabolcs Berezvai received Excellent Teacher Prize of BME

Assistant professor Szabolcs Berezvai received the Excellent Teacher Prize of BME. This prize is awarded based on the recommendation of University Students' Representation to professors who are in the first five places in the Student Opinion Survey (OHV). Congratulations!


Hanna Zsófia Horváth won the MT180 competition

Our colleague Hanna Zsófia Horváth won first prize at the national round of "MT180 - My dissertation in 180 seconds" competition organised by the French Institute of Budapest and ESSCA-Budapest. With this result she made it to the competition of Central European universities. The title of her presentation was "Vibrations of anholonomic systems". Hanna's supervisor is Dénes Takács, and Margit Bende helped her to prepare to the competition.
