Controls file writing for multiframe restarts for the ANSYS Multi-field solver.
Frequency at which the .Xnnn files are written.
0 | — | Do not write any .Xnnn files for this simulation |
LAST | — | Write the .Xnnn files for the last multifield time step (default). |
| — | If N is a positive number, write the .Xnnn file every Nth multifield time step. If N is a negative number write N equally spaced .Xnnn file for the entire simulation time. If auto time stepping is on, write the file at the multifield time step which first exceeds one of the equally spaced time points. |
Maximum number of .Xnnn files to save for a multifield analysis.
0 | — | Do not overwrite existing .Xnnn files (default). The total maximum number of .Xnnn files for one run is 999. If this number is reached before the analysis is complete, the analysis will continue, but will no longer write .Xnnn files. |
| — | The maximum number of .Xnnn file to keep for this multifield simulation. When this number of .Rnnn have been written, ANSYS will overwrite the first .Xnnn file of the subsequent multifield time step. |
This command sets up the restart parameters for a multiframe restart, allowing you to restart an analysis from any multifield time step for which there is a .Rnnn file. You can perform a multiframe restart only for nonlinear static and full transient structural, thermal and thermal- structural (see RESCONTROL for details).
If you have many multifield time steps, and are writing .Xnnn files frequently, use MAXFILES
to limit the number of .Xnnn files saved, since
these files can fill up your disk quickly.
For a CFX analysis, you must also configure the MFOUTPUT and MFRSTART settings to ensure consistent time points for postprocessing and restart simulation.
For MFX simulation, the RESCONTROL command will be ignored.
Default Behavior
In nonlinear static and full transient analyses, the default behavior is multiframe restart. (MFRC,LAST). By default, the .Rnnn file is written at the last multifield time step . An .Rnnn file and corresponding load set of .ldhi files is also written at the multifield time step prior to the abort point of the run if an abort file was used, or if the job terminated because of a failure to converge or some other solution error. No information at the aborted multifield time step is saved in either the .Rnnn file or the .ldhi file.
This command cannot be issued after restarting a multifield analysis.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.