E Commands

Table of Contents

E - Defines an element by node connectivity.
EALIVE - Reactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).
ECPCHG - Optimizes degree-of-freedom usage in a coupled acoustic model.
EDADAPT - Activates adaptive meshing in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDALE - Assigns mesh smoothing to explicit dynamic elements that use the ALE formulation.
EDASMP - Creates a part assembly to be used in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDBOUND - Defines a boundary plane for sliding or cyclic symmetry.
EDBX - Creates a box shaped volume to be used in a contact definition for explicit dynamics.
EDBVIS - Specifies global bulk viscosity coefficients for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDCADAPT - Specifies adaptive meshing controls for an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDCGEN - Specifies contact parameters for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDCLIST - Lists contact entity specifications in an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDCMORE - Specifies additional contact parameters for a given contact definition in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDCNSTR - Defines various types of constraints for an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDCONTACT - Specifies contact surface controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDCPU - Specifies CPU time limit for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDCRB - Constrains two rigid bodies to act as one in an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDCSC - Specifies whether to use subcycling in an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDCTS - Specifies mass scaling and scale factor of computed time step for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDCURVE - Specifies data curves for an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDDAMP - Defines mass weighted (Alpha) or stiffness weighted (Beta) damping for an explicit dynamics model.
EDDBL - Selects a numerical precision type of the explicit dynamics analysis.
EDDC - Deletes or deactivates/reactivates contact surface specifications in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDDRELAX - Activates initialization to a prescribed geometry or dynamic relaxation for the explicit analysis.
EDDUMP - Specifies output frequency for the explicit dynamic restart file (d3dump).
EDELE - Deletes selected elements from the model.
EDENERGY - Specifies energy dissipation controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDFPLOT - Allows plotting of explicit dynamics forces and other load symbols.
EDGCALE - Defines global ALE controls for an explicit dynamic analysis.
/EDGE - Displays only the common lines (“edges”) of an object.
EDHGLS - Specifies the hourglass coefficient for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDHIST - Specifies time-history output for an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDHTIME - Specifies the time-history output interval for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDINT - Specifies number of integration points for explicit shell and beam output.
EDIPART - Defines inertia for rigid parts in an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDIS - Specifies stress initialization in an explicit dynamic full restart analysis.
EDLCS - Defines a local coordinate system for use in explicit dynamics analysis.
EDLOAD - Specifies loads for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDMP - Defines material properties for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDNB - Defines a nonreflecting boundary in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDNDTSD - Allows smoothing of noisy data for explicit dynamics analyses and provides a graphical representation of the data.
EDNROT - Applies a rotated coordinate nodal constraint in an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDOPT - Specifies the type of output for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDOUT - Specifies time-history output (ASCII format) for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDPART - Configures parts for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDPC - Selects and plots explicit dynamic contact entities.
EDPL - Plots a time dependent load curve in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDPVEL - Applies initial velocities to parts or part assemblies in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDRC - Specifies rigid/deformable switch controls in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDRD - Switches a part from deformable to rigid or from rigid to deformable in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDREAD - Reads explicit dynamics output into variables for time-history postprocessing.
EDRI - Defines inertia properties for a new rigid body that is created when a deformable part is switched to rigid in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDRST - Specifies the output interval for an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDRUN - Specify LS-DYNA serial or parallel processing.
EDSHELL - Specifies shell computation controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDSOLV - Specifies "explicit dynamics solution" as the subsequent status topic.
EDSP - Specifies small penetration checking for contact entities in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDSTART - Specifies status (new or restart) of an explicit dynamics analysis.
EDTERM - Specifies termination criteria for an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDTP - Plots explicit elements based on their time step size.
EDVEL - Applies initial velocities to nodes or node components in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDWELD - Defines a massless spotweld or generalized weld for use in an explicit dynamic analysis.
EDWRITE - Writes explicit dynamics input to an LS-DYNA input file.
EEXTRUDE - Extrudes 2-D plane elements into 3-D solids during a 2-D to 3-D analysis.
/EFACET - Specifies the number of facets per element edge for PowerGraphics displays.
EGEN - Generates elements from an existing pattern.
*EIGEN - Performs a modal solution with unsymmetric or damping matrices.
EINFIN - Generates structural infinite elements from selected nodes.
EINTF - Defines two-node elements between coincident or offset nodes.
EKILL - Deactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).
ELBOW - Specifies degrees of freedom to be coupled for end release and applies section constraints to elbow elements.
ELEM - Specifies "Elements" as the subsequent status topic.
ELIST - Lists the elements and their attributes.
*ELSE - Separates the final if-then-else block.
*ELSEIF - Separates an intermediate if-then-else block.
EMAGERR - Calculates the relative error in an electrostatic or electromagnetic field analysis.
EMATWRITE - Forces the writing of all the element matrices to File.EMAT.
EMF - Calculates the electromotive force (emf), or voltage drop along a predefined path.
EMFT - Summarizes electromagnetic forces and torques.
EMID - Adds or removes midside nodes.
EMIS - Specifies emissivity as a material property for the Radiation Matrix method.
EMODIF - Modifies a previously defined element.
EMORE - Adds more nodes to the just-defined element.
EMSYM - Specifies circular symmetry for electromagnetic sources.
EMTGEN - Generates a set of TRANS126 elements.
EMUNIT - Specifies the system of units for magnetic field problems.
EN - Defines an element by its number and node connectivity.
*END - Closes a macro file.
*ENDDO - Ends a do-loop and starts the looping action.
*ENDIF - Ends an if-then-else.
ENDRELEASE - Specifies degrees of freedom to be decoupled for end release.
ENERSOL - Specifies the total energies to be stored.
ENGEN - Generates elements from an existing pattern.
ENORM - Reorients shell element normals or line element node connectivity.
ENSYM - Generates elements by symmetry reflection.
/EOF - Exits the file being read.
EORIENT - Reorients solid element normals.
EPLOT - Produces an element display.
EQSLV - Specifies the type of equation solver.
ERASE - Explicitly erases the current display.
/ERASE - Specifies that the screen is to be erased before each display.
EREAD - Reads elements from a file.
EREFINE - Refines the mesh around specified elements.
EREINF - Generates reinforcing elements from selected existing (base) elements.
ERESX - Specifies extrapolation of integration point results.
ERNORM - Controls error estimation calculations.
ERRANG - Specifies the element range to be read from a file.
ESCHECK - Perform element shape checking for a selected element set.
ESEL - Selects a subset of elements.
/ESHAPE - Displays elements with shapes determined from the real constants, section definition, or other inputs.
ESIZE - Specifies the default number of line divisions.
ESLA - Selects those elements associated with the selected areas.
ESLL - Selects those elements associated with the selected lines.
ESLN - Selects those elements attached to the selected nodes.
ESLV - Selects elements associated with the selected volumes.
ESOL - Specifies element data to be stored from the results file.
ESORT - Sorts the element table.
ESSOLV - Performs a coupled electrostatic-structural analysis.
ESTIF - Specifies the matrix multiplier for deactivated elements.
ESURF - Generates elements overlaid on the free faces of selected nodes.
ESYM - Generates elements from a pattern by a symmetry reflection.
ESYS - Sets the element coordinate system attribute pointer.
ET - Defines a local element type from the element library.
ETABLE - Fills a table of element values for further processing.
ETCHG - Changes element types to their corresponding types.
ETCONTROL - Control the element technologies used in element formulation (for applicable elements).
ETDELE - Deletes element types.
ETLIST - Lists currently defined element types.
ETYPE - Specifies "Element types" as the subsequent status topic.
EUSORT - Restores original order of the element table.
EWRITE - Writes elements to a file.
EXBOPT - Specifies .EXB file output options in a CMS generation pass.
*EXIT - Exits a do-loop.
/EXIT - Stops the run and returns control to the system.
EXOPTION - Specifies the EXPROFILE options for the Mechanical APDL to ANSYS CFX profile file transfer.
EXP - Forms the exponential of a variable.
EXPAND - Displays the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.
/EXPAND - Allows the creation of a larger graphic display than represented by the actual finite element analysis model.
EXPASS - Specifies an expansion pass of an analysis.
*EXPORT - Exports a matrix to a file in the specified format.
EXPROFILE - Exports Mechanical APDL interface data on selected nodes to an ANSYS CFX Profile file.
EXPSOL - Specifies the solution to be expanded for mode-superposition analyses or substructure analyses.
EXTOPT - Controls options relating to the generation of volume elements from area elements.
EXTREM - Lists the extreme values for variables.
EXUNIT - Specifies the interface data unit labels to be written to the profile file from Mechanical APDL to ANSYS CFX transfer.

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.