M Commands

Table of Contents

M - Defines master degrees of freedom for superelement generation analyses.
MAGOPT - Specifies options for a 3-D magnetostatic field analysis.
MAGSOLV - Specifies magnetic solution options and initiates the solution.
/MAIL - Mails file to the specified address.
MAP - Maps pressures from source points to target surface elements.
/MAP - Enters the mapping processor.
MAP2DTO3D - Initiates a 2-D to 3-D analysis and maps variables.
MAPSOLVE - Maps solved node and element solutions from an original mesh to a new mesh.
MAPVAR - Defines tensors and vectors in user-defined state variables for rezoning and in 2-D to 3-D analyses.
MASCALE - Activates scaling of the entire system matrix.
MASTER - Specifies "Master DOF" as the subsequent status topic.
MAT - Sets the element material attribute pointer.
MATER - Specifies "Material properties" as the subsequent status topic.
MCHECK - Checks mesh connectivity.
MDAMP - Defines the damping ratios as a function of mode.
MDELE - Deletes master degrees of freedom.
MDPLOT - Plots frequency-dependent modal damping coefficients calculated by DMPEXT.
MEMM - Allows the current session to keep allocated memory
/MENU - Activates the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
*MERGE - Merges two dense matrices or vectors into one.
MESHING - Specifies "Meshing" as the subsequent status topic.
MFANALYSIS - Activates or deactivates an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFBUCKET - Turns a bucket search on or off.
MFCALC - Specifies a calculation frequency for a field in an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFCI - Sets the control parameters used by the conservative (CPP) interpolation scheme.
MFCLEAR - Deletes ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis settings.
MFCMMAND - Captures field solution options in a command file.
MFCONV - Sets convergence values for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFDTIME - Sets time step sizes for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFELEM - Defines a field by grouping element types.
MFEM - Add more element types to a previously defined field number.
MFEXTER - Defines external fields for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFFNAME - Specifies a file name for a field in an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFFR - Setup Multi-Field relaxation factors for field solutions.
MFIMPORT - Imports a new field into a current ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFINTER - Specifies the interface load transfer interpolation option for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFITER - Sets the number of stagger iterations for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFLCOMM - Defines a load transfer for code coupling analyses.
MFLIST - Lists the settings for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFMAP - Calculates, saves, resumes, or deletes mapping data in an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFORDER - Specifies field solution order for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFOUTPUT - Specifies results file output frequency for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
*MFOURI - Calculates the coefficients for, or evaluates, a Fourier series.
MFPSIMUL - Sets up a field solver group to simultaneously process with code coupling analyses.
MFRC - Controls file writing for multiframe restarts for the ANSYS Multi-field solver.
MFRELAX - Sets relaxation values for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFRSTART - Specifies restart status for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFSORDER - Sets up the solution sequence of simultaneous field solver groups for code coupling analyses.
MFSURFACE - Defines a surface load transfer for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFTIME - Sets end time for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFTOL - Activates or deactivates normal distance checking for surface mapping in an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
*MFUN - Copies or transposes an array parameter matrix.
MFVOLUME - Defines a volume load transfer for an ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis.
MFWRITE - Writes an ANSYS master input file for MFX multiple code coupling.
MGEN - Generates additional MDOF from a previously defined set.
MIDTOL - Sets midstep residual criterion values for structural transient analyses.
/MKDIR - Creates a directory.
MLIST - Lists the MDOF of freedom.
MMASS - Specifies the missing mass response calculation.
MMF - Calculates the magnetomotive force along a path.
MODCONT - Specify additional modal analysis options.
MODDIR - Activates the remote read-only modal files usage.
MODE - Specifies the harmonic loading term for this load step.
MODIFY - Changes the listed values of the data in a set.
MODMSH - Controls the relationship of the solid model and the FE model.
MODSELOPTION - Specifies the criteria for selecting the modes to be expanded.
MODOPT - Specifies modal analysis options.
MONITOR - Controls contents of three variable fields in nonlinear solution monitor file.
*MOPER - Performs matrix operations on array parameter matrices.
MOPT - Specifies meshing options.
MORPH - Specifies morphing and remeshing controls.
MOVE - Calculates and moves a node to an intersection.
MP - Defines a linear material property as a constant or a function of temperature.
MPAMOD - Modifies temperature-dependent secant coefficients of thermal expansion.
MPCHG - Changes the material number attribute of an element.
MPCOPY - Copies linear material model data from one material reference number to another.
MPDATA - Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.
MPDELE - Deletes linear material properties.
MPDRES - Reassembles existing material data with the temperature table.
/MPLIB - Sets the default material library read and write paths.
MPLIST - Lists linear material properties.
MPPLOT - Plots linear material properties as a function of temperature.
MPREAD - Reads a file containing material properties.
MPRINT - Specifies that radiation matrices are to be printed.
MPTEMP - Defines a temperature table for material properties.
MPTGEN - Adds temperatures to the temperature table by generation.
MPTRES - Restores a temperature table previously defined.
MPWRITE - Writes linear material properties in the database to a file (if the LIB option is not specified) or writes both linear and nonlinear material properties (if LIB is specified) from the database to a file.
/MREP - Enables you to reissue the graphics command macro "name" during a replot or zoom operation.
MRPM - Defines the revolutions per minute (RPM) for a machine rotation.
MSAVE - Sets the solver memory saving option. This option only applies to the PCG solver (including PCG Lanczos).
*MSG - Writes an output message via the ANSYS message subroutine.
MSHAPE - For elements that support multiple shapes, specifies the element shape to be used for meshing.
MSHCOPY - Simplifies the generation of meshes that have matching node element patterns on two different line groups (in 2-D) or area groups (3-D).
MSHKEY - Specifies whether free meshing or mapped meshing should be used to mesh a model.
MSHMID - Specifies placement of midside nodes.
MSHPATTERN - Specifies pattern to be used for mapped triangle meshing.
MSOLVE - Starts multiple solutions for an acoustic analysis.
/MSTART - Controls the initial GUI components.
MSTOLE - Adds two extra nodes from FLUID116 elements to SURF151 or SURF152 elements for convection analyses.
*MULT - Performs the matrix multiplication M3 = M1(T1)*M2(T2).
*MWRITE - Writes a matrix to a file in a formatted sequence.
MXPAND - Specifies the number of modes to expand and write for a modal or buckling analysis.

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.